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6 alcohol

Read the information below:


A 35-year-old male presents to the psychiatric emergency department for psychiatric evaluation. The client was sent directly from his PCP’s office. That morning, the client and his wife presented to the PCP’s office without an appointment, with a chief complaint of “being overwhelmingly depressed.” The client has developed a plan to die by suicide, which included taking a bottle of Tylenol and drinking “as much vodka as it takes.” The internist performed a thorough evaluation, drew labs, and called 911 to bring the client to the Emergency Department.

When the PMHNP encounters the client, the client is visibly upset and clinging to his wife. The couple explains that they separated a month ago because the client “just couldn’t be a husband anymore.” Over the past four weeks, he has become isolated and has complained of decreased energy, concentration, appetite, and sleep. He lost his job as a house painter four months earlier. The client no longer enjoys taking care of the couple’s two children, ages 4 and 6—a drastic change from the role he has previously enjoyed as a father.

The PMHNP asked the client when he first began feeling down. He states, “When my mother died one and a half years ago.” He says that he has been feeling guilty over the circumstances of her death and wishing he had been closer to her in the years preceding her death. The wife notes with concern: “That was just about the time you started drinking so heavily, as well.” As you question further, you determine that the client has been drinking daily since his mother’s death. He estimates that he drinks six beers a day. He admits that drinking is a problem, and he tried to stop drinking two weeks before this visit. The client says: “My wife kicked me out of the house, I missed my kids, I didn’t have a job…I knew something was wrong.” He notes that in the days after he stopped drinking, he experienced some shakiness and felt “like there were bugs under my skin.” He added that having a beer made these symptoms subside. Last night he became distraught after calling his wife to check on the children and finding they were not home. He sat in his hotel room and thought, “I can’t go on living like this.” He called his wife at 6 a.m. the next day and said he thought he might kill himself. She immediately brought him to the internist’s office.


The client has never seen a psychiatric provider or been hospitalized for a psychiatric diagnosis. He recalls having been depressed only once earlier in his life, during his 20s, but he did not seek treatment at that time. Although the client is currently suicidal, he denies any past suicidal thinking and has never made previous suicide attempts.


Hypertension, Hypercholesteremia.

MEDICATIONS: Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg po daily


The client’s father has a history of alcohol dependence, and his mother had hypertension and coronary artery disease before dying of myocardial infarction at age 60. The client denies any Hx of psychiatric illness in his family.


The client has been drinking six beers/day for the past year and a half; before that, he was not drinking daily. He has a remote history of similar drinking in his 20s during his first divorce, but he was able to quit “cold turkey” and has never been to any detox facility. He experienced symptoms of withdrawal when he quit, no history of withdrawal seizures. He denies using marijuana, heroin, cocaine, or other substances. He smokes ½ pk per day of cigarettes.


The client describes his childhood as “chaotic.” Reports his father was “unpredictable” because of his drinking. The client graduated from high school and then went to vocational school. He became a house painter and worked sporadically. He was married in his early 20s and has a 17 y/o daughter who is being raised by her mother, his first wife. He married his current wife 8 yrs. ago; the marriage was functioning well until recently.


The client is a white male who appears exhausted and mildly disheveled in a sweatshirt, baseball cap, and jeans. He frequently becomes teary throughout the evaluation and has poor eye contact, although he is cooperative during the interview. His stature is slumped, even seated in the chair, and he often leans forward and hides his face in his hands. His speech is notable for increased latency and paucity of words. His affect is dysphoric, congruent with the context of the discussion, and does not brighten throughout the interview. His thought process is linear and logical, and his thought content is preoccupied with his mother’s death. The client has no overt delusions; he denies ideas of reference and paranoid ideation. He also denies hallucinations. He is experiencing suicidal ideation with intent and plan but denied homicidal ideations.

His insight and judgment are fair at this moment in that he knows he needs treatment. The cognitive exam is grossly intact.


Alcohol level= 130; AST = 68 IU/L; ALT = 45 IU/L; GGT= 35U/L; other liver function tests are WNL.

Hemoglobin =13.4; hematocrit = 41; MCV =95; triglycerides = 200 mg/dl.


Alcohol Use Disorder (F 10.20)

Major Depressive Disorder, single episode, severe without psychotic features (F32.2)

Instructions below-

1. Select one psych drug to treat the diagnosis of “alcohol use disorder and major depressive disorder, single episode, sever without psychotic features. Based on the provided information above. Please review all information to come up with an appropriate psych drug that can be prescribed with alcohol use. Please do not use Sertraline.

2. List medication class and mechanism of action for the psych drug chosen medication. 

3. Write the prescription in prescription format. 

4. Provide an evidence-based rationale for the selected medication using at least three scholarly references.

5. List any side effects or adverse effects associated with the medication you choose. 

6. Include any required diagnostic testing. State the time frame for this testing (testing is before medication initiation or q 3 months, etc.). Includes normal results range for any listed laboratory tests. 

1. Provide a minimum of three appropriate medication-related teaching points for the client and/or family. Cite a scholarly source. Accurately analyze, synthesize, and/or apply principles from evidence.

2.  Cite all references and provide references for all citations. 

7.  Communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation. Use current 7th edition APA format within 5 years to format citations and references and is free of errors. Two of the three references needed provided below:

8. Stahl, S. M. (2021). 
Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology: Prescriber’s guide (7th ed.). Cambridge University Press.

9. Stahl, S. M. (2021).  Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific basis and practical applications (5th ed.). Cambridge University Press. 

5.23 CCK

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