I need help with a literature review
attached is the rubric and the template that it needs to be on
Quick guidance on Literature Reiew
Your questions that you will address in your paper. This will drive your research:
In what ways can AI Large Language Models such as ChatGPT support Project Management today?
Watch the video. Look carefully at the examples on Canvas.
Read the web reference on summarizing and synthesizing here:
Synthesis (
Here’s what you produce using the Template. Don’t make up your own. Use the supplied Template. Keep the fonts the same, etc.
1. Title Page and Contents (Use the Template)
2. Literature Review – Summarize (Max 2 Pages)
Summarize 15 articles that provide substantive answers to the research question
Focus on summarizing the key point or points but use complete sentences
Don’t just list a bunch of topics. This is particularly true of articles that say “here are the none things….”. DO NOT list the none things. Summarize and synthesize what the none things say taken as a whole. What’s the main point of the article.
Provide link to Word links to the APA references in the table
3. Ten Trends – Synthesize (Max 1 Page)
Synthesize the materials across the 15 articles into the top 10 trends
This means using critical thinking skills to see higher level similarities. The trends are not simply a recounting of the summary, unless the summary is already synthesized
4. Top Three (Max 1 Page). Many get a B or less on the first paper….why?
This is where you give your opinion (not before), based on sound reasoning and your personal response
Choose 3 trends from your table above that you think are the most important
Explain your logic for choosing the three. What are the Specific reasons? Measurable reasons? This will come from the readings.
Explain your personal application. This will be how you think you could personally apply this to work or life in general.
On the Personal application for top 3. Envision changes you could make or recommend in the next 30 to 90 days. Things that apply to your life and work. I am looking for you to carry what you outside of the classroom and into your life. You don’t need to implement, but it should be something you could implement given the resources. Think small. You don’t need to solve world hunger. An accumulation of small changes eventually accumulate into positive improvements on a grander scale.
0 Personal Applications. Passing – 80%
1 Personal Application. Excellent – 90%
2 Or more personal applications. Outstanding – 95% or above depending on quality