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W5 Discussion Instructions: Routing
In 250 word, answer the questions below with 4 evidence base scholarly articles in APA format.
There are 2 layers of routing in the Internet: interior and exterior routing. An interior routing protocol (IRP) operates within an autonomous systems. An exterior routing protocol (ERP) operates between autonomous systems.
1. Discuss routing procedures in the Internet.
2. Discuss routing in relation to different types of networks
3. Discuss the algorithms, standards, implementations, quality-of-service, security risks associated with interior and exterior routing.
In 400 word total, replying to the 2 post below. Each reply must be 200 word.
C.P Post #1
The Internet has become very successful because of the simplicity of its protocols and the flexibility to change things when they are not working (Comer, 2018). One of its most important aspects is the ability to route messages from device to device and network to network (Comer, 2018). To route these messages or Datagram packets, a Router device is needed, along with a 32-bit IPv4 or 128-bit IPv6 address of the source and destination devices (Cisco Press, 2018). As a message is sent from the source device, it is encapsulated (Cisco Press, 2018). When it arrives at the router, the layer 2 data link encapsulation is decapsulated, and the router finds the best route to send the datagram based on the destination IP address (Cisco Press, 2018). The router also uses the network address translation to hide the internal private IP address, which is not routable, and converts it to a public routable IP, making all messages from the network appear as if it is going from one device (Cisco Press, 2018). Although, a router could use one or more temporary public IP addresses to do the translation (Cisco Press, 2018). At this point, the router determines the route using one of the various routing protocols available (Cisco Press, 2018).
Routing protocols were designed with different capabilities (Geeks, 2024). Some protocols are dynamic, some are static, meaning some change depending on the network conditions, and some do not (Geeks for Geeks, 2024). Other protocols are hybrid, using different protocols per region, some using a link-state method, and some using a distance vector method (Geeks for Geeks, 2024). For the Link-state method, a router makes a network map and shares it with nearby routers; this way, one device decides the best route(Geeks for Geeks, 2024). The distance vector protocols make routing decisions based on the distance to all other nodes on the network, but this way could lead to packets making a loop back to the origination (Geeks for Geeks, 2024). This problem is avoided by numbering the packets so the destination can reorder or request the missing packets (Geeks for Geeks, 2024). These routing protocols aim to find the most efficient route to send a datagram packet to its destination (Comer, 2018).
The following are some examples of interior or exterior routing protocols. Interior routing protocols are those used within an autonomous system or a group of networks managed by one administrative authority (Geeks for Geeks, 2024). The routing information protocol, or RIP, is an interior protocol that makes routes based on hop counts, with each hop corresponding to a router along the path to a destination (Geeks for Geeks, 2024). The interior gateway routing protocol, or IGRP, is another interior protocol that works like RIP, but it adds the hops number to 100 and is a proprietary protocol to CISCO corporation (Geeks for Geeks, 2024). The open shortest path first (OSPF) protocol maintains multiple tables for data topologies to determine the fastest path (Geeks for Geeks, 2024). The exterior gateway protocol (EGP) is suitable for routing between autonomous system gateways (Geeks for Geeks, 2024). The enhanced interior gateway routing protocol (EIGRP) is another very effective exterior protocol as it uses the routing tables of other routers and maintains continued communication with other routers to stay aware of path changes (Geeks for Geeks, 2024). The border gateway protocol (BGP) is used by ISPs at the border of their networks with the customer’s edge (Geeks for Geeks, 2024). This is another autonomous system’s routing protocol as it connects multiple networks from different administrative authorities (Geeks for Geeks, 2024). Every protocol has its use, with some clear advantages and disadvantages, but datagrams can traverse the Internet thanks to them.
Geeks, G. f. (2024, December 28). Classification of Routing Algorithms. Retrieved from
Press, C. (2018, January 1). Routing Concepts. Retrieved from,for%20the%20outgoing%20data%20link.
J.N Post #2:
Hello, Classmates
Routing is a process of selecting and defending paths for IP-packet traffic within or between networks. Routers connect organizations to the outside world and protect information from security threats. Routing security challenges include route hijacking when a malicious actor reroutes traffic through unauthorized paths; Distributed denial of service attacks (DDoS Attacks) overwhelming of routers and disrupt services. Steps in the routing process starts when software on a host device uses a packet’s content, destination, or purpose to select a possible route from a routing table. Routing is implemented in both hardware and software. With hardware routers providing dedicated routing capabilities, often used on large networks for performance and reliability. Software routers offer more flexibility and can run on standard servers, used in smaller networks for specific usage. With a small network size transmission can operate using static routing, relying on tables built manually or remembered over time by host devices. For large intra-domain networks static routing is not feasible, making dynamic router the best option. Dynamic routing using a protocol to incorporate updated network information and pathway metrics, updates itself automatically. Quality-of-Service (QoS) is essential for ensuring that critical applications receive the necessary bandwidth and low latency. QoS strategies can help increase the reliability of the delivery of data packets while ensuring that limited network resources are allocated to the right type of data at the right time. Three main strategies used to manage and enhance QoS include: Ingress QoS, Egress QoS, and End-to-end QoS.
Cisco. (2024). What Is Routing? Cisco.
How to Enhance Network Solutions with Quality of Service. (n.d.).