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3-2 Mileston

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Annotated Biogrophy for: Compare the Italian Renaissance with the Renaissance of the Tang and Song Dynasties of China

Submit your Annotated Bibliography. Begin the annotated bibliography with a statement of your thesis or your research question and the introduction paragraph of your essay. The thesis should attempt to have a force of argument and the introduction should provide us with the basic information about your topic. The sources that follow must include at least two primary sources and at least three secondary sources. Be careful to submit a formal annotated bibliography in Chicago-style formatting and not a 
literature review essay or historiography. No general website sources may be used.


In your annotated bibliography, the following critical elements must be addressed:

a. Include your 
thesis statement. Be sure to incorporate any feedback/suggestions from your instructor for your initial topic submission in Milestone One.

Introduce your topic. Provide information about your chosen topic, including the time period, region, and key players.

c. Identify the 
sources you are planning to use in your paper. You must include at least 
two primary sources and at least 
three secondary sources. Secondary sources can include books, scholarly articles, academic websites, and so on.

d. Describe each source. In your 
description, summarize the contents or argument of each source. Also, be sure to discuss how each source could help further the goals of your research project and how you plan to use it in your paper.

e. Include 
primary source material evidence using the following guiding questions for each primary source description:

1. What is the history of the interaction of the groups you have chosen to compare?

2. Was the source written during the time in which your topic takes place? What did the indigenous people think about this event or person at the time?

3. What observations did they make?

4. What does this tell us about the importance of this moment?

5. Explain the initial reactions of both groups involved in the cultural exchange.

Developing an Annotation
If you are unfamiliar with the art and science of annotation, you should examine three things: (1) If the source is a book, read the preface. The author(s) will often tell you why they wrote the book. If the source is an article, read the introduction or abstract, depending on the journal. (2) Read the conclusion of a book or article. (3) If the source is a book, find a journal in the field and locate a book review in the book review section. The book reviews are usually published within a year or so of the book’s publication and are written by another scholar in the field who evaluates the book and places it in context. These are very helpful. Some journals publish an annual list of books reviewed over the last year. Alternatively, you could read the whole book or article. You may also be lucky enough to find a bibliographical essay on your topic. When you are done with an annotation, it should place the author in context within the field. The annotation should explain why the book or source is relevant to your chosen topic.

For further instruction and guidance in completing your research, be sure to use the Guide to Research document found in Modules One and Three.

What to Submit

Your paper must be submitted as a 2- to 3-page Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, page numbers in the upper right-hand corner of the paper (number the first page but NOT the title page), and at least two primary sources and three secondary sources cited in Chicago/Turabian style.

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