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Reply You will review your classmates’ initial postings and choose one classmate to complete the following for your reply: Write a 250 to 300-word response to your classmate. Your reply must make a re

ReplyYou will review your classmates’ initial postings and choose one classmate to complete thefollowing for your reply:Write a 250 to 300-word response to your classmate. Your reply must make a recommendationto your classmate of a peer reviewed journal article that provides additional information on theirtopic. In your response, you should give a summary of the article in your own words and discusswhy it is relevant to their forum topic. It must be different than articles they reference in theirforum. Include an APA formatted citation at the bottom of the reply. 

Administrative Payroll Data – Effectiveness and Economic Impact

   The sources collectively underscore the crucial role of administrative payroll data in analyzing economic policies and labor market dynamics. A key theme is the detailed insight data provided into wage adjustments and employment trends. Grigsby et al. (2021) and Gopalan et al. (2020) examine wage rigidity and the effects of minimum wage increases, revealing how wages respond or fail to respond to economic conditions and policy changes. Another important theme is the economic impact of government interventions. Autor et al. (2022) evaluate the Paycheck Protection Program’s (PPP) effectiveness in preserving jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic, while Deslauriers et al. (2021) analyze how payroll taxes are passed on to workers without significantly affecting employment or productivity. DeFusco et al. (2024) highlights the financial distress caused by wage garnishment, emphasizing its prevalence and impact on worker stability.

    Together, these sources demonstrate the value of payroll data in assessing the effectiveness of various policies. They illustrate the nuanced effects of wage policies, tax interventions, and financial distress on employment and earnings. While programs like the PPP successfully preserved jobs, they came at a high fiscal cost. Similarly, payroll taxes were passed on to workers without harming employment, and minimum wage increases led to reduced hiring but benefited existing workers through wage spillovers. The widespread impact of wage garnishment further highlights the financial challenges faced by workers. These findings reinforce the importance of using detailed payroll data to refine economic policies and improve labor market outcomes.

    The sources also identify areas for further study. Autor et al. (2022) suggest examining the long-term effects of the PPP on firm survival and employment beyond the immediate crisis, as well as its differential impact across industries and business sizes. DeFusco et al. (2024) calls for additional research into the long-term financial and employment consequences of wage garnishment, including the effectiveness of different debt collection practices on worker stability and financial health.

    Deslauriers et al. (2021) recommend further exploration into the varied pass-through effects of payroll taxes across sectors and worker demographics, along with their potential long-term impact on firm investment and productivity. Gopalan et al. (2020) highlight the need for research on regional and industry-specific variations in the effects of minimum wage policies, as well as the long-term career trajectories of low-wage workers. Grigsby et al. (2021) propose investigating the mechanisms behind nominal wage rigidity and the role of different compensation structures, such as bonuses and overtime, in wage adjustments.

    These research directions emphasize the ongoing need for rigorous analysis of economic policies using administrative payroll data. Continued investigation will provide deeper insights into labor market dynamics and support the development of more effective policy decisions.References

Autor, D., Cho, D., Crane, L. D., Goldar, M., Lutz, B., Montes, J., Peterman, W. B., Ratner, D., Villar, D., & Yildirmaz, A. (2022). An  

    evaluation of the Paycheck Protection Program using administrative payroll microdata. Journal of Public Economics, 211, 104664. https:// 


DeFusco, A. A., Enriquez, B., & Yellen, M. (2024). Wage Garnishment in the United States: New Facts from Administrative Payroll Records.

    American Economic Review Insights, 6(1), 38–54. https://doi.org/10.1257/aeri.20220487

Deslauriers, J., Dostie, B., Gagné, R., & Paré, J. (2021). Estimating the impacts of payroll taxes: Evidence from Canadian employer–employee

    tax data. Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue Canadienne D Économique, 54(4), 1609–1637. https://doi.org/10.1111/caje.12523

Gopalan, R., Hamilton, B. H., Kalda, A., & Sovich, D. (2020). State Minimum Wages,  Employment, and Wage Spillovers: Evidence from

    Administrative Payroll Data. Journal of Labor Economics, 39(3), 673–707. https://doi.org/10.1086/711355

Grigsby, J., Hurst, E., & Yildirmaz, A. (2021). Aggregate Nominal Wage Adjustments: New Evidence from Administrative Payroll Data.

    American Economic Review, 111(2), 428–471.

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