Nova Southeastern University
College of Engineering and Computing
Winter 2025 – Master Level Course
Term Code: 202530 – CRN: 30675 Sec: L01 Cr: 3.0
Dates: 8 weeks: 01/06/2025 – 03/02/2025
MSIT 650 Platform and Network Tech (3 Credits)
Assignment 2
Please refer to the course calendar and syllabus for assignment due date
and assignment grade percentage.
Your documents must be submitted before the due date on the proper
blackboard assignment number (assignment 2)
Your document for this project will be submitted to BlackBoard
(Assignment 2) in one of the following file formats: ASCII, MS Word,
PDF, or Compressed (ZIP).
Assignment 2:
This assignment will involve you using a tool called Wireshark, it works
on almost all operating systems. This is a powerful tool that can be used
to explore networking.
The link is:
The assignment provides a quick start guide to help you get started and
involves completing 5 basic exercises and then 3 specific exercises which
include HTTP, IP and SSL, for a total of eight exercises.
1) Wireshark Exercises (this includes 5 exercises to help get started)
2) WiresharK_HTTP
3) Wireshark_IP
4) Wireshark_SSL
The exercises are self-explanatory, and you only need to carefully follow
the steps provided by each exercise.
If you even remotely do not understand the assignment, please email me
and I will try to clarify further.
The exercises are based around a book: Computer Networking: A Top
down Approach, 5th edition by J.F. Kurose, K.W Ross.
This book is not necessary but might be helpful although may provide far
more detail than necessary to complete the assignment.
Between YouTube and the Internet there are numerous examples on
Wireshark, use these as guides.
Dr. Kane