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1. question • You will create a six-week psycho-educational group. Create it in a PowerPoint presentation. • You will explain what the group is about and what you want clients to learn (the

1. question

•      You will create a six-week psycho-educational group. Create it in a PowerPoint presentation.

•      You will explain what the group is about and what you want clients to learn (the outcome) from the group. You will explain what you are doing each week in the group. Activities, length of each session, etc. You must include your screening methods and your evaluation in addition to the six weeks. 

•      Your assignment will be graded based on grammar, proper explanation, using APA 7th edition references, and assignment format.

Some of the possible topics you can choose

•      Anxiety management

•      Relapse Prevention

•      Coping skills

•      Healthy relationship

•      Dealing with Grief

•      Self-Esteem & Compassion

•      Health and Nutrition

•      Time management and Goal Setting

•      Stress Management

•      Domestic Violence

•      Anger Management

The following explanation is just for you to refer to, do not copy it. It is just a layout. Your assignment should include proper details and explanations.

Explanation of what is needed in the assignment

•      What all you need to include in the project

Psychoeducation groups are therapeutic interventions designed to provide individuals with information, education, and support related to specific psychological or behavioral issues.

These groups aim to increase participants’ knowledge, enhance coping skills, and promote positive behavioral changes.

•      Example


Title of your Group: Building Resilience: A Six-week Psychoeducational Group

Group Overview: The Building Resilience group aims to provide participants with valuable psycho-education and practical skills to enhance their resilience in coping with life’s challenges. The overarching goal is to empower individuals to navigate stressors, setbacks, and uncertainties with increased emotional strength and adaptability.

Include the venue, when, and where the Group will be conducted.

Explain the objective of the group

How many members will be in the group?

•      Screening Methods: it should be in detail

•      Potential participants will be screened through a brief interview and self-assessment questionnaire, focusing on their current stressors, coping mechanisms, and readiness for change. Individuals with a diverse range of stressors and experiences will be welcomed to foster a supportive and inclusive group dynamic.

•      Outcome: By the end of the six-week program, participants should be able to:

1.     Identify personal stressors and triggers.

2.     Develop an understanding of resilience and its components.

3.     Acquire practical coping strategies.

4.     Foster a supportive community within the group.

5.     Demonstrate improved emotional regulation.


•      Week 1: Introduction to Resilience

·        Session Overview: Introduction to the concept of resilience.

·        Activities: Group introductions, self-assessment of stressors, and group contract establishment.

·        Duration: 90 minutes


•      Week 2: Understanding Stress

·        Session Overview: Identify different stressors and their impact on mental health.

·        Activities: Stress inventory, group discussion, and stress management techniques.

Duration: 90 minutes


•      Week 3: Building Emotional Intelligence

·        Session Overview: Explore emotional intelligence and its role in resilience.

·        Activities: Emotional awareness exercises, group sharing, and role-playing.

•      Duration: 90 minutes


•      Week 4: Coping Strategies

·        Session Overview: Introduce practical coping mechanisms.

·        Activities: Mindfulness meditation, journaling, and small-group discussions.

•      Duration: 90 minutes


•      Week 5: Social Support

·        Session Overview: Discuss the importance of social connections.

·        Activities: Group activities promoting bonding, and trust-building exercises.

·        Duration: 90 minutes

Week 6

•      Week 6: Review and Future Planning

·        Session Overview: Reflect on progress and create individualized resilience plans.

·        Activities: Group sharing, goal-setting.

·        Duration: 90 minutes


•      Evaluation: A pre-and-post-program assessment will be conducted using standardized scales measuring stress levels, coping strategies, and perceived resilience. Additionally, qualitative feedback will be collected throughout the program to gauge participants’ experiences and identify areas for improvement.

•      This psycho-educational group is designed to be an interactive and supportive space where participants can learn from one another while developing practical skills to enhance their resilience.

WEEK WISE-Example of Week 1

•      Each Week should have a beginning phase, Middle, and Closing phase

•      Explain everything like the way you will conduct it in real

•      For Example Week 1-

·        Introduction to the concept of resilience.

·        Activities: Group introductions, self-assessment of stressors, and group contract establishment.

·        You have to explain what icebreakers you will use

·        How you will start the first day of the Group- you can use name tags if needed

·        What Dyad, round activities you will use- if using assessment then explain the assessment like you will use it with the group members.

·        Mention the Group Rules

Example of Group Rules

•      HousekeepingWashrooms are out the door to your right.We will have a 10-minute break halfway through the session.Make sure to be back on time to get the most out of the session.Please turn off your cell phones.Please be courteous and respectful to others.Raise your hand if you need to say something.On the table is an Info Box. Please write questions on the notepad and put it in the box. We will touch on each topic as we move on.Make sure to let me know ahead of time if you can not make it to a session.Please complete your assignments it will help you on your recovery journey.Participation.Our words shared in this group will be confidential.Remember this is a SAFE and RESPECTFUL environment at all times.

•      Beginning Phase (How much time you will use for it- mention that like 20 minutes including the ice breaker and your introduction)

Introduction of the group leader or counselor-

Tell about yourself

Then how you will start for example using the icebreaker

Middle Phase

Introduction to Resilience (15 minutes)

Self-Assessment (15 minutes)

Explain what self-assessment you will be using and what the purpose of the assessment is.

Group activity on Resilience (20 minutes)

Explain the activity- with the Goal and the activity

Closing Phase

•      Closing phase- (20 minutes)

•      Thank you for being here today.

•      Please tell me, very briefly, how you felt at the beginning of the session and how you are feeling now.

•      Summarise your Session and give homework if needed based on     what your topic is



Asha has been asked to lead a group at the drug treatment center. The topic of the group is anger

management. The group is planning to meet once a week for five weeks. Asha is nervous because it is

her first time leading a group by herself. She is working on planning the first session. She reviewed her

group counseling text book from her graduate program focusing on planning the first session. She knows she is supposed to cover rules, introductions, and purpose, while also making the group interesting.

Asha is feeling overwhelmed because of her lack of experience and lack of confidence in her ability to plan effective groups. She approaches a co-worker who has been working at the treatment center for eight years. When she presents her concern about planning, her colleague suggests she think of

planning the three phases: the warm-up, the middle, and the closing. Asha takes her colleague’s

suggestion and starts to plan the three phases. She remembers her professor’s stressing the importance  of the opening few minutes of the first session because the opening sets the tone for the group. She also

remembers that the closing of the first session is different from the closing of other sessions. Explain your Answers in details like it is the actual session:

1.    What suggestions would you give Asha for the warm-up phase of the first session of this group?

2.    What suggestions would you give Asha for the middle phase of the first session of this group?

3.    What suggestions would you give Asha for the closing phase of the first session of this group?

4.    Explain some Rounds and Dyads that Asha can use?

3. Question

Use font times roman 12 and double space. If you copy and paste from the book you mark zero. Explain in your own words.Review Question-1.Explain each of the terms listed ( do not copy and paste from your book.) in your own words and how you will demonstrate or approach each of these as a group facilitator.1.Active Listening2.Reflection3.Dyads4.Drawing out5.Cutting off

2.Create three different therapeutic rounds that you will use to deepen the member’s work on the following:a. Griefb.anxiety

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