bibliography on Quanah Parker
This week, you should submit a draft bibliography for your biography
project. You should have between 3 and 5 sources with at least one book.
Other ideas for sources: Journal Articles, Oral Histories, Newspaper Articles,
Paintings, Lyrics from Songs, Poems, etc. Ask yourself which sources will
allow you to find out enough information to write a good biography.
If you are choosing a figure that does not have a lot of available information
online (your grandmother perhaps) consider doing an interview for
information with the individual or people who knew them. You also could
find sources for historical context. For example, if I was doing a biography
of my grandmother who lived during the Great Depression, I may select
Julia Blackwelder’s Women of the Depression: Caste and Culture in San
Antonio, 1929-1939. Even if my grandmother did not live in San Antonio, it
would give me an idea of what women’s lives were like in Texas during that
At the beginning of your draft, please include a paragraph (3-5 sentences)
justifying your source choices.
This draft is worth 25 points with the following rubric:
3-5 sources with at least one book (15 points)
Brief explanation of sources (5 points)
Formatting of sources in an academic style like MLA, Chicago, or APA (5