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335 Pary 1 References: Allen, B. P. (2016). Personality theories: Development, growth, and diversity (5th ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315665115 Please consider the following promp


Pary 1


Allen, B. P. (2016). Personality theories: Development, growth, and diversity (5th ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315665115

Please consider the following prompt and craft a response that sufficiently captures all aspects of it from your unique point of view and original research. Please cite and reference any source(s) you use to help write this response in APA format. Notice that in addition to your Main Entry post, you will need to offer two substantive classmate response posts to complete this exercise. See below instructions that will guide your peer engagement thinking/posting. See syllabus or course calendar for due dates for both Main Entry posts and peer engagement.

Main Entry: Parts 1 & 2

Part 1: Skinner

Your textbook author poses this at the beginning of Chapter 14: “Are the principles used to train animals relevant to understanding personality?” (Allen, 2016 para. 1). It’s a good question.

You’ve likely already come across Skinner in several psychology courses – Intro to Psychology for sure, and maybe others. Indeed, behaviorist principles go a long way toward explaining how humans (and, to Allen’s point, animals) acquire learned behavior (i.e., we score big at the slot machine, we will keep pouring money into it) and how we develop fears and phobias (i.e., we get stuck in an elevator once and never want to get on one again). But what about personality?

  1. Explain how radical Skinnerian behaviorists principles – which do not incorporate any form of thought, emotion, drive, or belief – explain our personality (the consistent pattern of traits we display across our lifespan). Or maybe they don’t? (Especially when Skinner himself rejected the whole idea of personality.) Where does behavior change stop and personality development begin? Or, asked another way…Are the principles used to train animals relevant to understanding personality? Offer your answer to his question, citing relevant source to support your claim.
  1. In addition to citing a relevant source, give a specific example to support your position either way. If you think behaviorism in its purest form can explain personality development, give a specific example. If you think it can’t, offer an example to show why not.

Part 2: Murray

Your textbook author does a great job showcasing the biographies and personalities of every theorist covered in the book. Interesting and important choice, since the personalities of the theorists themselves are indelibly linked to the ideas they espouse. Review the section in Chapter 15 titled “Murray the Person” and answer the following:

  1. What is your reaction to Murray the person? Explain.
  1. Apply aspects of his own theory of personality to the biography you read in Chapter 15. In other words, explain Murray through the eyes of Murray.
  1. Briefly, what value is there in learning about the “person behind the theory?” (generally, not just Murray). Give a brief example of how knowing the biography of another theorist we’ve discussed has helped you understand their ideas better.


Part 2


Bridley, A., & Daffin, L.W. (2022). Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders. Washington State University. https://socialsci.libretexts.org/@go/page/160993

Flores, C. (2021). Delusional evidence-responsiveness. Synthese, 199, 6299 – 6330. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-021-03070-2

Teeple, R. C., Caplan, J. P., & Stern, T. A. (2009). Visual hallucinations: Differential diagnosis and treatment. Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 11(1), 26–32. https://doi.org/10.4088/pcc.08r00673 

Part 1

Schizophrenia is the most misunderstood and stigmatized of psychological disorders; this stigma results in profound consequences for those living with these conditions and their families. Media representations are largely to blame for creating and perpetuating stereotypes and stigma. Schizophrenia is often inaccurately portrayed in our movies and television shows. Characters with schizophrenia are depicted as across-the-board more dangerous, homicidal, or criminal than the non-psychotic population or as having “multiple personalities” – none of which are true (while there are increased tendencies toward aggression when one is psychotic, most violent crimes are committed by non-psychotic individuals). Hollywood also over-relies on visual hallucinations to advance their plotlines, when visual hallucinations are rare in the disorder (auditory hallucinations being far and away the most common).

For Part 1 of our discussion, identify (and if possible, link to or provide the episode info/time stamp for) a specific scene from a television show or movie that either a) does NOT capture the real nature or experience of schizophrenia, b) DOES capture the real nature of experience of schizophrenia, or c) does a little of both. Clearly and specifically describe what about the scene either accurately captures or misrepresents about the disorder and justify your points with either your learning resources or cited/referenced outside research.

Part 2: 

Considering the category of later-life neurocognitive disorders:

Identify one thing you learned in your reading (the text or the DSM-5 study guide) or the video (assigned TED Talk) that you found interesting or that challenged something you believed and discuss your thinking on it (be specific and resonant). Do some follow up research that helps clarify your new understanding and bring that resource/information into our discussion, summarizing and linking to it for us. 

Choose one of the below:

If you have a personal or family experience of the neurocognitive disorders and you are comfortable telling the story, please share a bit about your personal observations and compare/contrast those observations with what you specifically learned in your readings/video watching. Your experience may align with or diverge from your reading – either situation is okay, just use this opportunity to explore.

If you don’t have a family experience of a neurocognitive disorder or you are not comfortable talking about your experience, consider how what you learned through your reading/viewing shapes your thinking, planning, and preparedness for the future – either in terms of an older family member or your own aging journey. Bring in some specific insights from your reading to support your thoughts here. 

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