See attached.
Reaction Paper Instructions Your reaction paper will be based on one of the options listed below. The goal is to identify two concepts from any of the first four chapters of the class which were present or mentioned in the option you selected. Your reaction paper should have three sections. Part 1, you will identify the first concept that you think is present or exemplified in your choice. Be sure to include a definition of your first concept. In the second part of your reaction paper, you will explain the second concept and how the instance you chose to highlight exemplifies that term or concept. In the last section of your reaction paper, you will reflect on the relevance of the two concepts and any criticism, evaluation or concerns you might have. For example, in the last section you may comment on whether you have witnessed instances of one or both highlighted concepts in the news or popular culture. You may also highlight any connection, if any, between the concepts you noted in the first two sections of your paper.
Please note that the two concepts can be from the same chapter or different chapters. Please be specific and provide examples which illustrate the concepts and your viewpoint. You are writing one assignment with three parts or sections, but it is one assignment. The 3 sections of your assignment should be approximately equal in length.
Your reaction paper should be 2 pages in length (double-spaced (use APA format; check provided guidelines)).
Choose one of the following for your reaction paper:
Gladwell, M. (Host). (2016, August 17). The Satire Paradox. (Season 1. Episode 10) (Link:
Hayes, C. (Host). (2018, December 4). The Information Crisis with David Roberts. The Information Crisis with David Roberts (Link: RSA. (2010, April 1).
The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us [Video]. Youtube. Galef, J. (2018, September 12).
Soldiers and Scouts: Why our minds weren’t built for truth. Youtube.