Note : Will be included Abstract ,Acknowledgement and power point for oral defense ( chapter 1-5
Activity 2: Module 2 Discussion Board
This Module builds upon Module 1.
Further discuss the study, problem, purpose, research questions, theory, and brief description of the methodology.
After receiving feedback from your Chair, respond with comments and concerns. **
**You will use this information to complete your next assignment.
Module 2 Individual Project
Each Assignment moving forward will cover each portion of your Chapter 5 contents. This section is your Discussion section. Utilizing the comments and suggestions from the discussion in Module 1 and 2, complete the sections in the assignment.
Begin with a brief overview of the study which includes the problem, purpose, research questions, theory, and brief description of the methodology.
· The overview includes a brief statement of the problem.
· A brief purpose statement is presented.
· The research questions are stated exactly as they were in chapter one.
· There is a brief description of the theory.
· There is a brief description of the methodology.
Module 3 Individual Project
Each Assignment moving forward will cover each portion of your Chapter 5 contents. This section is your Findings section. Utilizing the comments and suggestions from this week’s discussion to complete the sections in the assignment detail below.
Connect the study the findings to the predominate studies identified in the literature review, indicating how the results relate to this literature and provides explanations for the findings. Although much of this creative emphasis will be revealed in how the results are correlated with the existing literature, the significance of the findings beyond data analysis should be speculated. Provide a discussion regarding changes in the limitations or limitations of the research.
· Findings related to research questions are clearly presented.
· Findings are connected to the literature.
· There is a discussion of the how each finding is generalizable or transferable depending on the type of study.
Activity 5: Module 4 Discussion Board
· This Module builds upon previous Modules.
· Discuss your study’s implications for professional practice and scholarly work in the field of business and future recommendations.
· After receiving feedback from your Chair, respond with comments and concerns.**
**You will use this information to complete your next assignment
Activity 6: Module 4 Individual Project
Each Assignment moving forward will cover each portion of your Chapter 5 contents. This section is your Implications of the Study and Future Recommendations section. Utilizing the comments and suggestions from this week’s discussion to complete the sections in the assignment.
Present the study’s implications for professional practice and scholarly work in business. Any recommendations for changes in concepts and knowledge or any recommended changes applied to clinical practice are included. All implications should be linked explicitly to specific results from the candidate’s study. Additionally, the candidate will present suggested future research topics based on the study that could expand this field of knowledge or direct scholars to new areas for further exploration.
· There are clear and specific recommendations for professional practice.
· Recommendations are linked to the results.
· There are clear recommendations for future studies.
· The recommendations encompass the area of the field of business that will be expanded by the research
Activity 7: Module 5 Individual Project
In this assignment, you will submit Chapter 5 for Committee Review.
Compile all of your work from the previous modules into a complete Chapter 5 submission.
Chapter 5
Chapter Five is where the discussion of the findings from the study is presented. The discussion should align the findings with the theoretical and conceptual framework that was defined in Chapter Two.
Begin with a brief overview of the study which includes the problem, purpose, research questions, theory, and brief description of the methodology.
Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.
· The overview includes a brief statement of the problem.
· A brief purpose statement is presented.
· The research questions are stated exactly as they were in chapter one.
· There is a brief description of the theory.
· There is a brief description of the methodology
Next the candidate asserts and connects the findings to the predominate studies identified in the literature review, indicating how the results relate to this literature and provides explanations for the findings. Although much of this creative emphasis will be revealed in how the results are correlated with the existing literature, the significance of the findings beyond data analysis should be speculated. Provide a discussion regarding changes in the limitations or delimitations of the research.
Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.
· Findings related to research questions are clearly presented.
· Findings are connected to the literature.
· There is a discussion of the how each finding is generalizable or transferable depending on the type of study.
Implications for Professional Practice:
The candidate will present a discussion of the implications of the study for professional practice and scholarly work in the field of business. Included are any recommendations for changes in concepts and knowledge or any recommended changes applied to clinical practice. All implications are to be linked explicitly to specific results from the candidate’s study.
Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section:
· There are clear and specific recommendations for professional practice.
· Recommendations are linked to the results.
Recommendations for Research
Additionally, the candidate will present suggested future research topics based on the study that could expand this field of knowledge or which will direct scholars to new areas for further exploration.
Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section:
· There are clear recommendations for future studies.
· The recommendations encompass the area of the field of business that will be expanded by the research.
Finally, the candidate will summarize personal insights and any final reflections in the conclusion of the study.
Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.
· There is a clear indication of insights.
Submit your assignment.
Drag a file here, or click to select a file to upload
Activity 8: Module 6 Discussion Board
· Discuss any questions or comments you have about the feedback received to this point.
· After receiving feedback from your Chair, respond with comments and concerns
· Activity 9: Module 6 Individual Project
· in this module, you will submit your entire document with all five chapters for Academic Review.
· Incorporate all comments and feedback from your chair and submit a clean copy for Academic Review.
· Complete Chapters 1-5 of your work.
· Make sure that your paper meets APA 7 standards. Review
APA Style and Writing Resources
Links to an external site.
Note : Will be included Abstract ,Acknowledgement and power point for oral defense ( chapter 1-5