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Due Jan 16 50 points
14 Replies, 14 Unread
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Psychologists have iden�fied a number of cogni�ve biases that lead to flawed thinking, which you have explored in this
week’s Learning Resources and Learning Ac�vity. In this Discussion, you will examine how a specific cogni�ve bias has
influenced your own thinking. You will also explore how to use cri�cal thinking to proac�vely iden�fy cogni�ve biases.
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before comple�ng this ac�vity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.
Reflect on what you learned about cogni�ve biases and cri�cal thinking from comple�ng the Learning Ac�vity.
View the video on cogni�ve biases. Iden�fy one cogni�ve bias from the video that has influenced a decision you made
or a belief you had.
Review the Learning Resources on cri�cal thinking and pay par�cular a�en�on to ques�ons associated with Paul and
Elder’s (2020) Elements of Thought and Universal Intellectual Standards. Consider how you could use at least one of
the ques�ons to iden�fy bias in your thinking.
Post a response to the following:
Describe an example of when one of the 12 specific cogni�ve biases from the video this week affected a decision you
made or a belief you had.
Explain how the bias affected your decision or belief. Be specific.
Iden�fy one ques�on from the Elements of Thought or the Universal Intellectual Standards in the Paul and Elder (2020)
Learning Resource that would have helped you iden�fy your biased thinking. Explain how.
Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your ini�al post before you will be able to view and
respond to your colleagues’ pos�ngs. Begin by clicking on the Reply bu�on to complete your ini�al post.
Remember, once you click on Post Reply, you cannot delete or edit your own posts and you cannot post
anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Post Reply!
Respond to at least one colleague who discussed a different cogni�ve bias than you did. Iden�fy a different ques�on from
the Elements of Thought or the Universal Intellectual Standards that they could have used to iden�fy their biased thinking
and explain how.