Locating educational research from scholarly sources allows you access to knowledge based on empirical data. After studying the course content in this module, you are equipped to identify educational research and locate scholarly sources. You can locate and read scholarly sources in your professional positions to answer questions and stay updated on new or evolving information and research findings.
For this assignment, upload one research article that discusses a research study (not a literature review or synthesis of research) and one dissertation. The research article and dissertation must involve studies related to
educational leadership topics and must have been published within the last 5 years (2019-2024).
Complete the template below to exemplify further your understanding and ability to apply the required skills.
Save your completed template as
Your Name-Module 1 Assignment. For example, Daphne Smith-Module 1 Assignment.
Locating Research From Scholarly Sources Assignment.docx
Download Locating Research From Scholarly Sources Assignment.docx
Your submission should have 3 parts:
1. Uploaded research study in the form of a research article (
: Look for research study components to ensure your article is indeed a research study.).
2. Uploaded dissertation (
: Look for components of a dissertation. If there are missing components, it may not be a dissertation.)
3. Completed template
*Failure to upload any of the three components will result in a point deduction.