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10 Lesson plan project part 2

Must be knowable with GELDS standards. Georgia PRE-k

Awesome B-5

Student #1

BRFV 4461

September 24, 2023

DOL Week 5

Project Topic: Fall and Changing Weather

Sub Topics: GELDS Used

Introduction to Fall and Seasons:

– What is fall?

– The concept of seasons (spring,
summer, fall, winter)

– Characteristics of fall (changing
leaves, cooler weather, shorter days)

Weather Changes:

– Discussing temperature changes in fall

– Identifying fall clothing (sweaters,
jackets, scarves)

– Observing changes in the sky (clouds,
rain, sunshine

CLL 1.4a- Listens and responds on top to
conversations and group discussions for
an extended period.

CD-SC2.4c- Makes simple observations
of the characteristics, movement, and
seasonal changes of sun, moon, stars, and
clouds. Compares the day time/night time

CD-SC2.4d- Uses appropriate vocabulary
to discuss climate and changes in weather.

CD-MA3.4d-Associates and describes the
passage of time with actual events.

Leaves and Trees:

– Exploring different types of leaves
(shape, size, color)

– Collecting and examining fall leaves

– Learning about deciduous and
evergreen trees

Animals in Fall:

– Animal migration (birds, butterflies)

– Hibernation (bears, squirrels)

– How animals prepare for winter.

CD-SC3.4a- Observes, explores and
describes a variety of animals and plants.
Describes their basic needs and life cycles
of living things.

CD-CP1.4b- Explains why simple events
occur using reasoning skills.

CLL8.4a- Demonstrates interest in
different kinds of literature, such as fiction
books, non-fiction books and poetry, on a
range of topics.

Fall Colors and Art:

– Mixing and exploring fall colors (red,
orange, yellow, brown)

– Leaf rubbings and leaf art projects

– Fall-themed collages and paintings

Fall Foods and Senses:

– Tasting fall foods (apples, pumpkins,

– Using senses to explore fall (smelling
leaves, crunching leaves)

– Cooking simple fall recipes (apple
sauce, pumpkin muffins)

CD-CR2.4a- Uses materials to create
original work for self-expression and to
express individual creativity.

CD-CP2.4c-Uses observation and
imitation to transfer knowledge to new

CD-SC1.4a-Uses senses to observe,
classify and learn about objects and

Songs and Music:

– Singing fall-related songs and rhymes

– Creating simple musical instruments
with fall materials (acorns, leaves)

– Fall-themed music and dance

CD-CR3.4a- Uses familiar rhymes, songs,
chants and musical instruments to express

CD-CR4.4b- Uses dialogue, actions,
objects and imagination to tell a creative

Storytime and Literature:

– Reading fall-themed books and stories

– Discussing characters and settings in
fall books

– Creating a classroom reading nook
with fall-themed books

CLL8.4a- Demonstrates interest in
different kinds of literature, such as fiction
books, non-fiction books and poetry, on a
range of topics.

CLL8.4d- Recognizes and reads
environmental print.

Outdoor Exploration:

– Nature walks to observe fall changes

– Scavenger hunts for fall items (acorns,

– Leaf pile play and jumping

CD-SC1.4a-Uses senses to observe,
classify and learn about objects and

CD-SC3.4a- Observes, explores and
describes a variety of animals and plants.

Science and Nature:

– Exploring the science of changing

– Growing fall plants (pumpkins,

– Investigating weather changes in fall

Describes their basic needs and life cycles
of living things.

CD-SC2.4d- Uses appropriate vocabulary
to discuss climate and changes in weather.

Math Activities:

– Counting fall objects (leaves, acorns)

– Sorting and categorizing fall items by
size, color, and shape

– Simple addition and subtraction using
fall-themed manipulatives

CD-MA1.4b- Recognizes numerals and
uses counting as part of play and as a
means for determining quantity.

CD-MA2.4b- Counts at least 10 objects
using one-to-one correspondence.

CD-MA4.4a- Independently orders
objects using one characteristic and
describe the criteria used.

CD-MA4.4b- Sorts and classifies objects
using one or more attributes or

CD-MA7.4a-Estimates using
mathematical terms and understands how
to check the estimate.

Family and Community Involvement:

– Inviting families to share their fall

– Organizing a fall-themed community
event or field trip

CD-SS2.4b- Explains diverse customs and
cultural celebrations within the home,
classroom, and community.

CD-SS2.4c- Recognizes similarities and
differences between own cultures and that
of others.

CD-SS3.4b- Identifies and describes
aspects of his/her community.

Dramatic Play:

– Setting up a fall-themed dramatic play
area (farm, pumpkin patch)

– Encouraging role-play related to fall

CD-CR4.4a- Participates in dramatic play

CD-CR4.4d- Participates in dramatic play
to express thoughts, feelings and

Lesson Plan Ideas:

Phonological Awareness: Segmenting Sentences about changes in fall. Segmenting
syllables using fall words: fall, boots, coat, jacket, mitten, hibernate, scarf, autumn.

Alphabet Awareness: Leaf Letters (Introducing F,N, and O): Introducing the sound and
the letter. We will do a leaf letter activity to place the correct picture printed on a leaf to
its corresponding sound (red leafs will have sounds at the beginning and yellow leaves
will have sounds at the end).

Math: Leaf and fall items Sorting (acorns, apple seeds). Making rows of seeds to solve
simple addition problems. (Learning about the life cycle of an apple also)

Science: Why do leaves change colors? Chlorophyll activities with real leaves from
outside. How animals change when fall starts: explaining hibernation.

Social Studies: Preparing for colder weather: clothing changes that will happen once fall
arrives. What to expect with the change of seasons: cooler in the fall, cold in the winter,
warmer in the spring, hot in the summer.

Awesome B-5 Student #2

BRFV 4661 Student Teaching
Project Topic & Subtopic
Dr. Durden
September 21st, 2023

Project Topic: Plants
1. Plant Introduction
AKS Learning Standard: Language Arts
B- Reading informational Text
KLA.B.10: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text, such as who, what, where,
when, why, and how, with prompting and support.

• What are plants?
• Why are plants important?
• Different types of plants ( house plants, garden plants, food plants).

2. What are the parts of a plant?
AKS Learning Standard: Life Science – (Enriched)
KSCE.A: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to describe patterns of what plants
and animals need to survive.

• Different parts of a plant (roots, stem, leaves, flowers).
• How these parts help plant function.

3. How do plants grow?
AKS Learning Standard: Science
A- Life Science
KSC.A.1: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to describe patterns of what plants
and animals need to survive.

• Plants Life Cycle (seed, sprout, plant).
• What plants need to grow ( space, soil, water, sunlight).

4. Different typed of plants
AKS Learning Standard: Math
C – Measurement and Data Reasoning – attributes of objects, classifying objects
KMASP.C.7: observe, describe, and compare the physical and measurable attributes of objects
and analyze graphical displays of data to answer relevant questions.

• Exploring types of plants such as (indoor plants, outdoor plants, and plants we eat

• Discussing the characteristics of indoor plants, outdoor plants, and plants we use for

5. Flowers and Pollination
AKS Learning Standard: Math

C- Measurement & Data Reasoning – attributes of objects, classifying objects.
KMA.C.7: observe, describe, and compare the physical and measurable attributes of objects
and analyze graphical displays of data to answer relevant questions.

• Leaning about flowers, their shapes, and many colors.
• How plants receive their pollination from bees and butterflies.

6. Trees and Forest
AKS: Learning Standard: Science
A – Life Science
KSC.A.2b: Ask questions based on observations to explain how plants and animals (i.e.,
including humans) change the local environment to meet their needs.

• Discussing the importance of trees to our environment.
• How the forest provides clean air and shelter for animals.

7. Plants We Eat
AKS Learning Standard: Health
D- Nutrition
1HE.D.13b: Describe ways that parents and other trusted adults can help student eat more
fruits and vegetables.

• Discuss the edible parts of plants (roots, stems, leaves, fruit).
• Taste test different plant base foods like some carrots, celery, & apples.
• Identifying common vegetables, their growth, and taste (“sweet, sour”).

8. Planting Seeds
AKS Learning Standard: Language Arts
E – Speaking and listening
KLA.E.36: provide details when describing people, places, things, and events.

• Hands-on-activity planting: a bean seed in a small flowerpot.
• Discussing the steps required to care for the plant.

9. Caring for plants
AKS Learning Standards: STEM Exploratory
KSTE.A.1.b: use plant and animal needs to demonstrate the relationship between numbers and
quantities to 20; connect counting to cardinality.

• How do we water plants
• Discussing the responsibility of caring for plants.

10. Plants Arts and Crafts
AKS Learning Standard: Language Arts
E- Speaking and Listening
KLA.E.37: Create drawings to support or extend the description of people, places, things, and

• Creating a plant theme of artwork using leaves, flowers, and other materials.

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