Reflection – Communicating About Mental Health
Due Sunday by 11:59pm
Points 50
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This assignment is intended to help you reflect on what you have learned in this module, especially as it
relates to how you might apply it to your own life.
For this assignment you are required to write a reflection about this module’s content: Emotions and
perceptions and communicating about them. Think about these questions:
How much of this content was new to you? Explain.
Identify one topic that you find of particular importance or interest, and explain why using specific
details. An example would be helpful.
How has participating in the discussions and readings affected your opinion about this subject?
Explain and illustrate with examples.
How prepared do you feel to put into practice one or more or the skills described in this module?
Explain and illustrate with examples.
Action Items
1. Prepare a 2- to 3-page reflection paper (not including the reference page) about your experience with
this module’s content. Include your responses to the questions above. Draw on and use terminology
from the text.
1/22/25, 2:11 PM Reflection – Communicating About Mental Health
Reflection – Communicating About Mental Health
Note: Do not feel obligated to share any experiences or details that you consider too personal.
Include citations from the text where applicable.
2. Submit the completed first draft of your assignment. Your work will automatically be checked by
3. Access your Turnitin report by reviewing your Submission Details for this assignment. Revise your
work as needed based on the feedback.
4. By the due date indicated, re-submit the final version of your work.
1/22/25, 2:11 PM Reflection – Communicating About Mental Health
Criteria Ratings Pts
15 pts
15 pts
15 pts
5 pts
Topic of
15 to >13.0 pts
You discussed in very relevant
detail the experience you have
had with the topics of the
module. You also identified one
topic of particular interest and
explained why. The
explanations were very clear.
You used vocabulary about the
topics that match that used in
the text. You provided a
compelling example.
13 to >10.0 pts
You discussed in fairly
relevant detail the experience
you have had with the topics
of the module. You also
identified one topic of
particular interest and
explained why. The
explanations were mostly
clear. You used vocabulary
from the text appropriately.
You provided a good
10 to >0 pts
You discussed in
budding detail the
experience you have
had with the topics of
the module. You also
identified one topic of
particular interest. You
used vocabulary from
the text. You provided
an example.
Opinion 15 to >13.0 pts
You discussed how the
module has affected their
opinion of the topic you
identified. You gave a clear
explanation with an
example. You used
vocabulary from the text to
explain. Your work was very
relevant to the topic.
Significant reflection is
evident in your work.
13 to >10.0 pts
You discussed how the
module has affected their
opinion of the topic you
identified. You gave a fair
explanation. You used
some vocabulary from the
text to explain. Your work
was mostly relevant to the
topic. Significant reflection
is fairly evident in your
10 to >0 pts
You discussed how the
module has affected their
opinion of the topic you
identified. Yet, you gave an
unclear explanation. You
used little or no vocabulary
from the text to explain or
used it inappropriately. Your
work was not very relevant to
the topic. Significant
reflection is not evident in
your work.Application 15 to >13.0 pts
You discussed how
prepared they feel to
practice or apply two or
more skills from this
module. You gave a clear
explanation with an
example. You used
vocabulary from the text to
explain. Your work was very
relevant to the topic.
Significant reflection is
evident in your work.
13 to >10.0 pts
You discussed how
prepared they feel to
practice or apply a skill from
this module. You gave an
explanation with an
example. You used some
vocabulary from the text to
explain. Your work was
somewhat relevant to the
topic. Significant reflection
is evident in your work.
10 to >0 pts
You discussed how prepared
they feel to practice or apply
a skill from this module. Yet,
you gave an unclear
explanation. You used little
or no vocabulary from the
text to explain or used it
inappropriately. Your work
was not very relevant to the
topic. Significant reflection is
not evident in your work.
APA and
5 to >4.0 pts
Your references were in
APA style with a few minor
errors. Spelling and
grammar were excellent.
4 to >3.0 pts
Your references were in
APA style with minor
errors. Spelling and
grammar were sound.
3 to >0 pts
Your references were in APA style
with a many minor errors or some
major ones. You manifested
1/22/25, 2:11 PM Reflection – Communicating About Mental Health
Total Points: 50
Criteria Ratings Pts
several spelling and/or grammar
1/22/25, 2:11 PM Reflection – Communicating About Mental Health