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Internship Report: Saudi Ground Services Company
Student`s Name:
Student`s ID:
Training Organization:
Trainee Department:
Field Instructor Signature:
Field Instructor Name:
Course Title: MGT 430
CRN: 21932
Internship Start Date:
Internship End Date:
Academic Year/Semester:
2022 – 2023 / 2nd Semester
For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name: Dr. Sager Alharthi
Total Training Hours /280
Students’ Grade: Marks Obtained /30
Level of Marks:
Executive Summary
The Saudi Ground Services Company, which the Saudi Arabian Airlines Corporation
established, offers a range of ground-handling services in 28 Saudi Arabian airports. During the
internship, I worked in the Passenger Services department, observing daily activities, ensuring
proper staff allocation, and assessing operational requirements. This report summarizes the
activities and responsibilities assumed, the skills learned, the incidences of difficulty
encountered, and the lessons learned during the internship.
I would like to express my gratitude to Allah Almighty for enabling me to successfully
complete my cooperative training. I greatly appreciate the support I received from my academic
supervisor, Dr. Sager Alharthi. I also thank my field instructor, AbdulKareem A. Khalaf, for the
guidance accorded to me and my subjects in the Saudi Ground Services for their cooperation.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
Acknowledgment ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Chapter 1: Description of the Company ……………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Full Title and History of the Company ………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Type of Ownership and Main Shareholders ………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Sector and Products/Services Offered ………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Customers and Clients ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Organizational Structure …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Functions Performed by Different Departments ………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Overview of the Production System …………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Process Chart of a Major Service ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Accounting, Finance, IT, Quality, and Marketing Standards …………………………………………………………… 9
Telecommunication Technologies ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Quality Planning and Control Activities …………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
Financial Analysis and Decision-Making Methods ………………………………………………………………………. 10
Marketing, Selling, and Human Resources Analysis ……………………………………………………………………. 10
Chapter 2: Internship Activities ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
Working Conditions and Functions …………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
Department Description …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11
Detailed Descriptions of Tasks and Activities …………………………………………………………………………….. 12
Gained Skills and Their Value …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
Other Tasks outside Major………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12
Incentives for Proactivity and Productivity ………………………………………………………………………………… 13
Working Documents and Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
Theory vs. Practice …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
Work Samples ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14
Lessons Learned …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
Chapter 3: Recommendations…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15
Advantages that Helped in Completing the Training Program ……………………………………………………… 15
Disadvantages and Challenges Faced ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
Overcoming Challenges ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
Recommendations to Improve Training Program in the College ………………………………………………….. 17
Recommendations for the Training Company ……………………………………………………………………………. 18
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18
This internship report provides a comprehensive overview of my experience at Saudi
Ground Services, focusing on the Passenger Services department. The internship aimed to bridge
the gap between theoretical knowledge acquired in university and practical application in a realworld setting. Throughout the internship, I was involved in monitoring daily operations, ensuring
efficient manpower utilization, and analyzing operational needs. This report highlights my
responsibilities, the skills I developed, the challenges I faced, and the insights I gained. It also
includes recommendations for enhancing the training program and company operations. The
experience has significantly contributed to my professional growth, preparing me for future
career opportunities in the aviation industry.
Chapter 1: Description of the Company
Full Title and History of the Company

Company Full Title: Saudi Ground Services (SGS) Company

Initial Establishment: Founded by Saudi Arabian Airlines Corporation (Saudia)

Purpose: To consolidate ground-handling services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabian Airlines Ground Services (SAAGS)
National Handling Services (NHS)
Al-Attar Ground Handling (Attar Travel Co.)

Headquarters: King Abdulaziz International Airport, Jeddah

Mailing Address: Saudi Ground Services Co., King Abdulaziz International Airport,
Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Type of Ownership and Main Shareholders
Saudi Ground Services is a publicly traded company listed on the Saudi Stock Exchange
(Tadawul). Saudi Arabian Airlines Corporation holds a significant portion of the shares, which
makes it the majority shareholder. Other shareholders include institutional investors, mutual
funds, and individual investors who collectively contribute to the company’s capital and strategic
Sector and Products/Services Offered
SGS operates in the aviation sector, providing comprehensive ground-handling services. These
services include:

Passenger Services: Ensuring smooth passenger experiences from check-in to boarding.

Baggage Handling: Efficiently managing the transportation and delivery of passenger

Ramp Services: Supporting aircraft operations such as towing, pushback, and refueling.

Cargo Services: Handling and transporting cargo efficiently.

Fleet Solutions: Managing and maintaining ground service equipment.

Traffic Control and Load Control: Coordinating aircraft movements and balancing
load distribution.

Representation and Supervision: Acting on behalf of airlines to manage their ground
Customers and Clients
SGS’s primary customers are airline companies operating within Saudi Arabia and
internationally. These clients depend on SGS for efficient and reliable ground-handling services
to ensure their operations run smoothly. Secondary clients are passengers, cargo owners, and
other parties interested in aviation. Employees also have a significant function since they directly
receive and provide value from the company’s operational excellence.
Organizational Structure
Saudi Ground Services (SGS) operates efficiently in 28 airports because of its solid corporate
structure. The company’s headquarters are in Jeddah, with stations in Riyadh, Dammam, and
Medina. The organization chart includes the following departments:
1. Administration: General supervision of a company’s operations and mainly
administrative activities.
2. Human Resources: The practical aspects also include managing employees, including
recruitment, training, and welfare.
3. Customer Service: Talking to the passengers and assisting them.
4. Marketing: Marketing and selling SGS services and exercising corporate relations
5. Finance: Supervising the financial activities such as cash flow and activities, monetary
allocations, and expenditure mapping and planning.
6. Operations: Supervising the various ground-handling tasks performed daily.
Functions Performed by Different Departments

Administration: It guarantees and maintains the organizational flow and compliance
with internal procedures.

Human Resources: Records and hires employees and controls the performance and
health of the employees.

Customer Service: Offer services and help to passengers and clients during the
implementation of carriage contracts.

Marketing: Coordinates promotions and handles public relations and advertising.

Finance: Is responsible for developing, implementing, monitoring, and controlling the
organization’s financial resources.

Operations: This department oversees the operational tasks performed on the ground,
such as passenger handling, baggage handling, and ramp handling services.
Overview of the Production System
The production system at SGS involves several key components: resources, inputs, processes,
and outcomes.

Resources: Human resources, ground service equipment, and technology structure.

Inputs: Involve workforce, equipment, and carrying capacity of the passengers or

Processes: They include the reception, baggage, aircraft activities, and cargo operations
and services.

Outcomes: Enter to provide timely and superior ground-handling services that will meet
the customers’ needs while offering value for money.
Process Chart of a Major Service
For example, the process of baggage handling includes the following steps:
1. Check-In: Passengers check baggage at this counter before boarding the flight or
2. Sorting: Cargoes are also grouped according to the destination and the flight schedules.
3. Transport: Stacked and segregated Baggage is taken to the right vehicle or aircraft.
4. Loading: Luggage or any item that a customer intends to transport is taken into the
helicopter in the most secure manner possible.
5. Unloading: Luggage is deboarded from the aircraft once it comes to any of these places,
and airport terminology is unique.
6. Delivery: This baggage is then taken to the right carousel for the passengers to pick.
Accounting, Finance, IT, Quality, and Marketing Standards

Accounting/Finance: SGS complies with the International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) for accounting and applies business methods like budgeting, costbenefit analysis, and forecasting to achieve sound financial management and

Information Technology: Current IT applications for storing data, messages, and
networks, as well as effective e-commerce tools, are employed for efficiency in the firm.

Quality: Quality planning and control are crucial to SGS’s business operations. LIFCO
has incorporated total quality management (TQM), whereby the company seeks to
provide quality services to its customers. Periodic supervision ensures that the necessary
standards are met.
Telecommunication Technologies
SGS utilizes a range of telecommunication technologies to facilitate seamless communication
and coordination:

Database Systems: For managing passenger and operational data.

Instant Messaging: For real-time communication between team members.

Networking: To ensure connectivity across different departments and locations.

E-commerce Tools: For managing online transactions and client interactions.
Quality Planning and Control Activities
Quality planning at SGS involves setting service standards and benchmarks to ensure consistent
quality. Quality control involves checking processes through physical check-ups, performance
evaluations, and feedback to determine potential problems. The company also practices other
systems for improvement in the provision of services.
Quality Control throughout the Product/Service Lifecycle
SGS ensures quality control throughout the lifecycle of its services by:

Pre-Operation Checks: Verifying equipment and workforce readiness.

In-Operation Monitoring: Continuously monitoring service delivery.

Post-Operation Reviews: Conduct performance evaluations and collect feedback to
inform future improvements.
Financial Analysis and Decision-Making Methods
Corporate treasurers and financial managers at SGS use various financial analysis and decisionmaking methods, including:

Budgeting: Planning and allocating resources to different departments.

Cost-Benefit Analysis: Evaluating the financial implications of operational decisions.

Financial Forecasting: Predicting future financial performance based on current trends.
Marketing, Selling, and Human Resources Analysis

Marketing: SGS uses strategic marketing and advertisement to advertise its services.
This encompasses activities such as identifying suitable markets for the products,
developing strategies to market them, and developing advertising initiatives.

Selling: The Company is involved in direct selling of its services and employs a
customer-oriented strategy for selling since it aims to develop strong working
relationships with its clients.

Human Resources: An HR analysis considers employee performance appraisal,
potential training requirements, and solutions to boost workforce productivity and
satisfaction. This entails performance reviews, employee feedback or satisfaction, and
other training initiatives.
Chapter 2: Internship Activities
Working Conditions and Functions
My working conditions were dynamic and demanding during my internship at Saudi Ground
Services (SGS) in the Passenger Services department. My supervisor, AbdulKareem A. Khalaf,
holds the position of Passenger Services Manager. He was especially helpful in helping me
understand the process since he was involved in ground handling operations. Several co-workers
were on the team, and each was assigned to a specific directorate of passenger services. Such
employees worked at the check-in desk as baggage loaders and unloaders, ramp clerks, and
information desk clerks, among other places.
Department Description
The Passenger Services department at SGS Company is the division that takes charge of all
passenger services, from check-in to boarding. All these sub-divisions have their part to play in
enabling the proper and efficient operation of the passenger service. The department is divided
into several sub-divisions:
1. Check-In Services: Handles passenger check-in, seat allocation, and issuing boarding
2. Baggage Handling: Manages passenger luggage sorting, loading, and unloading.
3. Ramp Services: Coordinates aircraft movements on the ground, including towing and
4. Customer Service: Assists passengers with inquiries and special requests and resolves
Detailed Descriptions of Tasks and Activities
Throughout my internship, I was involved in a variety of tasks and activities, including:

Monitoring Daily Operations: Ensured that everything related to passenger services
was operating efficiently. This required real-time monitoring of the boarding gates,
baggage claim areas, and check-in booths.

Manpower Utilization: After analyzing staffing needs, I effectively distributed resources
and employed workforce management software to guarantee the best possible worker

Operational Needs Analysis: This approach finds holes in the service delivery system
and suggests fixes to improve operational effectiveness.

Attendance management entails processing leave requests, maintaining precise
employee attendance records, and ensuring corporate standards are followed.

Customer interaction: Responding to inquiries from travelers, taking care of grievances,
and making sure they have a good trip.
Gained Skills and Their Value
Through these activities, I gained several essential skills that added significant value to my work:

Analytical Skills: I became more adept at evaluating operational requirements and
pinpointing areas needing development.

Data Management: I became more adept at organizing and deciphering operational and
attendance data.

Problem-Solving: Created workable plans to deal with practical issues and guarantee
efficient service delivery.

Communication: I communicated more effectively with passengers, managers, and other
team members.

Decision-Making: Improved my capacity to act swiftly and intelligently in a hectic
Other Tasks outside Major
Besides, I performed several roles outside the major I studied. Others included clerical
operations like sorting and filing documents, preparing, and providing coring to other
departments when there was a rush in business. These tasks allowed me to expand my
knowledge about the company’s activities and helped my personal growth.
Incentives for Proactivity and Productivity
SGS provided various incentives to encourage trainees to be proactive and productive. These

Mentorship: I received appropriate supervision and feedback from my immediate
superior and other senior personnel while completing my assignment.

Training Sessions: Chances to participate in the workshops/training for ground handling
and customer relations.

Recognition Programs: The employer’s recognition of my efforts in the company’s
performance encouraged me to work harder.
Working Documents and Analysis
During my internship, I prepared and analyzed several working documents. These included:

Operational Reports: Daily updates on passengers’ traffic, luggage processing rate, and
workers-staffing indicators.

Attendance Records: These records include employee attendance records, leave records
and overtime records.

Performance Analysis: Strategic performance measurement by comparing identified
KPIs, such as airplane departure rates and customer satisfaction ratings.
One specific example of my work involved creating a detailed report on baggage handling
efficiency. I gathered relevant information on the baggage processing rate and defined the main
problems that slow down the process and potential recommendations for their resolution. This
report was given to my supervisor and integrated into the functional processes of the department.
Theory vs. Practice
My practical experience at the internship was beneficial in learning some new things and
comparing them with what we learned in school. For instance, all that I Learnt in my coursework
on operations applied to tasks I had undertaken at SGS. The table below illustrates the
relationship between my academic courses and the functions performed during my internship:
Academic Course
Operations Management (MGT201)
Tasks Performed
Analyzing operational needs and optimizing
Human Resource Management
Managing attendance records and staff allocation
Customer Service (MKT302)
Assisting passengers and handling customer
Work Samples
During my internship, I created several work samples demonstrating my company contributions.
These include:

Graphs: Raw data collected in an organization’s operations and handling of bags and the
productivity levels of staff handling the baggage.

Reports: Specific reports, such as the general reports encompassing different aspects of
the supply of passenger services, combined with an evaluation of the findings and
suggested enhancements.

Design Calculations: Use of calculations to reduce wastages and increase productivity in
an organization.
Below is an example of a graph I created to illustrate baggage handling efficiency over a month:
Lessons Learned
The overall benefits gained from my training program at SGS include:

Practical Application: Using the theoretical concepts improved my comprehension of
operational management.

Professional Growth: Acquiring the critical skills necessary for the professional level,
including the skills to solve problems, make decisions, and communicate.

Industry Insights: Broadening the knowledge of the established aviation business and
the issues related to ground-handling services.
The learning obtained during this internship is the path to my future profession and the
preparation for successful functioning in aviation. I would like to express my appreciation for
working with a committed team from SGS and for the things that I have had the opportunity to
learn during this period.
Chapter 3: Recommendations
Advantages that Helped in Completing the Training Program
Throughout my internship at Saudi Ground Services (SGS), several factors played a significant
role in facilitating the completion of my training program:

Supportive Environment: This is true because my supervisor, AbdulKareem A. Khalaf,
and other colleagues provided me with a friendly and encouraging environment. As for
their acting, their sense of direction and advice was highly appreciated as they provided
me with additional insight into the existing operational environment of the company’s
passenger services.

Comprehensive Training: Due to the structured training program handed out by SGS, it
covered various grounds to elaborate and familiarize oneself with some of the ground
handling services. The practical approach and organizational assignments enabled the
application of theoretical knowledge.

Access to Resources: The resources available to a company’s employees, such as
superior technological instruments and operations information, enabled me to discharge
my duties efficiently. Applying technology resources like workforce management
software and other information technology systems at the workplace optimized my tasks
and enhanced my effectiveness.

Mentorship: This meant that the nurse benefited from other staff members’ guidance,
which was seen as a strength. Clarifying with mentors was also a means through which I
interacted frequently to manage problems and even learn how to solve them.
Disadvantages and Challenges Faced
Despite the numerous advantages, I encountered several challenges during my internship:

Operational Variability: One significant challenge was the unpredictability of flights
and overall operations. Flights that were previously scheduled to occur may have been
changed, thus requiring alterations in staff and resources.

Technical Issues: There was some sporadic interference from technical issues regarding
handling equipment and IT systems. These issues needed solutions and quick fixes to
ensure the services being offered were of high quality.

High Workload: The tasks involved high traffic, which could tax the system,
particularly at peak seasons. Managing several tasks and keeping pace during working
pressure was an issue.

Limited Experience: I initially had limited exposure, especially in a real-life operational
environment. It took considerable time and effort to comprehend the organizational
characteristics of ground-handling activities and make managerial decisions.
Overcoming Challenges
To overcome these challenges, I employed several strategies:

Adaptability: Operational variability requires the development of attributes such as
adaptability and flexibility. From my experience, one had to be flexible, especially
regarding flight schedules and other operations.

Problem-Solving Skills: Improving my problem-solving ability greatly benefited me as I
could handle technical problems as well. I discussed with technical staff to make
communication on routine issues and their resolution easier.

Time Management: Thus, capacities such as time management and priority setting let
me cope with the high load. Specifically, I employed schedules and checklists to cope
with the time demands and efficiently organize my work schedule and workflow.

Continuous Learning: I want to be the best I can be, so I always intend to continue
learning. Asking for feedback from supervisors and peers, participating in training, and
studying alone allowed me to acquire the attitudes and skills needed to be successful.
Recommendations to Improve Training Program in the College
Based on my internship experience, I have several recommendations to enhance the training
program offered by the college:

Enhanced Practical Training: Incorporate more practical training sessions and
simulations in the curriculum. Real-world scenarios and case studies can better prepare
students for industry challenges.

Industry Partnerships: Strengthen partnerships with industry players like SGS to
provide students with internship opportunities that offer hands-on experience in a
professional setting.

Technical Skills Development: Focus on developing technical skills relevant to the
industry, such as proficiency in workforce management software and other operational

Soft Skills Training: Emphasize the development of soft skills, including
communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, which are essential for success in a
professional environment.

Continuous Feedback Mechanism: Implement a constant feedback mechanism where
students receive regular feedback on their internship performance.
Recommendations for the Training Company
For Saudi Ground Services, the following recommendations can enhance the effectiveness of
their training program:

Structured Onboarding: The student must have a planned oncoming program with
activities such as making acquaintances with the firm, learning the systems of operations,
safety rules and regulations, and orientation to the executives and sections.

Mentorship Programs: Because of this, institutions should establish proper internship
programs where experienced members are assigned to take fresh members under their

Regular Training Sessions: Arrange regular seminars and workshops about new trends
and technologies, as well as in-house working procedures, for interns to stay productive
and effective.

Feedback and Evaluation: Devise extensive feedback and evaluation plans to evaluate
the interns’ performance and give them constructive criticism. This will assist the Interns
in opening up and comprehending the weaknesses or strengths that they have learned.

Rotational Assignments: Implementing a rotational internship program that allows
interns to move around different company departments. This will give a top-bottom view
of the organization, enabling us to comprehend its various processes.
My internship at Saudi Ground Services was a highly enriching experience that gave me valuable
insights into the aviation industry and ground handling operations. The educational and resource
support and the orientation I received from my training program profusely benefited me. Some
of the barriers I faced in the process could be managed due to flexibility, problem-solving ability,
and proactivity. It has been helpful and insightful for me and the next possible contenders in my
Course Name: Internship
Student’s Name:
Course Code: MGT430
Student’s ID Number:
Semester: 2nd Semester
CRN: 21932
Academic Year: 2022-2023
For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name: Dr. Sager Alharthi
Students’ Grade:
Level of Marks:
Saudi Ground Services
(SGS) Company
Company Overview
• Saudi Ground Services (SGS)
• Established by Saudi Arabian
Airlines Corporation (Saudia)
• Merged with SAAGS, NHS, and AlAttar Ground Handling
• Headquartered at King Abdulaziz
International Airport, Jeddah
• Provides comprehensive groundhandling services across 28 airports
in Saudi Arabia
Assignments and Tasks
• Monitoring Daily Operations:
Ensuring smooth operations from
check-in to boarding
• Manpower Utilization: Analyzing
and optimizing staffing needs
• Operational Needs Analysis:
Identifying and addressing gaps
• Attendance Management:
Keeping accurate records and
ensuring compliance
• Customer Interaction: Assisting
passengers and handling complaints
Difficulties Faced
• Operational Variability: Dealing
with changes in flight schedules
and operational demands
• Technical Issues: Handling
equipment and IT system
• High Workload: Managing
multiple tasks during peak times
• Limited Experience: Gaining
familiarity with real-world
Overcoming Challenges
• Adaptability: Adjusting quickly to
• Problem-Solving Skills:
Developing strategies to address
• Time Management: Prioritizing
tasks and staying organized
• Continuous Learning: Seeking
feedback and attending training
Skills Gained
• Analytical Skills: Assessing
operational needs and identifying
• Data Management: Managing and
interpreting data
• Problem-Solving: Addressing
operational challenges effectively
• Communication: Enhancing
communication with team members
and passengers
• Decision-Making: Making
informed decisions quickly
• Enhanced Practical Training:
Incorporate more simulations and realworld scenarios
• Industry Partnerships: Strengthen
collaborations with industry players like
• Technical Skills Development: Focus on
relevant technical skills
• Soft Skills Training: Emphasize
communication, teamwork, and problemsolving
• Continuous Feedback Mechanism:
Implement regular feedback for interns
Saudi Ground Services
• Structured Onboarding: Implement a
comprehensive onboarding program
• Mentorship Programs: Develop
formal mentorship initiatives
• Regular Training Sessions: Conduct
workshops on industry best practices
• Feedback and Evaluation: Establish a
robust feedback system
• Rotational Assignments: Provide
exposure to different departments
• Summary: The internship at SGS provided valuable insights into
ground-handling operations and the aviation industry. The experience
enhanced my professional skills and prepared me for future career
• Gratitude: Thanks to Saudi Ground Services, my academic supervisor,
and my field instructor for their support and guidance.
Thank You

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