Using the REQUIRED textbooks listed in the READING Materials section of the CONTENT area, and showcasing the history discovered by citing the exact PAGE in the book that you found the HISTORY discussed. You may use additional scholarly sources but the textbook must be used and cited with exact pages to show the reading and comprehension work has been done for this week.
Debate Instructions:
1. You will need to have at least 300 words in this Debate post plus full references due Friday …Research must be done in the library using JSTOR database or other sources that are creditable.
3. You must reference using one of the three formats and following your major’s designated style: MLA, APA, CS, Kate L. Turabian’s Manual, and the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). YOU MUST CITE YOUR SOURCES! (See syllabus for links to the Style websites to learn how to cite and references)
You have been divided into two groups.
Group A (last name starts with A-M) will support gradual emancipation position.
To participate in the debate, you need to research both positions.
Please remember this debate take place during the 1850s. Before the Civil War, before Emancipation Proclamation and after Jefferson has been dead for more than 35 years.
The required work will help you.
Who will you be in the debate?
Your character does not have to be an actual historical figure. You can be, for example, journalist, politician, teacher, a domestic servant or a sharecropper. Just make sure that you ground your analysis in academic sources and you demonstrate you have done all the required work by integrating it into your debate positions.
Also no modern day history facts should be used…in this debate Lincoln is still alive…meaning discussing the Emancipation Proclamation is not appropriate but the rumor of it can be discussed…remember the Emancipation Proclamation was a gradual emancipation document because it only freed slaves in the Confederate states but allowed Union states to still continue slavery.
To begin, please read your textbook:
The life and times of Frederick Douglass by Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895 Pages 337 to 407
Let Nobody Turn Us Around by Marable, Manning Carmichael, Stokely Mullings, Leith Abu-Jamal, Mumia Allen, Richard Asante, Molefi Kete Baldwin, James Baraka, Amiri Blyden, Edward Wilmot Briggs, Cyril V.
5. David Walker’s “Appeal,” 1829–1830
15. “A’n’t I a Woman?” Sojourner Truth, 1851
16. “A Plea for Emigration, or, Notes of Canada West,” Mary Ann Shadd Cary, 1852
17. A Black Nationalist Manifesto, Martin R. Delany, 1852
18. “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” Frederick Douglass, 1852
19. “No Rights That a White Man Is Bound to Respect”: The Dred Scott Case and Its Aftermath
20. “Whenever the Colored Man Is Elevated, It Will Be by His Own Exertions,” John S. Rock, 1858
Also you may want to read: (1864) Frederick Douglass On “The Mission Of The War”