Discussion Post: (250 words with references)
· A number of web-based firms offer what they describe as a free online security check of your PC or network. Some require download of executable software for the check. Would you trust such an offer? Why or why not?
· Several firms offer fee based professional network security evaluation. Locate the web page for one such firm and briefly describe some of the services offered.
Writing Assignment
· Instructions:
· 6-8 page essay. Make sure you follow AMU’s writing policies and the Chicago writing style guide (cover page, page numbering, double space, headings/subheadings, etc). YOU MUST CITE YOUR SOURCES AND INCLUDE A BIBLIOGRAPHY. You must also have a strong introduction, thesis statement and conclusion.
· Essay Question #1: Select one of the studies presented in weeks 6 or 7 of this class or another case of your choosing with instructor approval. You might have to look ahead. Write an analysis paper providing more details of the attack, to include the following:
· a. Victim, attacker, and probable motivation for the attack.
· b. Nature and sophistication of the attack.
· c. What was the desired outcome of the attack?
· d. How successful was it?
· e. How effective were the attackers in covering their tracks?
· f. How did the victim respond?
· General Requirements
· 1. Document Format.
· a. MS Word document
· b. One-inch (1”) margins
· c. Times New Roman font
· d. Twelve (12) pitch
· e. Not including your title page, this assignment should be 6-8 pages.
· f. You must use 5 scholarly sources in supporting this assignment.
· 2. Citation Format: The Chicago Manual of Style. As stated in the Academic Integrity Briefings, information taken directly from another source must be placed in quotations and cited following the Chicago format contained in the week one “lessons” folder. You must cite all other information from your sources, even if you do not quote directly. DIRECT QUOTING SHOULD BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM.