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Discussion #1:

A.) Social Determinants of Health -OR- B.) Health Systems Building Blocks

(Please select only one of the topics above to address in your Discussion #1 assignment, and
follow the instructions for your chosen topic below. Also, in the subject line of your original

discussion post, please type your selection.)

Part 1: Original Post

A.) Social Determinants of Health

Social determinants of health can be the entry way into a health care system for various
members of a population. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), “these
are conditions in the places where people live, learn, work, and play that affect a wide
range of health risks and outcomes.” These outcomes may lead to health disparities
and health equity gaps. Some examples of social determinants of health include:
physical environment, socioeconomic status, and health behaviors, to name a few.

For this discussion, research the social determinants of health. What do you believe to
be the top 5 most prevalent social determinants of health in your community (you
define “community”)? Clearly list them in your discussion. How did they become
prevalent? What or who caused it? In your opinion, how does the future look? Will
things improve/change? Additionally, from the standpoint of a health care administrator,
how would you take action to address the issue and provide a potential solution(s)?

This assignment encourages you to gain more knowledge about the social determinants
of health, and analyze its effects on a population and the health care system that
services this population.

Along with each social determinant please provide at least one paragraph describing
the rationale behind your decision. Describe what makes the issue significant, etc. The
discussion assignment should be a total of at least 5 paragraphs (with a 300 word
minimum and 600 word maximum). Be certain that there is at least one paragraph for
each social determinant of health. Feel free to use the course textbook and reputable
outside sources to support your work (at least two credible sources should be used).
Appropriately cite all sources using the APA 7th edition guidelines within the discussion
text, and at the bottom of the discussion (in a reference section). Also, pay close
attention to correct use of the English language, grammar and spelling.

Please post your original response directly into the discussion text box on the
discussion due date, or before. You are welcome to copy your typed answer and paste
it on the discussion post. Do not include it as an attachment.

B.) Health Systems Building Blocks

One can imagine the condition of a health care system without implementation of critical
success factors, or the basic building blocks that are necessary for a strong foundation,


continuous functioning and sustainability. For this discussion, research the health
systems building blocks using your course textbook (pgs. 6-7) the World Health
Organization (WHO) Health Systems Framework website, and any other related and
credible resource. Select 3 building blocks to further discuss in your own words.
Describe in detail why they are significant to the design of a successful health care
system, thereby positively impacting the health of a population. What are some potential
problems that might arise within a health care system when one or more of these areas
fail to properly perform? Provide specific examples. As a health care administrator, how
would you ensure the successful implementation of each? In terms of evaluating your
chosen building blocks, what criteria would be needed to perform an in-depth evaluation
of each? How would you determine whether or not these criteria were met?

This assignment encourages you to gain more knowledge about the health systems
building blocks, and analyze its effects on a population and the health care system that
services this population.

The discussion assignment should be a total of at least 3 paragraphs (with a 300 word
minimum and 600 word maximum). Be certain that there is at least one paragraph for
each health systems building block. Feel free to use the course textbook and reputable
outside sources to support your work (at least two credible sources should be used).
Appropriately cite all sources using the APA 7th edition guidelines within the discussion
text, and at the bottom of the discussion (in a reference section). Also, pay close
attention to correct use of the English language, grammar and spelling.

Please post your original response directly into the discussion text box on the
discussion due date, or before. You are welcome to copy your typed answer and paste
it on the discussion post. Do not include it as an attachment.

Part 2: Response Posts

Follow the discussion by reading other students’ posts. You must comment on at least
three other students’ posts. Your comments must be analytical, detailed, and
demonstrate you are an informed university student. Respond to at least three of your
classmates’ postings in one or more of the following ways: 1) Ask a probing
question; 2) Expand on the classmate’s posting with additional insight and reputable
resources; or 3) Offer polite and respectful disagreement or critique, supported with
evidence. Your response to your classmates’ postings must be at least 75 words in
length. Students must participate in all discussions, no exceptions.

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