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Psychology assignment help

PSY-402: Cognitive Neuroscience

Topic 6: Introduction to Psychology and Role of Biology 

Cognitive Mapping Worksheet


Directions: Be sure to scroll to the end of this document to ensure you have completed all sections before submitting your assignment to your instructor.

Researching Cognitive Mapping

Conduct research to explore the application and use of cognitive mapping as a memory strategy. Using your textbook and three additional scholarly sources, respond to each question with 75-100 words per responses.

Cognitive Mapping

· Explain what cognitive mapping is. 

Answer Here:

Positive Effects in Daily Life

· Provide at least two positive effects of using cognitive mapping in daily life.

Answer Here:

Benefits of the Memory Strategy

· Based on what you have learned about this memory strategy, who might benefit from using this memory strategy? Justify your answer.

Answer Here:

Current Metacognitive Trends

· Describe how mind mapping can be used as a metacognitive tool.

· Evaluate the current metacognitive trends used in the field of psychology.

Answer Here:


Cite a minimum of two sources in APA format to complete this assignment. Sources must be:

· Published within the past 5 years.

· Appropriate for the assignment criteria.

· Relevant to psychology practice.

Enter References Here:


Creating A Cognitive Mind Map

Cognitive Mapping is an excellent memory strategy in all areas of life, especially in academics. How could you apply a mind map to enhance your academic experience at GCU?

Create a mind map as it relates to your own academic journey by choosing a topic that would personally benefit you. Choose an overarching concept that will be the center of your map and branch out from there. Be specific and intentional in your choices.

Topics may include:

· Time management

· The use and application of technology

· Study skills and the use of study guides to prepare for tests

· Utilizing a rubric effectively to enhance writing skills

· Note-taking and effective reading strategies to complete the required readings

Feel free to use free online mind mapping tools such as bubbl.us, Canva, LucidChart (meets accessibility standards), or PowerPoint. For additional support creating mind maps using the free tools recommended, refer to Course Material Support page located in the Student Success Center.

Insert Picture:
 A picture of the map created must be inserted below. If the map is a drawing, then you must be included in the picture holding the final product or credit will not be awarded (Only the instructor will be able to see the picture added). 


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