CLASS/HW: 1st Research Article – Screenshots, Methodology & Results (W. 3)
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Prep Task
Ensure you have your FIRST research article intended to be used in your Literature Review for later.
(1) CONFIRM: that you have applied the required search parameters – last 10 years, full text, journals – BEFORE beginning to find the right article for your approved research question/topic.
(2) PREPARE: Once you have found an article that is RELEVANT to your APPROVED research topic scan the document to ensure you can find the items below and take two screenshots:
1. the methodology section (heading and 1st few lines)
2. the results section (heading and 1st few lines)
(3) REVIEW: Below is a sample of what that should look like:
Submission Task
(1) ANSWER the following questions and write them in the submission box below with your screenshots:
1a. What is your APPROVED research question?
1b. What is the title of the chosen research article?
1c. How is the chosen article related to your question?
Example of an acceptable response to the two questions above:
1a.) My approved research questions is: What have researchers learned about the negative impacts of stress and anxiety among college students in the United States and ways to mitigate these negative impacts?
1b.) A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies exploring prevalence of non-specific anxiety in undergraduate university students
1c.) My chosen article explores the relationship between stress and academic performance among college students.
(2) UPLOAD your screenshots below.
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