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 Respond in writing to at least two colleagues. Summarize what our colleagues have disclosed and explain how the information informs your next steps for building a relationship (e.g., you might pose a follow-up question or highlight something your colleagues said to redirect the conversation).  

1-Hello. My name is Natalie. I reside in Baltimore, Maryland, and a fun fact about me

is that my siblings and I while born in

different countries because my parents

were missionaries. Because of this, I’ve developed an appreciation for

different cultures, and a hobby that I do have

is learning languages. I’m currently learning

Spanish and Korean, and I’m re learning French because that’s what

my family speaks and I learned it when I moved here because I moved

here when I was young. To me, advocacy to be

an advocate means to be a competent and

compassionate partner for clients or for somebody and a partner who challenges

barriers and empowers others to do the same and provide support

throughout that process. A policy that has

impacted my life is probably an immigration

policy that allows individuals to

come and seek asylum. My family came to the

US as refugees and asylum seekers due to a civil war that was

happening in our country. That changed, of course,

the trajectory of my life because we were

able to stay here, eventually get citizenship,

I was able to go to school, go to college, and now be

in this master’s program. It’s not to say that

I wouldn’t have been able to do it if I did not go through the if my family did not have

this policy to rely on, but it definitely would have made my journey here

significantly more difficult had there not

been a policy in place to protect asylum seekers

and refugees who are experiencing difficulties

in displacement. I am excited to hear everybody

else’s fun facts and their reasons why and policies

that impact their life. And I look forward to

working with everybody.

2-Hello, everyone. My

name is Antoine, and I currently reside in

the State of South Carolina. Fun facts about me include my hometown is actually in Bridgeport

Connecticut, but I was primarily

raised in South Carolina. I’m also a very creative person. Back when I was 13-years-old, I started writing poetry, and then I decided to add a

beat to it. What do you know? I became a rapper. I’ve been

rapping since 13-years-old, and then in high school

during my senior year, I joined the show choir where we sung and did different

types of choreography. That’s how I got into

singing and then I began singing in

church here and there. Also on my free time.

The genres that I primarily do as an artist

would be hip hop and R&B, but I love many genres of music, including jazz,

classical, No soul. I can do a little

bit country music. I like pop. My music taste of course is reggae

because I’m half Haitian. My music taste is very

vast and diverse, and I love just

the arts overall. What it means what it means

regarding being an advocate. I believe that being an advocate means being the voice for those who feel as though

they do not have a voice or even if

they try to use it, they feel as though

they’re not being heard. Being an advocate is

something that takes courage, it takes bravery,

and you have to be willing to put yourself in

uncomfortable situations, and by challenging

the current laws, the current policies, and

even the social norms that are currently put in

place within our society. The laws that or should I say policies that do currently affect me would be the

Higher Education Act. I know that of course,

as college students, this Act was passed

so that many people, no matter what level

of income you are, are able to access

higher education. When it comes to things

like pell grants, financial aid through

student loans, the Higher Education

Act involves all of those things as a whole. As a college student, this

policy has definitely made a huge impact in

allowing people like myself and others

to attend college, and I’m very thankful

for this policy. I hope to learn a

lot in this class and nice to meet

you all. Thank you.

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