NUR6316: Assignment 5.1: SWOT Analysis
Describe your organization (clinic, acute care setting, school, other; urban versus rural; size; nonprofit versus profit)
The specific problem you are wanting to address at this organization:
SWOT Table (based on assessment of the ORGANIZATION)
Strength |
Opportunities |
1. 2. 3. |
1. 2. 3. |
Weaknesses |
Threats |
1. 2. 3. |
1. 2. 3. |
Relationship to patient population or patient population problem
1. Provide an explanation for how you think the strengths of the organization may help you address the problem that you identified for your patient population.
2. Provide an explanation of how the weaknesses of the organization may be a barrier to addressing the problem that you identified for your patient population.
3. How do the opportunities (external) for the organization relate to your patient population or improve care for the identified problem?
4. How do the threats to the organization impact your patient population or pose a threat to addressing the problem that you identified for your patient population?