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Employment Relationship Management (5HR01)


A Briefing
paper setting
out written
responses to
each of the 10
answers, with
in-text Harvard
Referencing to
support them.
Total: 3,900
words (+/-

The Professional Map – Employee Relations

Employee voice


Employment relationship management
Learner Assessment Brief V3
Assessment ID / CIPD_5HR01_24_01

Level 5 Associate Diploma in

People Management

June 2024

Level 5 Associate Diploma


Employment relationship
This unit examines the key approaches, practices, and tools to manage and enhance the employee
relationship to create better working lives and the significant impact this can have on
organisational performance.

CIPD’s insight
The Professional Map – Employee Relations
Employee relations is about creating and maintaining a positive working relationship between an
organisation and its people.
An important part of that relationship is the culture, and the extent to which the organisation
seeks to be resolution-focused. People professionals have an important role in setting that culture
through the development of policies and processes which apply the law in a practical, fair, and
transparent way. So, specialists in this area need a deep understanding of employment/labour
law, keeping up to date with legislative developments in order to advise the business and line
managers to create the best outcome for individuals and the organisation.

Employee voice
Wellbeing, commitment, and innovation are negatively impacted when employees feel they are
without ‘voice’ in their organisation. We believe all employers should have policies and practices
in place which enable employees to express themselves on matters that are important to them in
their work.
Employee voice means individuals being able to safely put forward their viewpoints on their work,
at work, irrespective of where, when, and how they do their work. When employee voice channels
work effectively, employees can feel valued, trusted, and influential. In turn, this can increase
their job satisfaction and performance.
For employers, effective employee voice can mean better relationships with their employees and,
ultimately, improved organisational performance. Line managers, people professionals and voice
champions have a responsibility to actively bring out, listen to and respond to employees’ voices.
They can encourage employees to express themselves in individual and collective channels, both
directly, for example to their team leader, and indirectly, for example through an employee

June 2024

Level 5 Associate Diploma
Employee voice channels include individual self-representation, for example one-to-one meetings
with a line manager and employee surveys, as well as collective representation such as trade
unions and an employee representative on the company board. Employee voice platforms
increasingly include digital technologies, for instance for group meetings, and protected social
networking apps for more informal communication.

Employees who have good quality jobs and are managed well, will not only be happier, healthier,
and more fulfilled, but are also more likely to drive productivity, better products or services, and
innovation. This mutual gains’ view of motivation and people management lies at the heart of
employee engagement, a concept that’s become increasingly mainstream in management thinking
over the last decade. As part of our work in this area, we sponsor Engage for Success, the
voluntary UK movement promoting employee engagement.
Employment law regulates the relationship between employers and employees. It governs what
employers can expect from employees, what employers can ask employees to do, and employees’
rights at work.
Please note that the purpose of this insight is to link you to CIPD’s research and evidence within the subject
area, so that you can engage with the latest thinking. It is not provided to replace the study required as
part of the learning or as formative assessment material.

June 2024

Level 5 Associate Diploma

Preparation for the Tasks:

At the start of your assessment, you are encouraged to plan your work and map out
milestones to help you monitor your progress.

Refer to the indicative content in the unit to guide and support your evidence.

Pay attention to how your evidence is presented.

Ensure that the evidence generated for this assessment remains your own work.

You will also benefit from:

Completing and acting on Draft Assessment feedback from your assessor.

Reflecting on your own experiences of learning opportunities and continuous professional

Reading the CIPD Insight, Fact Sheets, and related online material on these topics as well
as key research authors on the subject.

June 2024

Level 5 Associate Diploma

The public sector organisation that you work for has recently undergone a merger with another
similar public sector organisation that has had significant staff changes across key departments.
The incoming leadership, management and people practice teams are relatively new to their posts
and have limited awareness of managing employee relations in the public sector as many of them
have been recruited from the private sector.
There are concerns that this could affect commitment to existing employee relations practices.
With this in mind, your people practice director has asked you to write a briefing paper. You need
to provide the teams with knowledge and understanding about:
a) the various forms of representation that can be employed at work and how these are used
to support workplace harmony, and
b) the different forms of conflict and dispute resolution and how to manage performance,
disciplinary and grievance matters lawfully.
To complete the Briefing paper, you should include written responses to each of the 10 points
below, making appropriate use of academic literature, case and statutory law, codes of practice,
research, and good practical examples to substantiate your response and illustrate key points.
Please ensure that you use reputable sources as indicated on the unit reading list and that all
cited sources are correctly acknowledged and presented in full Reference List (and Bibliography
where appropriate) at the end of your Briefing paper.

Briefing paper
Referring to the above scenario:
1) Differentiate between employee involvement and employee participation and how they
build relationships. (AC 1.1)
2) Compare forms of union and non-union employee representation. (AC 1.2)
3) Evaluate the relationship between employee voice and organisational performance.
(AC 1.3)
4) Explain the concept of better working lives and how this can be designed. (AC 1.4)
5) Distinguish between organisational conflict and misbehaviour. (AC 2.1)
6) Assess emerging trends in the types of conflict and industrial sanctions. (AC 2.2)
7) Distinguish between third-party conciliation, mediation, and arbitration. (AC 2.3)

June 2024

Level 5 Associate Diploma
8) Explain the principles of legislation relating to unfair dismissal in respect of capability and
misconduct issues. (AC 3.1)
9) Analyse three key causes of employee grievances. (AC 3.2)
10) Advise on the importance of handling grievances effectively. (AC 3.3)

Your evidence must consist of:

A Briefing paper setting out written responses to each of the 10 Instructions.
Assessment Criteria numbers as headings for each answer.
Professionally presented answers, with in-text Harvard Referencing to support them.
End Reference List.
Approximately 3,900 words, refer to CIPD wordcount policy (+/-10%).

June 2024

Level 5 Associate Diploma

Assessment Criteria Evidence Checklist
You may find the following checklist helpful to make sure that you have included the required
evidence to meet the task. This is not a mandatory requirement as long as it is clear in your
submission where the assessment criteria have been met.
Briefing paper


Assessment criteria

Differentiate between employee
involvement and employee participation
and how they build relationships.


Compare forms of union and non-union
employee representation.


Evaluate the relationship between
employee voice and organisational


Explain the concept of better working
lives and how this can be designed.


Distinguish between organisational
conflict and misbehaviour.


Assess emerging trends in the types of
conflict and industrial sanctions.


Distinguish between third-party
conciliation, mediation, and arbitration.


Explain the principles of legislation
relating to unfair dismissal in respect of
capability and misconduct issues.


Analyse key causes of employee


Advise on the importance of handling
grievances effectively.

June 2024

Evidence reference

Level 5 Associate Diploma

Employment relationship
Assessment Criteria marking descriptors.
Assessors will mark in line with the following assessment criteria (AC) marking descriptors, and
will indicate where the learner sits within the marking band range for each AC.
Assessors must provide a mark from 1 to 4 for each assessment criteria within the unit. Assessors
should use the mark descriptor grid as guidance so they can provide comprehensive feedback that
is developmental for learners. Please be aware that not all the mark descriptors will be present in
every assessment criterion, so assessors must use their discretion in making grading decisions.
The grid below shows the range for each unit assessment result based on total number of marks
awarded across all assessment criteria.
To pass the unit assessment learners must achieve a 2 (Low Pass) or above for each of the
assessment criteria.
The overall result achieved will dictate the outcome the learner receives for the unit, provided
NONE of the assessment criteria have been failed or referred.
Please note that learners will receive a Pass or Fail result from the CIPD at unit level. Referral
grades can be used internally by the centre.

Overall mark

Unit result

0 to 19


20 to 25

Low Pass

26 to 32


33 to 40

High Pass

June 2024

Level 5 Associate Diploma

Marking Descriptors
Mark Range




The response DOES NOT demonstrate sufficient knowledge,
understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC.
Insufficient examples included, where required to support answer.
Insufficient or no evidence of the use of wider reading to help
inform answer.
Presentation or structure of response is not appropriate and does
not meet the requirement of the question/assessment brief.


Low Pass

The response demonstrates an acceptable level of knowledge,
understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC.
Sufficient acceptable examples included, where required to support
Sufficient evidence of appropriate wider reading to help inform
Satisfactory in-text referencing.
Answer is acceptable but could be clearer in responding to the
question/task and presented in a more coherent way.
Required format adopted but some improvement required to the
structure and presentation of the response.



The response demonstrates a good level of knowledge,
understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC.
Includes confident use of examples, where required to support the
Good evidence of appropriate wider reading to help inform answer.
A good standard of in-text referencing.
Answer responds clearly to the question/task and is well-expressed.
Presentation and structure of response is appropriate for the


High Pass

The response demonstrates a wide and confident level of
knowledge, understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC.
Includes strong examples that illustrate the points being made and
support the answer.
Considerable evidence of appropriate wider reading to inform
An excellent standard of in-text referencing.
Answer responds clearly to the question/task and is particularly
well-expressed or argued.
Presentation and structure of response is clear, coherent, and
responds directly to the requirements of the question/task.

June 2024

5HR01 – Employment relationship management
Unit Guide V3

Page 1 of 22



Contents……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2

Unit Aims and Outcomes ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3


Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria …………………………………………………………………….. 4


How to Approach the Unit………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5


Support …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6


Assessment Questions and Guidance ……………………………………………………………………………….. 7


Marking Descriptors and Marking Grid…………………………………………………………………………… 17


Submitting your Assessment …………………………………………………………………………………………. 19


Unit Disclaimer and Updates …………………………………………………………………………………………. 20


Appendix …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21

Page 2 of 22


1. Unit Aims and Outcomes
About this Unit
This unit examines the key approaches, practices, and tools to manage and enhance the employee
relationship to create better working lives and the significant impact this can have on organisational
Unit Information
Unit Credits:
Guided Learning Hours (GLH):
Additional Learning Time:

25 hours
35 hours

Guided learning hours represent viewing recordings, attending live sessions, completing your
eLearning, and support from tutors. Additional learning time includes self-study, research, and
assessment preparation and completion.
What you will learn
You will develop understanding of practices aimed at supporting better working lives, differentiating
between employee involvement and participation. You will also learn about conflict and
misbehaviour, assessing emerging trends in conflict and industrial sanctions, third-party conciliation,
mediation, and arbitration. Finally, you will learn about performance, disciplinary and grievance
matters and how to manage these lawfully.

Page 3 of 22


2. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcome 1

Learning Outcome 2

Learning Outcome 3

Understand employee voice and practices to
support better working lives.

Understand different forms of conflict
behaviour and dispute resolution.

Understand how to manage performance,
disciplinary and grievance matters lawfully.

Assessment Criteria 1.1
➢ Differentiate between employee involvement
and employee participation and how they
build relationships.
Assessment Criteria 1.2
➢ Compare forms of union and non-union
employee representation.
Assessment Criteria 1.3
➢ Evaluate the relationship between employee
voice and organisational performance.
Assessment Criteria 1.4
➢ Explain the concept of better working lives
and how this can be designed.

Assessment Criteria 2.1
➢ Distinguish between organisational conflict
and misbehaviour.
Assessment Criteria 2.2
➢ Assess emerging trends in the types of
conflict and industrial sanctions.
Assessment Criteria 2.3
➢ Distinguish between third-party conciliation,
mediation, and arbitration.

Assessment Criteria 3.1
➢ Explain the principles of legislation relating to
unfair dismissal in respect of capability and
misconduct issues.
Assessment Criteria 3.2
➢ Analyse key causes of employee grievances.
Assessment Criteria 3.3
➢ Advise on the importance of handling
grievances effectively.

Page 4 of 22


3. How to Approach the Unit
Inside each unit you will find the following sections: Unit Introduction, Your Learning, and Your
Assessment. You should work through each section in order. This is a strategy to allow you to
systematically work through the unit. By taking your time and reading each resource in each section,
it gives you a greater chance of achieving success.
We recommend adopting the below approach:

Before tackling the assessment, you should plan how you are going to approach it. Read the
assessment brief thoroughly to make sure you have a clear understanding of the nature of the tasks
to be completed. Then, watch the assessment walkthrough videos and read this guide. Don’t forget
you can ask your Programme Tutor any questions if you are unsure. By completing these activities,
you should have a full understanding of what the brief is asking you to do and how you are going to
do it.
Now you have planned how to tackle the assessment, you should complete each Learning Topic and
the Chapters and Activities within them. This is how you will learn the key knowledge and skills
required to complete the assessment. You should carry out further reading to support your work and
review any recordings available.
Write your assessment as you complete Learning Topics. Keep checking with your Programme Tutor
if you have any questions and don’t forget you can submit a draft (ensuring you follow the draft
regulations). You can also attend live sessions or watch the recording for further information on what
is required.
When you have completed all your learning and written your assessment, you should begin your
preparations to submit it. Check that your work is fit for submission before uploading via the
Assessment Submission link.

Page 5 of 22


4. Support
For this unit you will have access to the following support:

Course Site Content.
Videos and Live Communications.
Contacting your Programme Tutor.

Information around this process can be found in your programme guide and on the course site.
Course Site Content
Access this unit and work through the Unit Introduction, Your Learning,
and Your Assessment sections.
You should read the assessment brief, use this guide for support, and
work your way through each learning topic, writing your assessment as
you go. Don’t forget to carry out further reading to support your work.

Videos and Live Communications
If you feel you have a question or want to seek further advice, you should
watch the video walkthroughs and attend live sessions.
You can also post in Student Discussion Board (in the CIPD Resources
Library) to connect with other students. Remember you must adhere to
the guidelines, which can be found in a pinned post on the discussion

Contact your Programme Tutor
Contact your Programme Tutor via the Contact Your Tutor section in the
Unit. Your Programme Tutor is a subject matter expert and can provide
you with expert advice around the assessment, knowledge of HR and L&D
theory and how you can practically apply that in your assessment and

Page 6 of 22


5. Assessment Questions and Guidance

Style of Writing

Word Count


CIPD Insight Links

A Briefing
paper setting
out written
responses to
each of the 10

answers, with
in-text Harvard
Referencing to
support them.

Total: 3,900
words (+/10%).

A Word Document with front cover
sheet attached and signed (this must
be a true signature, so a handwritten
signature, or a photo or scan of a
handwritten signature, or an esignature. A typed signature is not

The Professional Map – Employee Relations

DO NOT USE the “Track Changes”
feature in Microsoft Word Document
on resubmissions.

Employee voice

Engage for Success

Page 7 of 22

Assessment Questions and Guidance
Answer the below questions in your assessment. They have been taken directly from the Assessment Brief.
The public sector organisation that you work for has recently undergone a merger with another similar public sector organisation that has had significant
staff changes across key departments.
The incoming leadership, management and people practice teams are relatively new to their posts and have limited awareness of managing employee
relations in the public sector as many of them have been recruited from the private sector.
There are concerns that this could affect commitment to existing employee relations practices. With this in mind, your people practice director has asked
you to write a briefing paper. You need to provide the teams with knowledge and understanding about:
a) the various forms of representation that can be employed at work and how these are used to support workplace harmony, and
b) the different forms of conflict and dispute resolution and how to manage performance, disciplinary and grievance matters lawfully.
To complete the Briefing paper, you should include written responses to each of the 10 points below, making appropriate use of academic literature,
case and statutory law, codes of practice, research, and good practical examples to substantiate your response and illustrate key points. Please ensure
that you use reputable sources as indicated on the unit reading list and that all cited sources are correctly acknowledged and presented in full Reference
List (and Bibliography where appropriate) at the end of your Briefing paper.
Answer each question within the context of the scenario provided. Refer to and align with the specific context of the Scenario as the framework to shape
your answers, taking account of the purpose and the target audience the piece of work is aimed at.
Consider the format required, and how it may look in the real world. Elements may include document borders, visuals, infographics, and the creator’s
contact information, where appropriate – not all of these are required, but the format should resemble a Briefing paper.
The Briefing paper should provide information and cover the essential details about this particular subject matter, informing the reader on the points,
practices and issues contained within. All of the Assessment Criteria within the Assessment Brief must be covered, aligning closely with the Command
Verb in each Assessment Criteria/Question.
Please use the Assessment Criteria numbers as headings for each answer.
Page 8 of 22

AC# Assessment Criteria

Assessment Question

Indicative content

Assessment Guidance


Q1. Differentiate between
employee involvement and
employee participation
and how they build
relationships. (AC 1.1)

Employee involvement and employee
participation: definitions of involvement
and participation; differences in decisionmaking; differences in depth, form, scope,
and methods; links to unitarism and
pluralism; links to motivation and

Answer needs to:
➢ Show knowledge of and explain
what the term employee
involvement means, give a
definition. Then explain how
employee involvement builds
➢ Show knowledge of and explain
what the term employee
participation means, give a
definition. Then explain how
employee participation builds
➢ Differentiate (highlight
differences) between employee
involvement and employee
participation. This could be in
terms of decision-making, depth,
form, scope, and methods (not all
need to be covered, but a clear
demonstration of understanding
of the key differences is
expected). Words such as “unlike”
and “in contrast” can be used to
signpost differences.

Differentiate between
employee involvement and
employee participation
and how they build

Page 9 of 22


Compare forms of union
and non-union employee

Q2. Compare forms of
union and non-union
employee representation.
(AC 1.2)

Joint negotiation committees; trade
unions; employee forums; staff councils;
works councils; differences in the power
of employee bodies.

Differentiate = Identify the aspects which
make things different from each other.
Answer needs to:
➢ Compare forms of union and nonunion employee representation.
➢ Show knowledge of similarities
and differences between union
and non-union employee
Answer could consider joint negotiation
committees; trade unions; employee
forums; staff councils; works councils;
differences in the power between the
different forms of employee


Evaluate the relationship
between employee voice
and organisational

Q3. Evaluate the
relationship between
employee voice and
performance. (AC 1.3)

Relationship between employee voice and
organisational performance: arguments
that support a link, for example highperformance work practice research,
arguments that question whether voice
leads to improved organisational
performance, for example difficulties in
measuring performance, variations in

Compare = Identify similarities and
differences for an activity, leading to an
informed conclusion based upon evidence
Answer needs to:
➢ Evaluate the relationship between
employee voice and
organisational performance.
➢ Show knowledge of
views/arguments that suggest
that employee voice leads to

Page 10 of 22

methods of voice in practice, impact of
other variables.

better organisational
➢ Show knowledge of
views/arguments that question
whether employee voice does
lead to better organisational
Research, sources, and opinions are
expected to be included in the answer.
A balanced argument is expected around
the relationship between employee voice
and organisational performance,
concluded with judgements.


Explain the concept of
better working lives and
how this can be designed.

Q4. Explain the concept of
better working lives and
how this can be designed.
(AC 1.4)

Better working lives: concept of good
work, definitions of good work; fair and
decent work; job quality: terms of
employment, pay and benefits, health,
safety and psychosocial wellbeing, job
design and nature of work, social support,
and cohesion; flexibility; responsiveness to
personal issues; metrics used to assess job
quality and good work; how to design

Evaluate = Make an appraisal of the value
(or not) of something, its validity,
reliability, applicability.
Answer needs to:
➢ Explain the concept of better
working lives, explain what is
meant by this.
➢ Explain two ways how this can be
CIPD offers many resources to refer to.

Page 11 of 22

good work so that it promotes good
physical and mental health.



Distinguish between
organisational conflict and

Assess emerging trends in
the types of conflict and
industrial sanctions.

Q5. Distinguish between
organisational conflict and
misbehaviour. (AC 2.1)

Q6. Assess emerging
trends in the types of
conflict and industrial
sanctions. (AC 2.2)

Organisational conflict: forms of
employee-organised conflict such as
strikes, work-to-rule, go-slow, overtime
bans, protests and deliberate negative or
disruptive behaviour; forms of
unorganised conflict, also known as
misbehaviour, such as sabotage, fraud,
absenteeism, walking out.

Shift from long strikes to shorter
strategically planned strikes; trends in
number of strikes, working days lost,
number of workers involved; increasing
use of injunctions by organisations;
individualisation of workplace conflict.
Nature of sanctions possible and currently

Explain = Make something clear to
someone by describing or giving a
detailed account of a process, decision, or
way of doing something.
Answer needs to:
➢ Distinguish between
organisational conflict and
➢ Provide an explanation/definition
for each separately (one for
organisational conflict and one for
misbehaviour), along with an
example of each to illustrate what
is different about them.
➢ Show a clear understanding of
how organisational conflict and
misbehaviour differ from each
Distinguish = show/recognise/understand
what makes things different from each
Answer needs to:
➢ Assess two emerging trends in the
types of conflict and industrial
It is important to include data and
evidence, for example:
Page 12 of 22

being applied, for example
internal/external policies and principles,
legislation and how applied.

An answer covering strikes could
consider if the number of
stoppages is increasing or
decreasing and explore the
reasons for the trends as part of
the assessment. It could consider
that strikes have other
implications too, through the
number of days lost and the
number of workers involved.
An answer could show evidence
of trends relating to individual
conflict that could be evidenced
through employment tribunal
claims or claims to similar courts.

Emerging trends must be relevant and
Contemporary sources and references
should be taken from the last 1-3 years.


Distinguish between thirdparty conciliation,
mediation, and arbitration.

Q7. Distinguish between
third-party conciliation,
mediation, and arbitration.
(AC 2.3)

Definitions of third party; conciliation,
mediation, and arbitration; uses in
individual and collective disputes; role of
conciliation in settlement of employment

Assess = Evaluate or judge the importance
an issue and use available information to
make a reasoned judgement.
Answer needs to:
➢ Explain what each separate term
means – all three (third party
conciliation, mediation and
Page 13 of 22

tribunal claims, role of mediation in
restoring and maintaining employment
relationship, role of conciliator and
mediator in helping parties resolve their
dispute; role of arbitrator in making a
binding decision in a dispute; managing
potential conflict situations to achieve
consensus legally and ethically.


Explain the principles of
legislation relating to
unfair dismissal in respect
of capability and
misconduct issues.

Q8. Explain the principles
of legislation relating to
unfair dismissal in respect
of capability and
misconduct issues. (AC 3.1)

Unfair dismissal law: the principles of
unfair dismissal law; relevant legislation;
relevant codes of practice.
Capability and misconduct issues:
definitions of capability and misconduct;
fair and unfair reasons for dismissal,
importance of acting fairly and
reasonably; formal hearings and warnings;
differences between ordinary and gross
misconduct; record keeping; right to be
accompanied to disciplinary hearings.

arbitration), along with an
example of each.
➢ Distinguish between the three,
clearly illustrate how they differ
from each other.
Answer could consider advantages and
disadvantages of each, and when each
approach is most suitable.
Distinguish = show/recognise/understand
what makes things different from each
Answer needs to:
➢ Provide an explanation/definition
for capability and misconduct
separately, along with an example
of each.
➢ Refer to relevant legislation to
show where the principles
➢ Explain the very key principles
relating to unfair dismissal in
respect of both capability and
misconduct (wordcount does not
allow for wider coverage of
capability and misconduct, the
focus is on the key principles).

Page 14 of 22

Relevant legislation and codes of practice
should be referred to.
There is scope to include cases to support
the points within the answer.
There is no need to write about other fair
reasons for dismissal.


Analyse key causes of
employee grievances.

Q9. Analyse three key
causes of employee
grievances. (AC 3.2)

Definitions of grievance; causes of
individual and collective grievances: poor
management, lack of flexibility, inequality
in treatment, unfair rules, workload,
working conditions, grading issues,
interpretation of an existing collective
agreement, bullying and harassment.

Explain = Make something clear to
someone by describing or giving a
detailed account of a process, decision, or
way of doing something.
Answer needs to:
➢ Analyse three key causes of
employee grievances – break the
topic down. These can be causes
of individual grievances and
causes of collective grievances.
Answer should consider why they happen,
their impact, and what can be done to
stop them.
Analyse = Break the topic down into
separate parts and examine each part
with thoughts and judgements. Show how
the main ideas are related and why they
are important.
Page 15 of 22


Advise on the importance
of handling grievances

Q10. Advise on the
importance of handling
grievances effectively. (AC

To avoid legal claims; reputation of
organisation and individual; impact on
individual and team; addresses issues that
may cause employee frustration, poor
morale, absence, withdrawal of goodwill,
resistance to change, resignation,
psychological impact.

Answer needs to:
➢ Advise on the importance of
handling grievances effectively.
The focus is on the importance of
handling grievances effectively, not how
they should be handled or what processes
should be followed.
Answer should consider why effective
handling of grievances is essential, and
the impacts of when they are not handled
effectively, for example damaging effects
and cost implications.
Advise = Inform/offer guidance and

Page 16 of 22


6. Marking Descriptors and Marking Grid
Assessors will mark in line with the marking descriptors on the next page, and will indicate where you
sit within the marking band range for each Assessment Criteria.
Our markers will provide a mark from 1 to 4 for each assessment criteria within the unit. We will use
the mark descriptor grid on the next page as guidance so that we can provide comprehensive feedback
that is developmental for you.
The grid below shows the range for each unit assessment result based on total number of marks
awarded across all assessment criteria.
To pass the unit assessment you must achieve a 2 (Low Pass) or above for each of the assessment
Please note that you will receive a Pass or Fail result from the CIPD at unit level on your certificates.

Overall mark

Unit result

0 to 19


20 to 25

Low Pass

26 to 32


33 to 40

High Pass

Page 17 of 22

Grading Band
Mark for AC
Descriptor Category
Demonstration of
knowledge, understanding
or skills.


Required format.


Use of references.


Marking Descriptors
Low Pass
Contextualised Marking Descriptor

High Pass

The response DOES NOT
demonstrate sufficient
knowledge, understanding or
skill (as appropriate) to meet
the AC.

The response demonstrates an
acceptable level of knowledge,
understanding or skill (as
appropriate) to meet the AC.

The response demonstrates a
good level of knowledge,
understanding or skill (as
appropriate) to meet the AC.

The response demonstrates a
wide and confident level of
knowledge, understanding or skill
(as appropriate) to meet the AC.

Insufficient examples included,
where required to support

Sufficient acceptable examples
included, where required to
support answer.

Includes confident use of
examples, where required to
support the answer.

Includes strong examples that
illustrate the points being made
and support the answer.

Required format adopted but
some improvement required to
the structure and presentation
of the response.

Presentation and structure of
response is appropriate for
the question/task.

Presentation and structure of
response is clear, coherent, and
responds directly to the
requirements of the

Answer is acceptable but could
be clearer in responding to the
question/task and presented in
a more coherent way.

Answer responds clearly to
the question/task and is wellexpressed.

Sufficient evidence of
appropriate wider reading to
help inform answer.
Satisfactory in-text referencing.

Good evidence of appropriate
wider reading to help inform
A good standard of in-text

Presentation or structure of
response is not appropriate and
does not meet the requirement
of the question/assessment
Answer is not acceptable and
needs to be clearer in
responding to the task and
presented in a more coherent
Insufficient or no evidence of
the use of wider reading to help
inform answer.

Answer responds clearly to the
question/task and is particularly
well-expressed or argued.
Considerable evidence of
appropriate wider reading to
inform answer.
An excellent standard of in-text

You should refer to this marking grid throughout your assessment to provide you guidance for each task. Your final marks will be generated from how well
you demonstrate your knowledge, skills and understand, providing examples, sticking to the required format, the quality of your answers and your use of

Page 18 of 22


7. Submitting your Assessment
We understand the amount of work and effort that goes into preparing for an assessment submission,
and to help ensure your success, we want to avoid wherever possible having to reject work or having
to refer/fail a submission.
By sense-checking your work against the advice below prior to submission, you can maximise your
chances of success. Each submission will be checked for the items in the illustration below before it is
marked. If any item has been missed, it can result in your work being rejected. You will not lose a
submission attempt if your work cannot be marked due to the issues below, however it will delay your

Academic Misconduct
We regard any attempt by a student to gain an unfair advantage in assessment as a serious academic
offence that undermines the academic standards of the both the centre and the CIPD.
If suspected of plagiarism, and any other academic offence, you will be required to explain why this
has happened and you may lose attempts, have to work on a new brief or the most serious of
penalties, which can be withdrawal from the course.
Make sure you know how to correctly acknowledge other people’s work or opinions by accessing the
Harvard Referencing Guide, or contact you Programme Tutor for further advice and guidance.

Page 19 of 22


8. Unit Disclaimer and Updates
The information in this Unit Guide is correct at the time of creation and publication.
Each year the CIPD makes changes to the core assessment briefs, and to the specialist and optional
unit assessment briefs every 2nd year. We are required to change the briefs over to ensure that they
are relevant and current. There are plans to change over the relevant assessment briefs each summer,
starting in August 2022.
We will keep you informed of any changes well in advance, and you will have a set period of time to
complete the assessment you are working on before the brief changes over.
Both the CIPD and the centre hold the right to amend the unit, content, brief and supporting materials
if there is a requirement to do so.

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9. Appendix
No appendix for this unit and assessment.

Page 21 of 22

Page 22 of 22

Please tick whether you are submitting a draft or your summative assessment:


Complete the first part of the table below and sign the declaration on the next page.
Place both at the front of your draft / summative assessment.

Please write clearly in block capitals
Centre number
Student name
Student ID number
CIPD membership number
Unit code
Assessment Submission (1st Attempt)
Word count
Assessment submission date
Assessment Submission (2nd Attempt)
Word count
Assessment submission date
Assessment Submission (3rd Attempt)
Word count
Assessment submission date


Declaration By Learner (student to complete):
I can confirm that:

1. this assessment is all my own work.

2. where I have used materials from other sources, they have been properly
acknowledged and referenced.
3. I have not used Artificial Intelligence tools to generate content for my assessment.
I understand the consequences of malpractice and accept that any violation of this
agreement may result in disciplinary action.
Student Name
Student Signature
*This should be the date on which you submit your assessment

Purchase answer to see full

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