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1. Introduction a. Type of pathogenb. Name of pathogen, relevant family name, and proper binomial nomenclaturec. Is the pathogen transmissible or opportunistic (part of the normal flo

1.     Introduction

  • a.     Type of pathogen
  • b.     Name of pathogen, relevant family name, and proper binomial nomenclature
  • c.      Is the pathogen transmissible or opportunistic (part of the normal flora)
  • d.     Associated infections/diseases

2.     Structure of Assigned Pathogen

  • a.     Describe morphology of pathogen
  • b.     Appropriate visualization technique (staining and microscopy)
  • c.      Describe any relevant virulence factors

3.     Interaction between Microbe and Host Immune System

  • a.     Describe relevant innate responses
  • b.     Describe relevant adaptive responses

c.      Do not discuss vaccines here.

4.     Infectious Disease Information

  • a.     Describe the infectious disease caused by the microbe including:

                                               i.     Conditions including sign and symptoms

                                             ii.     Duration

                                            iii.     Complications

                                            iv.     Predisposing factors

                                              v.     Is it opportunistic

5.     Principles of Epidemiology

  • a.     Incidence and Prevalence of disease (age, location, time of year)
  • b.     Reservoirs, Mode of Transmission, Portals of Exit and Entrance
  • c.      If relevant, is the disease classified as endemic, epidemic, pandemic.
  • d.     Is this a reportable disease.  Explain why. 

6.     Prevention

  • a.     Appropriate PPE
  • b.     Lifestyle, hygiene, and environmental factors
  • c.      Any relevant vaccines or prophylactic medications

7.     Treatment

  • a.     Discuss relevant pharmacological agents and supportive treatments
  • b.     Are there any incidences of antimicrobial resistance?

8.     Clinical Relevance

  • a.     What critical information should a nurse know about this pathogen if it presents in their practice?

9.     Concluding Summary

  • a.     All high-quality academic papers conclude by summarizing the main points.

Other requirements

·       4-6 written pages not including Title and Reference pages

·       No Abstract needed

·       APA formatted

·       Minimum of four scholarly references

·       Quotations are not allowed.  Quotes are not acceptable in scientific papers.  Work should be paraphrased in your own words.

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