Writing critical essays
Week 19
Effective Critical Essay
1) Critical writing
2) Critical reading
3) Structure of essay
Essay topics
Module handbook (page 16)
Select one (and answer if there is question)
NOT solely present relevant information BUT engage in a thoughtful analysis of that information
Critical reading (literature review)
Demonstrate ability of critical thinking
Critical writing
Contribute to scholarly conversation in chosen subject areas
Effective Critical Essay
Builds a formidable argument by identifying significant factors
Evaluates (weight up significance) strengths & weaknesses while backing up initial premise
Weighs one piece of information against others
Makes a reasoned judgement (in support of argument)
Demonstrates significance or relevance of argument with evidence
Supports argument & moves onto next
Demonstrates structure with objectives & sign-posts
Writing Critical Essays
Gives the story
what happened so far
the order in which things happened
what something is like
what a theory says
how it works
Varied, general guidelines including
1) Understand assignment
Identify requirements
2) Pick the subject
Writing Critical Essays: Stages
3) Literature review
Conduct research & gather sources
Make notes with track of resources
4) Build main perspective / argument of essay
position yourself
5) Create a detailed outline
Organize ideas / thoughts
Include all parts: introduction, main body, conclusion
Make sure each part support & contribute your main perspective / argument
1) Introduction
Engaging, capturing attention
Provide background on subject helping to understand context
Outline main points / perspective clearly
Writing Critical Essays: Structure
DO: editing & proofreading
2) Main body
Develop each main points of argument in separate paragraphs
Ensure logical flow connecting main points
Provide evidence: interpret & analyse evidence
Anticipate counterarguments: explain why they might be less persuasive or invalid
Utilize critical analysis to evaluate weakness & strength
3) Conclusion
Summarize your main points discussed
Restate your main argument (introduction) that reinforces your discussed points
Do not introduce new information
4) References
Make sure sources properly cited & referenced
Follow Harvard citation style consistently
link taking to cite them right
Cite Them Right (citethemrightonline.com)
How to cite and reference in the Harvard style – DMU Referencing Guide –
at De Montfort University
Harvard Referencing Style
Citing three or more authors
What do you take away from your reading?
Are you a sponge or do you evaluate?
To read critically you need to know:
Key points in article/chapter
Its strengths & weaknesses
Critical Reading
Write good notes with page numbers for citations
What you think about those key points, strengths & weaknesses
Key characteristics include:
Critical evaluation & analysis of relevant literature with identification of strengths-weaknesses & limitations
Identification of gap in literature
Critical Reading: Literature review?
A well-conducted helps you:
Guide development of main aim/discussion of essay
Develop conceptual framework to position within a broader context
Answer essay question or succeed its aims/objective
Comprehensive & critical summary with analysis of sources
Evaluation in-depth with examination of underlying assumptions, implications, weakness & strength
Go beyond summarizing resources: systematic analysis
Critical analysis (1)
Mainly based on critical thinking skills
Essential component of literature review & academic writing
enable to go beyond surface-level
Key elements include:
Understanding structure of resources (assumptions, arguments)
Evaluating relevance, credibility of provided evidence
Identifying perspective & beliefs of authors
Impacts of authors: figure how fits & situated within broader context
Anticipating potential counter-arguments
Synthesizing data from literature review
Develop more comprehensive understanding
Demonstrate how different phenomena related
Presenting significant implication/consequences of argument of essay in conclusion
Critical analysis (2)
Structure of Critical Essay (1)
Determine Question
Set Objectives (positionality)
Limit Scope if Required
Objective 1. (Signpost)
Strong Premise
Back Up with Key Arguments with Independent Knowledge (evidence)
Final Sentence in support of Premise 1
Counter Position 1. (Signpost)
Strong Premise
Back Up with Key Arguments with Independent Knowledge (evidence)
Final Sentence in support of Premise 1
Objective 2. (Signpost)
Strong Premise
Back Up with Key Arguments with Independent Knowledge (evidence)
Final Sentence in support of Premise 2
Counter Position 2. (Signpost)
Strong Premise
Back Up with Key Arguments with Independent Knowledge (evidence)
Final Sentence in support of Premise 2.
Made up of Summary of Final Sentences 1 & 2
Main Body
Developing an analytical framework with sound argument – Individual paragraph
Your Objective (What you will be evaluating and your argument) (Signpost: Link back to Introduction)
Start with a Strong Premise (A statement that sets out your argument)
Support this with Key Points and Evidence
Reference your evidence
Anticipate counter-position (argument) to strengthen your main points
Max is a brave man (Sam, 2023, p.5)
He is a fire fighter
Therefore, all fire fighters are brave
All the fire fighter are brave (Smith, 2024, p.2)
Laura is a fire fighter
Therefore, Laura is brave person
Counterargument: Accordingly, 1% fire fighters described themselves NOT brave (BBC, 2024)
Structure of Critical Essay (2)
Objective 1. (Signpost)
Strong Premise
Back Up with Key Arguments with Independent Knowledge (evidence)
Final Sentence in support of Premise 1
Try to demonstrate your Independent Thought & Knowledge
Summarise your case in the final sentence of your paragraph (this will then link to your conclusion)
Summarize your essay with its main point without new information
Re-emphasise significance of your essay with its analysis
Aim to end with thought-provoking statement or a call to action
Artificial Intelligence
Consult DMU guidance on AI, e.g., how to use AI ethically
Home – Using Generative Artificial Intelligence –
at De Montfort University (dmu.ac.uk)
Usage of IA: required to declare by making a note on assignment