The six following bullet points correspond to the grading criteria for this assignment:
● Describe the social problem of focus, including the specific outcomes that
should be addressed in that system and the population it impacts.
○ Describe the problem succinctly in your introduction.
○ What do you hope to change about that social problem or system?
What are some resulting outcomes that you hope to achieve?
○ For example, if your focus is the child welfare system, what are the
specific outcomes that you are attempting to address about that
system and the population it impacts?
● Analyze the existing literature on the problem or issue of focus.
○ To analyze is to break something down into its parts and examine the
parts carefully and in detail; the goal is to identify the essential
elements and to learn what they do and how they relate to one
○ Search appropriate scholarly databases for current articles
(publishedwithin the last eight years) that might clarify what we do
know about it.
○ As you read, focus on the key questions and strive tomake them
more precise, more relevant to your interest, andmore focused on
the importance of these ideas to social work practice in the context
of this particular system.
○ What has workedwell andwhat needs reform?
○ What are the specific issues of diversity, oppression, and/or social
● Write content clearly and logically, following the rules of grammar, usage, and
○ “Grammar” refers to the basic rules for how sentences are
constructed and howwords combine tomake sentences (e.g., word
order, case, and tense).
○ “Usage” refers to correct word choice and phrasing, particularly with
regard to themeanings of words and phrases.
○ “Mechanics” refers to correct use of capitalization, punctuation, and
○ Write in the third person, adhering to conventions of academic tone.
● Organizecontent so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions.
● Support main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or
recommendations with relevant and credible evidence.
● Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.
○ This includes the formatting of the title page, page numbers,
margins, use of in-text headers, appropriate in-text citations, and
references page.
Present the results of your literature review in a 5 page narrative essay, integrating at
least 10 articles you have read, creating the basis of a change-based strategy that focuses
on achieving changewithin your chosen system or social problem.