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1 piece of media-advertising evidence of your choice that illustrates messages about social class.Context surrounding your evidence to support your peers’ interpretation.This week we will be performin

  • 1 piece of media-advertising evidence of your choice that illustrates messages about social class.
  • Context surrounding your evidence to support your peers’ interpretation.

This week we will be performing as media and marketing socio cultural researchers! Observe ways in which the media reproduces (or deconstructs) narratives surrounding social class. The best way to approach this is to look towards advertising. Use your own photographs to observe in a public space or scour the internet to capture and collect evidence on the following question (no words, only images):

“How does media and advertising play a role in our experience of social class?”


1. Make observations throughout the week that you feel could provide an illustration to the question: “How does media and advertising play a role in our experience of social class?”

  • Here are some examples:  to an external site. (do not use any from this page.) Also, you should be looking to find these examples while coming across them doing your normal daily activities rather than seek them out via an online search. Do your best to make sure what you submit is easily readable and in focus. Concentrate your observations on advertising found at home, at school, at the store, the internet, billboards, movie previews, etc. Your job is to look for examples from daily life.

2.  Provide context for your peers about the piece of evidence you gathered. As a reminder, context is the set of circumstances or facts that surround the creation of a piece of media or work of art. There is no word count on this criteria but you should provide enough information to support your peers’ interpretations, don’t give away your own interpretations quite yet! You may use a bulleted list for this part of the assignment if preferred.

  • Questions that can provide context: Where did you locate your observation? Was it in public, if so, where? How was it accessed? Was it on a specific platform or device? When was it accessed? For what purpose was the media piece you found made?

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