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1. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), discuss the differences between closed-systems models (classical perspective) and open-systems models (humanistic perspective).
2. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), describe scientific management.
3. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), describe administrative management and Fayol’s General Principles of Management.
4. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), describe bureaucratic management and Weber’s bureaucratic principles.
5. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), explain the four elements of the Total Quality Management (TQM) model.
6. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), explain the Supply Chain/Synergy Model and how it can be applied to the criminal justice system.
7. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), briefly discuss some of the different sets of challenges for the criminal justice system that have developed as a result of rapid changes in the environment (e.g., globalization, internet, rapid technological changes, etc.).
8. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), explain the five areas of organizational design that need to be changed in order to effectively deal with rapid changes in the criminal justice environment.
9. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), what are two problems that exist with the criminal justice system that need to be addressed in order improve productivity and reduce cost?
10. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), what constitutes a service?
11. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), what are the differences between commercial services and noncommercial services?
12. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), who are the customers of criminal justice services and why is it important to involve them in the design of the service process?
13. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), how can we define and measure service quality?
14. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), how can we measure service quality within the criminal justice system?
15. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), identify and describe some of the criminal justice services provided to victims, offenders, and society in general.
16. According to Giblin (2014), describe Contingency Theory and the SARFIT model.
17. According to Giblin (2014), describe Resource Dependency Theory and how it applies to criminal justice organizations.
18. According to Giblin (2014), explain Institutional Theory.
19. According to Giblin (2014), explain the concept of isomorphism.
20. According to Giblin (2014), explain the concept of decoupling.
21. According to Giblin (2014), define organizational deviance.
22. According to Giblin (2014), explain Administrative Breakdown.
23. According to Giblin (2014), explain some of the organizational characteristics that may contribute to organizational deviance.
24. According to Giblin (2014), what can be done to prevent organizational deviance?
25. According to Giblin (2014), define organizational termination.
Assigned Book Readings:
Allen, J. M., & Sawhney, R. (2019). Administration and management in criminal justice: A service quality approach (3rd ed.). SAGE.
Chapter 2: Open versus closed systems
Chapter 3: Service quality approach
Giblin, M. J. (2014). Organization and management in the criminal justice system: A text/reader. SAGE.
Section 3. Organizational theory: How do we explain what organizations look like?
Section 4. Organizational deviance and termination: What explains failure in criminal justice agencies?