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week four discussions

INSTRUCTIONS: Respond to the following four discussion posts below.

4.1 Discussion: Energy Drainers

1. Carlisha

4.1 Discussion: Energy Drainers – What’s Most Important


Review Matthew 22:36–40 and describe which of the three “loves” (God, self, or others) is most challenging for you to experience and practice in your life.

Among the three God, self, and others, the one that I find most challenging for me to experience, and practice is self-love. While I deeply value my relationship with God and my commitment to serving others. I often find it challenging to increase the same grace, patience, and kindness to myself. This can be displayed as self-criticism, unrealistic expectations, or neglecting self-care. To align with Christ’s teaching.

Share your thoughts on what might need to be prioritized differently in your life.

To align more closely with Matthew 22:36-40, I need to prioritize self-compassion, setting healthy boundaries, and acknowledging my worth as a child of God. When I take care of my well-being, I am more prepared to love and serve God and others more effectively.

How can you help others, in your role as a helper and life coach, to review their lives based on these verses in Matthew?

As a life coach and a helper, I can show others to reflect on these verses by encouraging self-reflection and asking interesting questions to help clients evaluate which of the three loves they have difficulty with most. Using strengths-based coaching to identify and leverage personal strengths to promote growth in all three areas of love. Also, develop an action plan to help clients set goals to strengthen their relationship with God, cultivate self-love, and help others meaningfully.



Matthew 22:36-40 NIV – – Bible Gateway. (n.d.). Www.biblegateway.com.

4.1 Energy Drainers – What’s Most Important

2. Heather

Review Matthew 22:36–40 and describe which of the three “loves” (God, self, or others) is most challenging for you to experience and practice in your life.

My greatest challenge with the three loves is learning to appreciate myself. I have come a long way with this in the last few years, but recognizing the value of my contributions is difficult for me. I have always prioritized others and understanding that it’s sometimes okay to put myself first has been a struggle and an important lesson for me to learn.

Share your thoughts on what might need to be prioritized differently in your life.

I need to remember the importance of self-care, loving others despite our differences, and placing God above all else. Focusing on these priorities aligns with the principles found in scripture. By prioritizing love above all, we embrace God’s intentions for us and strive to live according to His principles.

How can you help others, in your role as a helper and life coach, to review their lives based on these verses in Matthew?

I can help others by reminding them of the value of self-care, the importance of being mindful of others, the importance of building positive relationships, and the importance of taking care of their spiritual well-being. 

4.2 Identifying and Eliminating Energy Drainers

3. Sainquta

Energy drainers are habits and behaviors that prevent people from being practical, imaginative, and controlling their own lives (Garner, 2025). They are like energy-draining vampires, much like clutter, that take away our energy and joy each day (Williams & Menedez, 2015). Energy drainers can show up in different ways, like negative thoughts, poor time management, or toxic relationships. Recognizing and addressing these energy drainers is essential for reclaiming our vitality and enhancing our overall well-being (Bridges, 2023). I currently have three primary energy drainers affecting me.

The first is procrastination. I wait until the last day to do most things, which causes a heavy workload, including assignments, housework, and helping people with various tasks. This habit can often result in added stress and worries as deadlines get nearer. I find myself racing to finish everything on time, which is not great for my mental health. Balancing my commitments becomes more challenging, and I sometimes miss out on other opportunities because I am overwhelmed. 

The second is overthinking; I often find myself stuck in a spiral of thoughts, replaying past decisions and worrying about how I could have done things differently. It is exhausting to constantly think about all the possible outcomes, especially when they lean toward the negative. I sometimes freak out over what specific individuals in my family might think of me if I fail, allowing their opinions to weigh heavily on my mind. This cycle of overthinking can be paralyzing, making it hard for me to focus on the present and enjoy what I have thoroughly.

Unhealthy relationships can be draining and unproductive. I have family members who enjoy talking about others, which makes the environment tense and uncomfortable for everyone. My son’s dad is constantly wrapped up in drama, which only adds to the negativity in our lives. His friends also seem to thrive on chaos, and their influence does not favor him.

If I eliminate these energy drainers from my life, I will create a more productive and fulfilling environment. For Procrastination: I will prioritize my tasks and manage my time more effectively, aiming to complete daily tasks without delay, resulting in increased productivity and decreased stress. When it comes to Overthinking, I will practice stepping back and focusing on what I can control, which will help me make more decisive choices and foster a more peaceful mindset. Lastly, for Unhealthy Relationships, I will set clear boundaries and encourage positive interactions, enabling me to cultivate healthier relationships that support my well-being. I expect to enhance my overall emotional and mental health by achieving these goals, leading to a balanced and satisfying life.

To tackle procrastination, in the next 10 days, I will create a daily task list every morning and assign specific time blocks for each task, aiming to complete at least one significant task by noon. I will replace this habit with structured time management techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, where I work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. To combat overthinking, I will journal for 10 minutes each evening to process my thoughts and feelings, encouraging myself to focus on one positive aspect of my day. I will replace the spiral of negative thoughts with mindfulness meditation for 5 minutes each morning to ground myself in the present. For unhealthy relationships, I will have open conversations with my family about setting boundaries and will seek out interactions that focus on positivity, replacing negative discussions with constructive topics. These steps are grounded in positive psychology principles, such as cultivating emotional resilience and fostering a growth mindset (Seligman, 2011). I aim to enhance my overall well-being and create a more fulfilling life by actively working on these changes.

In Workshop Five, I will help my client explore their personal energy drainers by revisiting the article “14 Energy-Draining Everyday Habits to Avoid.” We will discuss their specific energy drainers, such as procrastination or unhealthy relationships, and their impact on their daily lives. The client will then list these drainers and reflect on their feelings and experiences related to them while envisioning a better life without these habits. We will move on to setting actionable goals and creating a structured plan to address each drainer within the next couple of weeks. Lastly, I will emphasize the importance of accountability through regular check-ins to support their progress and encourage their overall well-being.

Bridges, F. (2023). 14 Energy-Draining Everyday Habits To Avoid. Forbes. 

Seligman, M. E. P. (2011). Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-Being. Free Press.

Williams, P., & Menendez, D. S. (2015). Becoming a professional life coach: Lessons from the Institute for Life Coach Training (2nd ed.). W.W. Norton.

4.2 Identifying and Eliminating Energy Drainers

4. Heather

Name at least three energy drainers that affect your creativity, mental clarity, or motivation. Label each and then specifically explain how each affects you.

Not getting enough sleep drains my energy and hinders my ability to think clearly. I can’t remember the last time I slept for seven to eight hours. The lack of sleep negatively impacts my focus and concentration. When I’m extremely tired, I tend to lose my filter and express more of my feelings than I usually would. I recognize when I’ve overextended myself and need rest, but when my schedule is full or when others depend on me, I push myself to complete everything and neglect to prioritize my sleep.

Worrying and overthinking often go hand in hand for me. When I start to worry, my instinct to solve problems kicks in, leading me to overthink the situation in search of a solution. This process of finding an answer leads to a lack of sleep and increased stress. As my worries escalate, they can impact my health, making it difficult to concentrate and think clearly.

What might you be able to accomplish if you were to eliminate these energy drainers in your life? Be realistic and phrase your response as a goal.

If I could eliminate these energy drainers from my life, I would feel more refreshed and renewed. Getting more sleep would help me focus and think clearly. By delegating more tasks and accepting that I might miss smaller events, I would be better able to prioritize my sleep.

Worrying about things I cannot control is not a good habit for me. It negatively affects my health and prevents me from feeling my best. It would be more beneficial for my well-being to let go of issues as they arise and allow them to be resolved over time rather than trying to find immediate solutions.

What concrete steps could you take in the next 10 days to begin to eliminate these energy drainers? What would you replace them with? Be specific.

I need to prioritize my sleep schedule and let go of less significant events. I struggle with feeling that one event is less important than another and wanting to be present for every moment.

I realize that worrying does not solve anything; in fact, it contributes to my negative symptoms. I need to learn how to take control of my thoughts and manage my emotions, especially regarding topics I should avoid. I need to break the cycle of worry. Finding distractions or ways to express my concerns, such as meditation, prayer, or journaling,  may help calm my worries and regain control over my thoughts. By focusing on solutions to redirect my concerns, I can eliminate the energy drain that worries create.

How is this exercise consistent with concepts you’ve learned in positive psychology? Suggest at least one way.

This exercise aligns with positive psychology by helping us identify negative aspects in our lives and shift our focus. Positive psychology emphasizes our strengths and positive experiences. It helps build resilience and teaches us how to reframe negative situations so that we can learn from them and move forward. Shifting our perspective and changing our thinking patterns will allow us to embrace concepts like learned optimism. Using strategies to redirect our thoughts, we can express our concerns practically and cultivate gratitude. We can maintain a positive mindset by focusing on what we are thankful for instead of dwelling on negative events. This practice will help improve our overall outlook on life.

How might you be able to use this exercise in your next coaching session in Workshop Five?

In my next coaching session, I will use this exercise to help my subject identify energy-draining behaviors and shift their perspective to redirect their energy toward positive situations.

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