In Week 3, you will submit a plan that contains important information as a learner, your understanding of the Marriage and Family Therapy program requirements, and your definitions of systems and systems thinking. Download the Marriage and Family Therapy Program Plan [DOCX] and start to review the plan.
To balance your work, it is recommended you fill out one part each week until you submit the plan in Week 3. This week, for Part 1, explore resources that will help you throughout this course and through your journey through the Marriage and Family Therapy program, many of which were in this week’s studies. Then, fill out Part 1 of the downloaded plan.
You can find the resources for the Week 3 assignment in Your FAF courseroom (for those fully enrolled in the MFT program: excluding certificate learners). Your FAF courseroom will show up in your iGuide as a separate course titled MFTFAF6299. The FAF courseroom is designed to be a roadmap, taking you step by step through your Master’s Degree and into your new career as a Marriage and Family Therapist. It is also the home for your contact with your Faculty Advisor. We hope that this space offers answers anytime you have a question about what is coming next in your education, as well as providing a social networking space. Please look around and become familiar with what is there. Most questions that may come up—”It’s in your FAF.
This week, add to your Marriage and Family Therapy Program Plan that you started last week. Fill out Part 2 using the program resources in this week’s studies. You will also use the information from Part 2 in this week’s discussion.
Note: You will not submit this document for assessment until Week 3. Be sure to save your plan and build on the same copy each week.
In this course, you have been exploring resources to help you throughout your program using your Marriage and Family Therapy Program Plan [DOCX]. This plan will ensure that you have important information related to the program and resources in one document.
For this assignment, if you have not done so, review Parts 1 and 2 of your plan to ensure you have compiled your resources and addressed important aspects of the program requirements. If you have not started, download the Marriage and Family Therapy Program Plan template linked in Resources and complete Parts 1 and 2.
Then, complete Part 3, which is your definition of what a system is and why systems thinking is the foundation for how marriage and family therapists provide therapy. Be sure to write one paragraph for each question in Part 3.
You will be assessed on how well you address the following in your plan:
- Locate resources that can assist you throughout the Marriage and Family Therapy program.
- Identify internship requirements in the program.
- Prepare a timeline for program completion.
- Define the concept of systems.
- Define systems thinking as a foundation for marriage and family therapy.
After you receive feedback on this assessment, be sure to print a copy of your plan and save onto your desktop for easy access.