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4 parts: 250-400 words. For this week’s discussion assignment, respond to the following: 1. Describe and contrast the nature of panic attacks when present in a diagnosis of Panic Disorder versus a

4 parts:

250-400 words.For this week’s discussion assignment, respond to the following:

1.   Describe and contrast the nature of panic attacks when present in a diagnosis of Panic Disorder versus a diagnosis of Social Phobia.

2.    Discuss one pharmacological and one psychological or therapeutic treatment for symptoms of panic attacks.

3.    Post your “question to the class” that would promote peers talking more to you about this week’s discussion topic! 

Remember that all posts are graded for substance and thoughtful consideration of the discussion topic. ***As a conclusion to your initial post each week, you should submit a question to the class to encourage your peers to interact with you AND you can easily respond to their post! ****

Our discussions are scholarly dialogs, so – please share what you think AND support perspectives and opinions with scholarly info from the text or related sources! 

Thoughtfully integrate relevant theory and research you read and strive to make connections between that academic content and your own observations and experiences.


Discussion posts should be reflective of college level writing and discourse.  Please be sure that your posts are substantive and are written in depth and detail.  As a guide, please use the following word count ranges:

  • Initial posts: 250 to 400 words
  • Reply posts:  125 to 150 words.  Replies should relate to the post that you are responding to and in addition, ask a question, add new information or add a new resource to the discussion.

 IMPORTANT NOTE:  All writing for this assignment must be original.  Content generated by Artificial Intelligence is not permitted and will be addressed via the Student Code of Conduct. 

Chomsky’s Theory of Language Development discusses “critical periods” for learning language.  Following from this theory, disruptions during critical periods should negatively affect the development of language. 

Please view either this video about the historic case of Genie or this source about the same case.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjZolHCrC8Ehttps://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/transcripts/2112gchild.html

Other resources about feral children are in this week’s reading list.

Obviously, these are horrific cases of child abuse.

1.   What do the case of Genie and your readings tell us about language (and emotional) development? 

2.   What cues can educators take from these tragic cases?


250-400 wordsThe discussion question for your consideration this week focuses on the legalization and decriminalization of drugs, including marijuana, in our society. Based on the readings from this week, and your reflections on your own beliefs, what is your perspective on the question of legalization of drugs, including marijuana?


In review of our course materials this week, we are introduced to several excellent theories aiding our understanding in the survivors’ experience in coping after disaster events. The complex nature of disasters results in reactions manifested in many ways including psychological, biological, and social. The architect of modern-day positive psychology, Dr. Martin Seligman, speaks to the foundational basis of the psychological approach in his Ted Talk, The New Era of Positive Psychology. In considering the insights Dr. Seligman applies to the field of psychology, we may find useful applications to addressing concerns unique to disaster psychology.

After reviewing the course materials for the week including the Ted Talk and the Scenario Module 2, choose to answer questions from either the Health & Social Services section or the Public Information and Warning section.  Once you have chosen a section, you must respond to at LEAST three questions in your main post response.  Be sure to clearly identify which questions you are answering in your main post.  At LEAST two of your peer responses must be to someone who chose a different set of questions than you did for your main post.  Any additional peer responses can be to either someone who chose the same question set or a different question set than you did for your main post.  

Health & Social Services

1. What is Phase 2 of disaster psychology, and how would it apply to the current situation that is occurring in Bobsville and Disaster County?2. What types of traumatic stressors might the citizens and 911 operators encounter because of the current situation? What special considerations might come up relevant to dispatchers and other first responders?

3. What actions could be used from Psychological First Aid to support the 911 dispatchers? Why?

4. What are the strengths of Psychological First Aid for this event?

Public Information and Warning & Infrastructure Systems

6. Name at least 3 different entities that would be responsible for providing equal access to effective communication to deliver credible, actionable, culturally, and linguistically appropriate, and accessible messages to the citizens of Bobsville and Disaster County?  What are examples of the types of messages each on of them might relay?

7. Why should the mental health community be involved in developing actionable messaging for the public and responders?

8. How could emergency management utilize and support the mental health community in identifying impacts to the citizens with the loss of critical infrastructure systems, including housing, stores, financial facilities, roadways, etc.?


Seligman, M. (2004). Martin Seligman: The new era of positive psychology [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/martin_seligman_on_the_state_of_psychology

Attachment of module 2: file:///Users/jordanogden/Downloads/psyc431-module-2.html

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