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312 ass 2



PHC 312 Group Assignment Paper

College of Health Sciences

Course name:

Health Communications

Course code:


Assignment title or task:
Students enrolled in PHC 312 in second term 2025 will be divided into groups (3-5 students per group). The
first section will be designed to gain general information about the communication program.
The second section will be designed to assess the student’s ability to draft a health communication plan. The
group has 5 points to cover under the general program information section. The main communication program
characteristics section will be designed to assess the group’s ability to provide basic information about the health
communication planning process.
The written health communication program plan must be completed and submitted to the instructor no later than
11:59 PM on (10/04/2025).
General program information
Name of the program.
Country and region (if applicable) where the program is based.
Time period (start and end dates).
Funding sources.
Give a short description of the program (maximum of about 200-250 words).
Main communication program characteristics
Describe the overall goal of the program.
List the SMART objectives of the program.
Describe the target audience(s) of the program (primary and secondary audiences).
✓ Indicate the demographic and socioeconomic factors of the target population that have been measured. E.g.
age, gender, income/socioeconomic status, education, occupation…etc.
Literature review: basing the communication program on current scientific knowledge and/or theoretical
models and/or previous experience from other projects? One or two paragraphs about the problem. (300-500
Describe the settings and communication channels.
Describe the development process of messages.
Describe the activities and timeline.
Describe the process/impact/outcome evaluation of the communication program that will be measured.

Points that can be added as a bonus (NOT REQUIRED):
• Describe the needs assessment that has been carried out.
• Describe the environmental factors (i.e. factors beyond individual control) that the communication program
addresses, if any.

PHC 312 Group Assignment Paper
• Does the communication plan have a special focus on vulnerable groups (socioeconomically disadvantaged
people, ethnic minorities, children, elderly people, etc.)? if yes, specify the vulnerable groups.
• Provide details of the pilot study if a pilot study has been performed.
• Describe which stakeholders are going to be involved in the implementation and describe their roles.

Group Number:
Student name & ID #
Submission date:

Instructor name:

Ms. Roaa Aljuraid


…. Out of 10

The written report will be assessed for clarity and succinctness in providing the required information using a rubric of 0
(undeveloped/inadequate) to 3 (outstanding/exceptional), as illustrated below:



Report clearly and succinctly defines program goals


Report clearly and succinctly defines program SMART objectives.


SMART objectives are:
a. Specific: objectives should clearly specify what is to be achieved.
b. Measurable: objectives should be phrased in a way that achievement can
be measured.
c. Achievable: objectives should refer to something that the program can
actually influence and change.
d. Realistic: objectives should be realistically attainable within the given
time frame and with the available resources (human and financial
resources and capacity).
e. Time-bound: objectives should relate to a clearly stated time frame.

Proficient Outstanding

Fails to
expectation Expectations



PHC 312 Group Assignment Paper

Report clearly and succinctly describes the target audiences (primary &
secondary audiences).
✓ Indicate the demographic and socioeconomic factors of the target population
that have been measured. E.g. age, gender, income/socioeconomic status,
education, occupation…etc.


Report provides a brief background that includes:
✓ Literature review.
Report clearly and succinctly describes settings and communication
Report clearly and succinctly describes the development process of



Report clearly and succinctly describes the activities and timeline.


Report clearly and succinctly describes how the process/impact/outcome
evaluation of the communication program will be measured.

This assignment is worth 10% of the total possible points earned for the course.


Use this Word Document.

Fill in students’ information on the first page of this document.

Font should be 12 Times New Roman

Headings should be Bold

Color should be Black

Line spacing should be 2

Use reliable references (APA format)

AVOID PLAGIARISM (you will get ZERO when there is plagiarism)

You should use at least 3 references

Submit this WORD Document when you complete the required task

Submission should be before the deadline (submission after the deadline is not allowed)

For more resources, you can review appendix A and appendix B in Schiavo, R. (2014).

Purchase answer to see full

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