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432/2 Section 1 Locate and look through the APA code of ethics, standards. Our focus is Scope of Practice. What does it mean for a therapist to work within their scope of practice? What code in AP


Section 1

Locate and look through the APA code of ethics, standards. Our focus is Scope of Practice. What does it mean for a therapist to work within their scope of practice? What code in APA explains scope of practice?

How do we know if a therapist is competent with a particular approach?

How does a therapist know if they are trained sufficiently, prepared to use a particular method or approach with their clients? Licensure is never a guarantee of competency.

Tasks:1. Present the APA code that addresses scope of practice

2.Present one ethics principle/code from APA that you think is important for effective therapy. (fully cite from APA code of ethics).3. What does scope of practice mean for psychologists. Fully cite the source.

4. State why scope of practice is important (2 sentences).

Attach a peer reviewed journal article on therapists’ scope of practice from the last 10 years, from any of the following; psychology, social work, counseling, marriage and family therapy. Links often break or lead to a student’s log‐in page. Unless the peer reviewed journal article is online and the link works, attach the full article, not just the abstract. Save on your desktop, use the > Add Attachments function below the discussion. Fully cite and comment on the author’s main point about scope of practice. Article title, authors, date.


Section 2

Overview:Students, one of the most important aspects of counseling and psychotherapy is the relationship between therapist and client. Often more complex than your relationship with your physician or spiritual director or even a family member. For example, there are specific skills therapists must develop to work with clients. Some of these skills are specific ways to listen, ways to respond, the attitude of the therapist, skills with different approaches, knowledge of psychological theory, and skills with pacing the process of therapy.

Each main psychology domain, you may remember from your Personality Theory course – 1)psychodynamic/ analytic, 2) humanistic/existential, 3) cognitive/ neuropsychology, 4) constructionist/cultural theories, 5) developmental psychology ‐‐ all these domains are ways to understand a client and ways to respond. The skills a therapist develops should match the theory, the lens through which they view the client. This theory‐lens is very different for each of those main theory domains. Most therapists study several theories to integrate them for different client needs, different problems. The theory and approaches therapists rely on in their work also matches their personality, their own bias and life experiences.

This week we focus on the clinical relationship.Points: Keep in mind that the weekly discussion rubric is embedded in the course and responding to at least two peers carries significant points each week. Respond with comments on the content of the discussion. Avoid commenting on the quality of peer posts. Always include a relevant resource such as an article, or YouTube video.

Tasks:1. Define terms. Locate and attach one article from a peer reviewed journal within the last 10 years that features some aspect of either therapeutic alliance or therapist presence.• What is meant by therapeutic alliance? Define, cite the source.• What are the features of therapist Presence? Define, cite the source.Attach the article you located on therapeutic alliance or presence – Links often break or lead to a student’s log‐in page. Unless the peer reviewed journal article is online and the link works, attach the article. It is best to attach articles you can save and read on your desktop. Use the > Add Attachments function below the discussion.


Section 3

What is the unconscious? Reflect on ‐‐ How do we access the unconscious in therapy? How does the unconscious influence our behavior and relationships? If the unconscious consists of stored memories, distorted with emotions and images, that change over time, how can we make use of these experiences to benefit the client?

Points: Keep in mind that the weekly discussion rubric is embedded in the course and responding to at least two peers carries significant points each week. Respond with comments on the content of the discussion. Avoid commenting on the quality of peer posts. Always include a relevant resource such as an article, or YouTube video.

Tasks:1. Define the unconscious, fully site two sources.2. Locate a peer reviewed journal article on some aspects of psychodynamic, OR psychoanalytic, OR analytic psychology/ psychotherapy within the last 10 years. In 2‐3 sentences what are the author’s main 2 points?

Attach the article. Links often break or lead to a student’s log‐in page. Unless the peer reviewed journal article is online and the link works, attach the article. It is best to attach articles you can save and read on yourdesktop. Use the > Add Attachments function below the discussion.

3. Select TWO theorists from the list below and tell us what they contributed (a specific idea, an approach) to psychodynamic/ analytic psychology. What is their historical time? Consider these theorists – Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, Donald Winnicott, Erik Erikson, Alfred Adler, Harry Stack Sullivan, William James, Carl Jung, Thomas Ogden.There are other major contributions to psychodynamic and analytic psychology, psychotherapy. If you wish, you can locate a different theorist not listed.

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