Presentation Document Project
Always think of the end user interaction. How will any individual interact with the
product you create? Products must comply with law. Your goal is for the end user to
have a positive experience with the product while being compliant.
Microsoft PowerPoint (Microsoft 365 App) is the application of choice for this project.
Microsoft PowerPoint is part of the Microsoft 365 collection of applications. Please get
familiar with the suite of apps because they are part of your account here at Middle
Georgia State University. We will use other apps in Microsoft 365 as we progress
through the course.
Go to or
Login using your student email and password. You may be redirected to the MGA
organizational splash login page. Once you are logged-in, you will be on the homepage
for Microsoft 365. From here, you will be able to access all the Microsoft 365 suite of
On the Microsoft 365 homepage, click PowerPoint is listed in the main row
of Apps.
Watch the first two links below to learn how to use Microsoft PowerPoint.
Play with the app.
Learning Aids:
How to use PowerPoint Online (older UI)
PowerPoint Tutorial for Beginners
PowerPoint Copilot Tutorial
Create a PowerPoint with Microsoft PowerPoint
PowerPoint help and learning – Microsoft Support
Project Creation Criteria:
Create a 20-slide presentation (using the template of your choice) from Introduction to
Computer Graphics Chapter 1 section 1 and 2 content. Beyond the 20-slide
requirement, your presentation should cover the entire content of the first two sections
of Chapter 1, include at least 10 images (found online), and 5 hyperlinks to outside
sources that provide additional sources for the content in your presentation. The
slideshow should be exported as a .pdf with the filename
Project Submission Criteria
Web app: Click File, Export, and Download as PDF
Desktop app: Click File, Export, and CreatePDF/(XPS Document)
Submit the presentation to the dropbox: PowerPoint Presentation Project
Grading Criteria Interactive Document:
You are graded on document development and logical flow adjustments. You are given the
creative ability to design your presentation.
None submission 0pts automatically. Lowest grade is 0. Max score is 100.
You will be graded based on the minimum criteria specified above and grading points scale
below. Given proper submission:
• 1 Title page with Name and course number with semester 3pts
• 1 Works Cited page at the end of the presentation 3pts
• 18 content presentation pages 3pts each
• 10 images minimum relevant to the content on the page 10pts
• 5 hyperlinks to external resources to extend further knowledge of the page content
0pts 10pts 20pts
Content flow is
disorganized and
Content flows
but some
elements are not
relatable to the
Content is
factually correct
and properly