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Directions: For each discussion below, you will individually post two replies to the posts of others of at least 150 words each. Each reply must incorporate at least one scholarly research article in current APA format. The source cited must have been published within the last five years.

As you participate in the Discussions in this course, remember to support your arguments with relevant research and evidence. Also, engage with your peers’ ideas by asking clarifying questions and offering constructive feedback.

Classmate One (Amy):

Digital badges support and recognize professional development within my current school division. In 2020, Google Certifications became available for all staff as the division required each member to take the Google Level 1 certification test. This initiative was implemented division-wide, and while staff were not required to pass the test, everyone was encouraged to take it and to pursue Levels 2 and 3. Additionally, we have monthly KnowB4 training that focuses on online safety for both staff and employees. A badge or certificate is awarded at the end of each quiz. Most of our professional development occurs through in-person training and a sign-in sheet since we are a small rural division emphasizing in-person PLC/PD sessions, with limited opportunities to pursue digital badges and stacked credentials. As Quigley (2023) noted, stacked credentials concentrate on digital open badges and certifications that allow professionals to enhance their portfolios—for instance, utilizing Google certifications or Instructure to gain credentials.

There are challenges associated with implementing digital badges in the public education sector. Many rural divisions struggle to adopt online certificates and prefer physical copies (Quigley, 2023).  For instance, staff members may favor both digital and paper options or choose one over the other. Divisions are hesitant to change their internal systems due to costs and the need to revamp the current systems. Additionally, staff may not see the value in micro-credentials because of a lack of understanding, leading them to perceive little or no worth in digital badging. The security of online badging is limited, and data breaches may occur, making many feel uneasy about using the online credential system.

Moreover, staff unfamiliar with the purpose, process, and learning outcomes might not grasp the importance of completing the training. They may prefer in-person professional development, where they can ask questions and get face-to-face answers. Additionally, transferring badges could diminish motivation for staff and divisions to implement their online badging systems. Lastly, a notable drawback of obtaining online certifications is the risk of duplicating invalid certifications, such as fraudulent badges or unethical badging (Quigley, 2023).

Digital badges provide opportunities for lifelong learning within school districts. As Quigley (2023) noted, micro-credentialing can enhance skill and content development, help maintain current knowledge, motivate staff to improve their skills and grow professionally, and assist in building professional and personal portfolios. Furthermore, applying skills in competitive environments promotes professional growth. A platform that interests me, Instructure (2025), could be utilized by my current school district, as we use Canvas to store and share information and instruction. While we emphasize in-person instructional strategies with resources supported by online platforms, adopting the Instructure platform would support ongoing professional development.

 The Gartner Hype Cycle (2025) notes that adopting the knowledge and investment in technology is key to understanding technology application to one’s profession or personal relevance. One key cycle from Gartner’s Hype Cycle that depicts badging as an innovation is the Slope of Enlightenment. This cycle highlights the conservative attitude, especially in rural reservations, towards accepting technology or digital badging in this context. As technology develops, it becomes pertinent to their profession. Once they recognize its significance and applications, buy-in is achieved, and staff are more likely to engage with available opportunities. From my observations, staff tend to wait until they see others complete the tasks before they fully buy in. There are challenges and vulnerabilities associated with every innovation, and in a rural district setting, staff prefer to observe how it functions in other divisions before they become receptive.


Gartner (2025, February 10). Gartner Hype Cycle.

Instructure (2025, February 10). The all-in-one digital badging for higher education.

Quigley, J. (2023, June, 13). What are digital credentials, and are they used? Accredible. 

Classmate Two (Tanika):

To best accurately define digital badges, a look into older publication revealed a definition from Mozilla which states that a digital badge is “a symbol or indicator of an accomplishment, skill, quality or interest […] used to set goals, motivate behavior, represent achievements, and communicate success in many contexts” (Mozilla Foundation, 2012).   A more recent publication by Felton states digital badging “is a growing movement, attractive for its flexibility and efficiency in connecting students with careers and jobs” (Felton, 2023). In my current role as the Interpersonal Skills Course Director for the Civilian Leadership Development School (CLDS), Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, the organization began offering Performance Management Coaching (PMC) digital badges in 2024 to help maintain our culture of continual training, growth and development.  The badges were awarded to students who successfully completed the 3-course Performance Management Coaching curriculum designed and taught by the CLDS, and is an excellent way to motivate and encourage students to continue and finalize training.  The information for the course can be found here under the PMC Digital Badge Link:  

Links to an external site.

As the Civilian Leadership Development School provides training for Air Force civilians worldwide, it is imperative that we can both validate and document for professional development training, promotions, and annual training required by the Department of the Air Force for civilian personnel.   At first glance the badging process seems quite complex; however, I have provided an overview that is also available online at  
Links to an external site.
 to assist with a thorough understanding of the multi-step process (Students/):

Earning the PMC Badge is a three-step process.

Step 1: Complete 
Introduction to Performance Management Coaching.

Note 1: Schedules and enrollment links for all coaching courses are available on the CLDS website: 

to an external site.

Note 2: PMC courses are completed in the CAC and Mobile Connect enabled 
myLearning platformLinks to an external site.

MAFHRMS 426 – 

Introduction to Performance Management Coaching (IPMC)
Links to an external site.

IPMC is a foundational course open to all levels of employees within the Department of the Air Force and is a pre-requisite for all other Civilian Leadership Development School (CLDS) coaching courses. During the online 4-module, self-paced, asynchronous course, students are introduced to coaching fundamentals, competencies, and principles that are key to becoming a leader who fosters a coaching culture, leading to improved individual and organizational performance.

Step 2: Complete 
Performance Management Coaching for Supervisors and Leaders AND 
Performance Management Coaching for Organizations in either order you choose.

MAFHRMS 427 – 

Performance Management Coaching for Supervisors and Leaders (PMCS)
Links to an external site.

PMCS is designed for DAF GS-12 and below civilian employees who are current supervisors or in the process of becoming supervisors or leaders in their organizations. Students will participate in three synchronous, online webinars with both instructor-led content and facilitated group discussions. Each student’s knowledge and use of performance coaching skills will be evaluated in a final coaching session with one other student and an instructor upon completion of the two-week session.

MAFHRMS 429 – 

Performance Management Coaching for USAF Organizations (PMCO)
Links to an external site.

PMCO is designed for GS-13 and above DAF employees who are current leaders or future leaders in their organizations. Students will accomplish assigned readings, videos, and group discussion posts before joining live, instructor facilitated webinars at designated times during a two-week period. Each webinar will conclude with breakout sessions wherein students will participate in small group discussions.

Step 3: Upon completion of the three PMC courses, the student must notify the Coaching Student Support Team. The Badge Reviewer will verify in myLearning that all course requirements are complete and recommend the Earner for award of the badge (Students/):

For my own personal growth and development, digital badges are essential to accurately tracking the numerous training opportunities that are offered each year to Department of Defense civilians.   My annual Individual Development Plan requires the completion of both mandatory and elective training programs and courses that are all currently tracked through digital badges.  It has become the preferred method for documentation within the organization as the record is easy to navigate and very user-friendly; however, one consideration of note has been the resistance to change from some users as well as the inability of the organization to accurately ensure standardization.  Within in our own organization it is quite easy to monitor and ensure the content of the training, but it becomes much harder to regulate training from outside organization when trying to incorporate badges from outside entities.

An evaluation of Gartner’s Hype Cycle, which helps to chart the path of innovation, most accurately includes the utilization of digital badging in the “Slope of Enlightment” phase.  Some organizations have adapted the system while others are still resistant to the idea of having all training tracked digitally for the organization.  (

Links to an external site.
).  The technology surrounding digital badges has been present for years and the badges have been used for well over a decade. (


Air University, Civilian Leadership Development School website. 

Links to an external site.

 Air University, Civilian Leadership Development School website. 
Links to an external site.

 Felton, S. D., Whitehouse, G., Motley, C., Jaeger, D., & Timur, A. (2023). How I stopped fearing micro-credentials and began to love digital badging – a pilot project. Industry &

Higher Education., 37(2), 309–317. 

Links to an external site.

 Hype Cycle for Digital Identity. 

Links to an external site.

The Mozilla Foundation, Peer 2 Peer University & The MacArthur Foundation. (2012).

Open Badges for Lifelong Learning: Exploring an open badge ecosystem to support skill development and lifelong learning for real results such as jobs and advancement. Retrieved from

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