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Due Feb 13 80 points
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Think back to the Week 1 Discussion about majoring in psychology. Why did you choose to major in
psychology? What are your goals a�er you graduate? Perhaps you want to help children with
intellectual and developmental disabili�es improve their func�oning at home or school. Or perhaps
you want to go to graduate school to become qualified to provide therapy to survivors of sexual
violence. Understanding your “why,” or your future goals can help focus your efforts now as you
progress through the program and iden�fy steps to effect real change in your community. For
example, if your goal is to help children with intellectual and developmental disabili�es, you could
look for opportuni�es to integrate research about intellectual and developmental disabili�es into
classroom discussions and assignments that pertain to child development. You could also volunteer at
an organiza�on, like Au�sm Speaks, to advocate on behalf of children with au�sm in your community.
In this Discussion, you will use Kaltura to record a brief video or narrated PowerPoint (PPT)
presenta�on on your “why” or future goals. You will address how pursuing a degree in psychology
aligns with your “why” and what you can do to bring about posi�ve social change during the program
and a�er you graduate. For guidance on pos�ng a video into the Discussion Forum, refer to the
Kaltura sec�on of the Classroom Support Center (accessed via the Help bu�on (the i icon) on the le�-
hand global naviga�on menu.
Reflect on the Week 1 Discussion when you discussed why you chose to major in psychology.
View the video, Walden: Follow Your Why. With the video and the Week 1 Discussion in mind,
consider your “why” or what future goals mo�vate you. Consider how pursuing a degree in
psychology aligns with your “why.”
Review the ar�cle, “Expanding our Understanding of Social Change.” Pay par�cular a�en�on to
the defini�on and core features of social change. With your “why” in mind, think about how you
could advance social change during the program and a�er you graduate.
For guidance on pos�ng a video into the Discussion Forum, please refer to the steps below or the
Kaltura sec�on of the Classroom Support Center (accessed via the Help bu�on (the i icon) on the
le�-hand global naviga�on menu.
Click Reply and then click the Embed Kaltura Media bu�on from the editor menu.
Record a video or select your recorded video under My Media.
Post a brief 1- to 2-minute video or a narrated PowerPoint presenta�on that addresses the ques�ons
below. You may record your video or narrated PowerPoint presenta�on using Kaltura. If you need
help developing a PowerPoint presenta�on, see “How to Create and Narrate a PowerPoint
Presenta�on” and “PowerPoint Presenta�on Tips and Template.” You may choose to record your
narrated PowerPoint presenta�on in Kaltura using the Personal Capture feature, or you can choose
to record narra�on using the PowerPoint so�ware or your phone.
What is your “why”? In other words, what future goals mo�vate you?
How does pursuing a degree in psychology align with your “why”?
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before comple�ng this ac�vity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.
With your “why” in mind, what is one step that you could take to advance social change during
your program?
What is one step you could take a�er you graduate?
Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your ini�al post before you will
be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ pos�ngs. Begin by clicking on the Reply
bu�on to complete your ini�al post. Remember, once you click on Post Reply, you
cannot delete or edit your own posts and you cannot post anonymously. Please check
your post carefully before clicking on Post Reply!
Respond to at least one colleague whose video or narrated PPT resonated with you and explain why.
Then, using the Learning Resources, describe which of the eight features of social change best
describes your colleague’s “why.”
Support your reply to a colleague’s Discussion post with evidence from at least one Learning
Resource. You may state your opinion and/or provide personal examples; however, you must also
back up your asser�ons with evidence, including in-text cita�on(s) and reference(s) in APA style.
Congratula�ons! A�er you have finished all of the assignments for this week, you have completed the
course. Please submit your Student Evalua�on of Learning and Teaching by Day 7.