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PSY 121: Developmental Psychology Learning Unit 9: Assignment
Breast Cancer, Ins and Outs
SLO: Analyze biological, cognitive, and socioemotional developmental processes for middle adulthood,
apply developmental psychological content to real-life situations to include individual differences, beliefs,
values, and interpersonal relationships, and develop critical thinking skills.
According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women
worldwide, and the American Cancer Society estimates that the lifetime risk of breast cancer will rise to
one in seven women by the year 2024.
For this activity, view the film called Breast Cancer: Disease and Ease found in the IHCC Library
Database. Go to the IHCC Library tab at the bottom of the IHCC web page (this is only one way to get to
the IHCC Library), click, on the left-hand navigation area, click on Library Databases, click, scroll down
the page titled Films on Demand, click. Enter the username and password (found under “Assist” in
MyHills below “Courses” on the left-hand side of screen, blue navigation area. Then, enter either the
film title or FOD number in the search bar in Films on Demand. Search for: Breast Cancer: Disease and
Ease. (FOD number: 53305) [25 minutes]. Read the questions below before viewing the film and take
notes to help you address each question. WARNING Viewer Discretion Advised
Once the film is viewed, answer the following 14 questions in detail. Provide the question and then your
1. How common is breast cancer?
2. What are some signs of breast cancer? Why aren’t the signs always predictive of breast cancer?
3. According to WHO, what is the most common cancer in women?
4. How have we changed how we look at the progression of breast cancer?
5. Is there only one type of breast cancer? Explain.
6. Why are the rates of breast cancer lower in rural Africa?
7. Why are the rates of breast cancer rising in China?
8. What “Western” life style factors increase your risk of getting breast cancer?
9. Discuss the ways that breast cancer can be detected.
10. Explain the difference between a mastectomy and lumpectomy and why each surgery would be
11. Discuss these treatments:
12. Why is psychological and social support so important for women with breast cancer?
13. How can young women help prevent breast cancer?
14. After viewing and completing this activity, what was an “aha ha” moment for you?
© Deb Vos and Indian Hills Community College