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7-1 Final Project: Executive Summary

6/22/24, Assignment Information

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PSY 310 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric


The final project for this course is the creation of an executive summary report. You will write a summary, conduct a crime assessment, and create a profile of a criminal. You will then develop a

conclusion and consider the investigative use of the information you have compiled. Criminal psychology encompasses a wide range of information about someone which can be drawn

together, synthesized, and written into a format used by the criminal justice system prior to an arrest. Typically, criminal psychologists are called upon to provide advice and consultation when

the crimes are not straightforward. Law enforcement officers are experts at tracking data and looking for crime-related clues to help them solve a case. However, when they need assistance

determining who a criminal is, or what a criminal’s motivation might be—in a predictive sense—they rely on the capabilities of professionals who are versed both in criminology and psychology.

A criminal profile emerges as data comes together. This is not the same as the information you see on the news; rather, it is a comprehensive look at the biological, psychological, social, and

environmental factors that make a person unique to a criminal case. Some of the information is based on empirical data and some is based on educated assumptions made by the criminal


In this executive summary report, you will look at a variety of factors and work to answer the question “who is this person?” You will examine criminal statistics, lifestyle, upbringing, medical

and mental health information, along with a range of other information, that will help you answer the “who, what, when, where, and why” of your chosen case. It will be your job to draw from

your previous education and training to learn how to understand what information is relevant to your case. There is no piece of information that is too small to help you build the mosaic of how

past activity can help predict future activity. Your profile will be thorough, addressing all of the areas and questions above for the aim of assisting investigators to understand the criminal and

his or her motivations and motives as well as the risk of the criminal activity continuing in the future. Through prompts and independent research outside of the text, you’ll peer into the world

of investigative profiling.

The project is divided into two milestonestwo milestonestwo milestonestwo milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be

submitted in Modules Three and Five. Modules Three and Five. Modules Three and Five. Modules Three and Five. The final product will be submitted in Module Seven.Module Seven.Module Seven.Module Seven.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

Assess biological, developmental, and environmental factors to determine the impact on criminal behavior

Apply relevant psychological theories to criminal behavior in order to analyze motivation

Apply psychological methods to the development of a psychological profile that synthesizes relevant data

Determine appropriate intervention strategies related to criminal behavior supported by psychological theory and research


You will complete an executive summary report that includes criminal and psychological aspects of a particular crime to inform the executive team in order to prevent or intervene in criminal

behavior. You may choose one of the following three scenarios to complete your final project:

1. White Collar Crime

2. Serial Murder

3. Domestic Terror

Specifically, you must address the critical elements critical elements critical elements critical elements listed below. Most of the critical elements align with a particular course outcome (shown in brackets).

I. SummarySummarySummarySummary

A. Summarize the case Summarize the case Summarize the case Summarize the case provided. In your summary, include key facts and demographic information.

B. Develop initial hypothesis initial hypothesis initial hypothesis initial hypothesis about the potential motivation to commit the crime. As you consider the motivation, identify the type of crime that was committed.

II. Crime AssessmentCrime AssessmentCrime AssessmentCrime Assessment

A. Compare Compare Compare Compare data and evidence of similar crimes.

B. Identify patterns Identify patterns Identify patterns Identify patterns found in similar crimes.

C. Make inferences about motivation motivation motivation motivation of the identified individual based on case evidence and comparison to similar crimes.

III. ProfileProfileProfileProfile

A. Develop a demographic summary demographic summary demographic summary demographic summary of the individual based on analysis of data from the case.

B. Explain the impact that biological factors biological factors biological factors biological factors of the case had on the individual’s behavior.

C. Explain the impact that developmental factors developmental factors developmental factors developmental factors of the case had on the individual’s behavior.


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D. Explain the impact that environmental factors environmental factors environmental factors environmental factors of the case had on the individual’s behavior.

E. Apply theories Apply theories Apply theories Apply theories to the emerging hypothesis of the motivation of your chosen subject. In your response, consider the biological, psychological, social, and criminal violence


IV. Conclusion and Investigative UseConclusion and Investigative UseConclusion and Investigative UseConclusion and Investigative Use

A. Develop a global summary global summary global summary global summary based on a synthesis of the inputs, crime assessment, and profile.

B. Anticipate future behavior future behavior future behavior future behavior based on predictive analysis.

C. Develop intervention strategies intervention strategies intervention strategies intervention strategies to mitigate future criminal behavior. Be sure to explain how your strategies will impact future behavior.

D. Discuss l imitations l imitations l imitations l imitations of data to developing your report. In your response, consider the information that was missing that you wish you had and reliability and validity of the data you


E. Based on your report, discuss how the information collected contributed to the capture, understanding, and prosecution capture, understanding, and prosecution capture, understanding, and prosecution capture, understanding, and prosecution of the individual.


Milestone One: Summary and Crime Assessment

In Module ThreeModule ThreeModule ThreeModule Three, you will submit a draft of your summary and crime assessment. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.

Milestone Two: Profile

In Module FiveModule FiveModule FiveModule Five, you will submit a draft of the profile. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.

Final Submission: Executive Summary Report

In Module SevenModule SevenModule SevenModule Seven, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all all all all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of

feedback gained throughout the course. You will add the conclusion and investigative use section to the final project submission. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.

What to Submit

Your executive summary report must be no more than 10 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New

Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include at least five references cited in APA format.

Final Project Rubric

CriteriaCriteriaCriteriaCriteria Exemplary (100%)Exemplary (100%)Exemplary (100%)Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%)Proficient (85%)Proficient (85%)Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%)Needs Improvement (55%)Needs Improvement (55%)Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%)Not Evident (0%)Not Evident (0%)Not Evident (0%) ValueValueValueValue

Summary: SummarizeSummary: SummarizeSummary: SummarizeSummary: Summarize

the Casethe Casethe Casethe Case

Meets “Proficient” criteria and

response demonstrates an

advanced ability to distill key

details from a provided case


Summarizes the case study and

includes key facts and

demographic information

Summarizes the case study but

summary is missing key facts or

demographic information

Does not summarize the case



Summary: InitialSummary: InitialSummary: InitialSummary: Initial


Meets “Proficient” criteria and

response demonstrates a

sophisticated awareness of the

potential motivation to commit

the crime

Develops initial hypothesis

about the potential motivation

to commit the crime

Develops initial hypothesis

about the potential motivation

to commit the crime but the

hypothesis is cursory or lacks


Does not develop an initial

hypothesis about the potential

motivation to commit the crime


Crime Assessment:Crime Assessment:Crime Assessment:Crime Assessment:


Meets “Proficient” criteria and

comparison is exceptionally

clear and includes exceptional


Compares data and evidence of

similar crimes

Compares data and evidence of

similar crimes but comparison

is cursory or contains


Does not compare data and

evidence of similar crimes


Crime Assessment:Crime Assessment:Crime Assessment:Crime Assessment:

Identify PatternsIdentify PatternsIdentify PatternsIdentify Patterns

Meets “Proficient” criteria and

demonstrates keen ability to

identify patterns

Identifies patterns found in

similar crimes

Identifies patterns found in

similar crimes but response is

cursory or illogical or lacks


Does not identify patterns

found in similar crimes


Crime Assessment:Crime Assessment:Crime Assessment:Crime Assessment:


Meets “Proficient” criteria and

inferences show advanced

ability to draw connections

from evidence in multiple cases

Draws inferences about the

motivation of the individual to

commit the crime based on

evidence in multiple cases

Draws inferences about the

motivation of the individual to

commit the crime but response

is cursory or illogical or lacks


Does not draw inferences

about the motivation of the

individual to commit the crime


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Profile: DemographicProfile: DemographicProfile: DemographicProfile: Demographic


Meets “Proficient” criteria and

response demonstrates an

exceptionally detailed


Develops a demographic

summary of the individual

based on analysis of data from

the case

Develops a demographic

summary of the individual

based on analysis of data from

the case but the demographic

summary of the individual is

cursory or lacks detail

Does not analyze data from the

case to develop a demographic

summary of the individual


Profile: BiologicalProfile: BiologicalProfile: BiologicalProfile: Biological


Meets “Proficient” criteria and

response demonstrates an

insightful ability to assess the

impact of biological factors

Explains the impact that

biological factors of the case

had on the individual’s behavior

Explains the impact that

biological factors of the case

had on the individual’s behavior

but explanation lacks sufficient


Does not explain the impact

that biological factors of the

case had on the individual’s



Profile: DevelopmentalProfile: DevelopmentalProfile: DevelopmentalProfile: Developmental


Meets “Proficient” criteria and

response demonstrates an

insightful ability to assess the

impact of developmental


Explains the impact that

developmental factors of the

case had on the individual’s


Explains the impact that

developmental factors of the

case had on the individual’s

behavior but explanation lacks

sufficient detail

Does not explain the impact

that developmental factors of

the case had on the individual’s



Profile: EnvironmentalProfile: EnvironmentalProfile: EnvironmentalProfile: Environmental


Meets “Proficient” criteria and

response demonstrates an

insightful ability to assess the

impact of environmental


Explains the impact that

environmental factors of the

case had on the individual’s


Explains the impact that

environmental factors of the

case had on the individual’s

behavior but explanation lacks

sufficient detail

Does not explain the impact

that environmental factors of

the case had on the individual’s



Profile: Apply TheoriesProfile: Apply TheoriesProfile: Apply TheoriesProfile: Apply Theories Meets “Proficient” criteria and

description demonstrates a

complex grasp of the

application of theories to the

hypothesis of motivation

Applies theories to the

emerging hypothesis of

motivation for the identified


Applies theories to the

emerging hypothesis of

motivation for the identified

individual but response is

missing key theories

Does not apply theories to the

emerging hypothesis of

motivation for the identified



Conclusion andConclusion andConclusion andConclusion and

Investigative Use:Investigative Use:Investigative Use:Investigative Use:

Global SummaryGlobal SummaryGlobal SummaryGlobal Summary

Meets “Proficient” criteria and

demonstrates an advanced

ability to synthesize key details

Develops global summary

based on a synthesis of the

inputs, crime assessment, and


Develops global summary but

summary is missing key

elements or lacks clear

synthesis of details

Does not develop global

summary based on a synthesis

of the inputs, crime assessment,

and profile


Conclusion andConclusion andConclusion andConclusion and

Investigative Use:Investigative Use:Investigative Use:Investigative Use:

Future BehaviorFuture BehaviorFuture BehaviorFuture Behavior

Meets “Proficient” criteria and

demonstrates keen insight into

the application of predictive


Anticipates future behavior of

individual based on predictive


Anticipates future behavior of

individual based on predictive

analysis but response is cursory

or illogical or lacks detail

Does not anticipate future

behavior of individual based on

predictive analysis


Conclusion andConclusion andConclusion andConclusion and

Investigative Use:Investigative Use:Investigative Use:Investigative Use:

Intervention StrategiesIntervention StrategiesIntervention StrategiesIntervention Strategies

Meets “Proficient” criteria and

demonstrates a nuanced

understanding of how

intervention strategies mitigate

future criminal behavior

Develops intervention

strategies, explaining how they

will mitigate future criminal


Develops intervention

strategies to mitigate this

behavior in the future but

interventions are not applied

appropriately or lack


Does not develop intervention

strategies to mitigate future

criminal behavior


Conclusion andConclusion andConclusion andConclusion and

Investigative Use:Investigative Use:Investigative Use:Investigative Use:


Meets “Proficient” criteria and

description demonstrates a

sophisticated awareness of the

case details

Discusses limitations of data in

developing the report

Discusses limitations to

developing the report but

response is cursory or illogical

or lacks detail

Does not discuss limitations to

developing the report


Conclusion andConclusion andConclusion andConclusion and

Investigative Use:Investigative Use:Investigative Use:Investigative Use:

Capture, Understanding,Capture, Understanding,Capture, Understanding,Capture, Understanding,

and Prosecutionand Prosecutionand Prosecutionand Prosecution

Meets “Proficient” criteria and

demonstrates a sophisticated

understanding of how the

report contributed to the

capture, understanding, and

prosecution of the individual

Discusses how the information

collected contributed to the

capture, understanding, and

prosecution of the individual

Discusses how the information

collected contributed to the

capture, understanding, and

prosecution of the individual

but description is cursory,

illogical, or lacks detail

Does not discuss how the

information collected

contributed to the capture,

understanding, and prosecution

of the individual


Articulation of ResponseArticulation of ResponseArticulation of ResponseArticulation of Response Submission is free of errors

related to citations, grammar,

spelling, syntax, and

organization and is presented

in a professional and easy-to-

read format

Submission has no major errors

related to citations, grammar,

spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors

related to citations, grammar,

spelling, syntax, or organization

that negatively impact

readability and articulation of

main idea

Submission has critical errors

related to citations, grammar,

spelling, syntax, or organization

that prevent understanding of



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Total:Total:Total:Total: 100%

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