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1. Part I: Throughout this unit, we have discussed ways that illustrations can help to convey a point or to exemplify an idea that a writer is trying to communicate. No doubt, you find yourself in sit

1. Part I: Throughout this unit, we have discussed ways that illustrations can help to convey a point or to exemplify an idea that a writer is trying to communicate. No doubt, you find yourself in situations all the time in which you must use illustrations. Think about a time when you conveyed a point to someone—a friend, relative, coworker, or colleague—and used an exceptionally apt illustration to drive home a point. You can also write about a time when someone provided you with an enlightening example that crystalized an idea for you. You might also choose to write about how you use illustrations in your daily life.

Do you use illustrations to teach others? How have you used examples to win an argument, teach your child a difficult lesson, or to explain a problem? In what ways are illustrations a part of your daily interactions with others?

Part II: An illustration essay operates on the principle that an argument must be supported with illustrations in order to be effective. Though you will not write an extended illustration essay in this course, it is important to understand how illustrations function to support a point and how to effectively use illustrations in your writing. Write a paragraph to support one of the following prompts; use formal academic tone and at least two specific illustrations to help support the prompt. If you use any source materials for information, be sure to cite appropriately!

  • People should consider adopting shelter or rescue pets instead of purchasing expensive breeds.
  • All people over 18 years old should vote.
  • New York City, NY, is a great place to vacation for people of all ages.
  • Simone Biles is one of the world’s greatest athletes.
  • Lebron James is the greatest basketball player of all time.
  • Dolly Parton is one of the greatest country musicians of all time.
  • The age to legally purchase tobacco products should be raised to 21 years old.

Please be sure to review the Illustration Paragraph Example at the top of this question before beginning this discussion board post. 

You will respond to at least one peer (no less than 200 words). If no initial posts exist to allow for a response to be made, you may submit an additional initial post addressing another aspect of the unit topic.

2. Respond To Dominick 

I am very familiar with depicting a situation or story with visual animations as well as illustrations. My friends and I volunteer at an after school program for children and teens who have hearing loss. We tell a story by sign language we perform and entertain the students by illustrating fun stories. Sometimes verbal interaction is overrated. I find it very stimulating and gratifying to illustrate and get my point my across without speaking. 

   There are many forms of illustration. One type of illustration is concept art which is a form of visual imagery created to convey a concept or message some types of media such as video games, films and animations are used to get your point across 

  Illustrations of deaf people can include paintings, drawings, sculptures, performances and films. Most people include sign language as there main communication with people who are heard of hearing. We frequently put on plays while one person of the group will stand at the podium and sign what we are performing

   The students can also use illustrations to express there feelings we encourage them to do this with drawing and paintings I find it so exhilarating when I understand the message they are trying to tell

   I used my own weekly activity as my example for illustrations. I felt it was the best way to describe the use of illustrations because it’s real life. And when something is demonstrated in our every day activity it’s so much easier to understand 

2. It is widely known that smoking is bad for your health. If everyone knows it is so harmful, why do so many people do it? Discuss why people start smoking and the challenges people face in attempting to quit smoking.

3. Respond to Sandy 

I think the reason so many people smoke is because there so many options in smoking. The older generation of smoking is because everyone was smoking at that time. They started at a young age working in fields and it could have been a stress reliever and to look a little cool.  My mother started smoking at a young age because it was a cool thing to do, something easy for her to get her hands on since her parents smoked. Growing up around her smoking has made me turn out not liking it. I do not smoke and do not care to smell like it. And I think with me not following the smoking trend that my kids have also followed the no smoking trend. we all hate the smell of smoke. We do have family members that smoke but we don’t judge them because they try and not smoke next to us.

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