NURS 112 Clinical
Week 3 Assignment
10 Points
Include APA formatted in-text citations and reference page. References must be published in the last 5 yrs. Medical dictionaries and textbooks are excellent references. Websites must be .gov, .org, and .edu. NO .com websites. NO patient education websites (Mayo, Cleavland clinic).
Students must follow HIPAA guidelines in the clinical setting and outside of clinical setting.
• First violation of HIPAA will receive a point deduction on the assignment. Any violations will have a black highlight through the violation when returned.
• Second violation – Student will receive a zero on the assignment and be placed on probation.
(See full policy in the Nursing Student Handbook.)
Discuss the nutritional needs of your resident.
1. Are they on a therapeutic diet? If so why?
2. According to the textbook what are their caloric requirements per day? Cite reference
3. How do they take in nutrients? Do they need assistance? Are they at risk for aspiration?
4. What is the height, weight and BMI?
5. What was their average fluid intake? What % did they eat?
6. Do you think the resident’s nutritional needs are being met? Why or why not? What recommendations do you have?
7. What education on nutrition would be appropriate for your resident?
Analyze your head to toe assessment findings in the section above. List three abnormal findings. (3) 1. 2. 3. Determine a second concern for your resident. Explain why you chose this. Remember concerns are not a medical diagnosis. (2) |
Create a plan related to your second concern. What is the goal? What outcome are you striving for to promote, maintain or restore your resident’s health? Be specific and discuss outcomes that you believe are obtainable during your 4 week clinical experience. It should be something you are able to do or assist with as the student nurse. (2) |
Take action. Determine three nursing interventions that address your second concern and provide rationale on how the interventions promote your resident’s health. Discuss how they will be implemented. These should come from a medical reference. (6) Cite reference 1. 2. 3. |
Evaluate the effectiveness of each intervention for your second assessment concern. Did the intervention promote, maintain or restore health? (3) 1. 2. 3. |
Evaluate the overall progression towards the goal for your second concern for your assigned resident. Was the goal achieved? Why or why not? Would you keep this goal or change it? (1) Make sure you address each question. |