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Social cognitive theory 

Theory of Planned Behavior


Topic Proposal: Texting While Driving

Wenjia Zhang

Johns Hopkins University

AS.480.602.51.SP25 Changing Behavior through Communication

Dr. Willett

February 13, 2025

Texting While Driving


Texting while driving is one of the significant risk factors for road accidents. The behavior involves sending or composing a text message while driving a vehicle, an act considered a distraction that could lead to an accident. When drivers text while driving, they divert their attention from the road, take their hand off the wheel, their eyes off the road, and their focus away from driving. According to Foreman et al. (2020), 66% of drivers who text while driving exhibited the lane excursion, which led to five times more crashes than driving without texting. This risky multitasking behavior impairs individual driving performance, increasing the likelihood of road accidents. Comment by Wenjia Zhang: Citation needed for this claim

Many drivers text while driving despite being aware of the risks, an issue that increases the rate of road accidents. Based on a study by Foreman et al. (2020), using a smartphone while driving is just as risky as driving under the influence of alcohol. The behavior concerns the safety of all people, from the drivers to passengers, and people around the roads. Therefore, this topic proposal is significant for road safety awareness and legislation. NHSTA reports that in 2022, around 33,800 people in the U.S. died in car crashes, incidences involving distracted drivers (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2022). This demonstrates that behavior is an alarming distraction that must be addressed. Engaging in this behavior has several implications, such as reducing reaction time, leading to road accidents that ruin families, increasing the likelihood of injuries or fatalities, and leading to other health complications, such as traumas, including economic costs like medical care and insurance claims. As such, there is a need to address this through effective education, awareness campaigns, and implementation of stricter laws. Comment by Wenjia Zhang: Citation needed for this claim Comment by Wenjia Zhang: Citation needed for this claim

Affected Populations

Teenagers and young adult drivers aged 16 to 25 are more addicted to their smartphones and have a higher tendency to multitask, making them the most affected demographic. Based on a survey by Foreman et al. (2020), 92% of this demographic reported reading and texting while driving, suggesting that they are more likely to be involved in texting-while-driving accidents more frequently compared to any other age group. Many young drivers believe they can safely manage texting and driving, fostering overconfidence in their multitasking abilities. Access to technology has a significant influence on texting while driving. At the same time, lower-income people are impacted by the lack of community outreach or education on the dangers of this behavior. However, in urban areas, where driving congestion is high, and there are more young drivers, there are more texting incidences because of frequent traffic stops and longer travel times. Sekadakis et al. (2022) state that the behavior also occurs in rural settings, suggesting the issue affects all geographic areas. Environmental factors, such as long commutes, heavy traffic, or monotonous driving conditions, may also contribute to the behavior, as drivers seek distractions to pass the time. Some vulnerabilities with the behavior include economic pressures where some work requires someone to stay connected and productive, normalization of smartphone usage while driving, and inexperienced young drivers who may underestimate the risks. Comment by Wenjia Zhang: Citation needed for this claim Comment by Wenjia Zhang: Citation needed for this claim

Causes and Motivations

Several factors may contribute to texting while driving behaviors. Social norms and peer pressure, where social media culture has emphasized the need for constant connectivity, resulting in pressure to remain engaged with followers or friends. According to Foreman et al. (2020), texting while driving has become socially acceptable among young people, with many young drivers’ parents even texting while driving. Thus, they believe they can safely drive while texting. Instant gratification is another psychological factor behind this behavior. There is an immediate psychological reward from receiving a message, checking the notification, and texting back, which creates a strong urge to use a cell phone while driving (Sullman et al., 2021). With the development of more advanced smartphone apps and the accessibility of the internet, the young driver becomes more tempted to stay connected by using their phones, increasing the likelihood of such risky behavior. There is also ineffective education on the behavior, lack of proper awareness of its implications, and economic pressure that requires using phones all the time, factors that motivate this behavior. At the same time, the psychological factor, threat appeals, refers to a persuasive message that attempts to arouse the threat of danger in the message recipients to adopt recommendations for the message. Threat appeals have been utilized to discourage drivers from various risky driving behaviors, such as texting while driving (Hayashi et al., 2019). Economic factors include unique jobs like delivery, rideshare, and truck drivers; they must feel pressure to check navigation, messages, or app notifications while driving. Comment by Wenjia Zhang: Citation needed for this claim Comment by Wenjia Zhang: missing citation


In summary, young adults and teen drivers are the primary age group affected by texting while driving, a risky behavior that not only distracts an individual but could also lead to severe destruction, such as road accidents and death. While many drivers are aware of its danger, factors like social norms, such as being expected to stay connected, normalization of the behavior, and economic issues cause these young people to engage in this behavior. Research indicates that texting while driving has profound implications for people, their families, and society. Therefore, interventions should be implemented to address the problem because it has become part of social culture.


Foreman, A. M., Friedel, J. E., Hayashi, Y., & Wirth, O. (2020). Texting while driving: A discrete choice experiment.
Accident Analysis & Prevention,
149, 105823.

Hayashi, Y., Foreman, A. M., Friedel, J. E., & Wirth, O. (2019). Threat appeals reduce impulsive decision making associated with texting while driving: A behavioral economic approach. 
14(3), e0213453.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (2022). 
Distracted Driving. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; United States Department of Transportation.

Sekadakis, M., Katrakazas, C., Orfanou, F., Pavlou, D., Oikonomou, M., & Yannis, G. (2022). Impact of texting and web surfing on driving behavior and safety in rural roads.
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology,
12(3), 665–682.

Sullman, M. J., Przepiorka, A. M., Błachnio, A. P., & Hill, T. (2021). Can’t text, I’m driving – Factors influencing intentions to text while driving in the UK.
Accident Analysis & Prevention,
153, 106027.

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