Milestone One: Resource Collection
Laporsha Terrell
Capstone in Psychology
Elizabeth Babskie
January 15, 2025
Milestone One: Resource Collection
Research Topic
The proposed research topic for my capstone project is: “The Influence of Trauma in Early Childhood on the Mental Health and Development of Adolescents.” This research seeks to explore the long-term effects of early trauma, including abuse, neglect, and exposure to violence, on adolescents’ emotional regulation, cognitive development, and social functioning. Additionally, it aims to evaluate interventions designed to mitigate the effects of early trauma and build resilience.
Research Questions
1. What psychosocial residuals of early trauma persist into adolescence?
2. How does early trauma affect academic performance and social relationships during adolescence?
3. Which interventions are most effective in fostering resilience among adolescents who experienced early trauma?
4. How can schools and community organizations design supportive environments for these adolescents?
Importance of the Topic
Childhood trauma is a significant public health concern with long-term consequences that extend into adolescence and adulthood. Studies consistently link early trauma to mental health challenges, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD, as well as impaired academic and social functioning. Despite its prevalence, interventions for adolescents remain underdeveloped, particularly those addressing resilience-building. This research is vital to improving our understanding of trauma’s effects and creating evidence-based interventions to support affected individuals.
Literature Review
The following peer-reviewed resources support this research and provide insights into the topic.
1. Felitti, V. J., Anda, R. F., Nordenberg, D., et al. (1998).
Citation: Relationship of childhood abuse and household dysfunction to many of the leading causes of death in adults: The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 14(4), 245–258.
Summary: This foundational study established the ACE framework, highlighting the long-term impacts of childhood trauma on mental and physical health. The study emphasizes the cumulative effect of adverse experiences on psychological outcomes, laying the groundwork for understanding trauma’s role in adolescence.
Evaluation: The methodology, including its large sample size, enhances the study’s credibility. Its relevance to this research lies in its comprehensive exploration of early trauma’s effects, but it focuses more on adult outcomes than adolescent development.
2. Bethell, C. D., Newacheck, P., Hawes, E., & Halfon, N. (2014).
Citation: Adverse childhood experiences: Assessing the impact on health and school engagement and the mitigating role of resilience. Health Affairs, 33(12), 2106–2115.
Summary: This article examines how ACEs affect school engagement and overall health, emphasizing the protective role of resilience. It highlights strategies to foster resilience in children and adolescents to mitigate trauma’s effects on education and social behavior.
Evaluation: The authors present strong, evidence-based arguments supported by national survey data. While the focus on school engagement aligns well with the proposed research, the article provides limited detail on specific interventions.
3. Brunzell, T., Stokes, H., & Waters, L. (2016).
Citation: Trauma-informed positive education: Using positive psychology to strengthen vulnerable students. Contemporary School Psychology, 20(1), 63–83.
Summary: This article introduces trauma-informed education as a strategy to improve outcomes for students with adverse childhood experiences. It focuses on integrating resilience-building practices, such as mindfulness and positive psychology, within educational settings.
Evaluation: The study’s strength lies in its practical application of trauma-informed practices within schools. However, the lack of quantitative data limits the generalizability of the findings.
4. Alisic, E., Zalta, A. K., van Wesel, F., et al. (2014).
Citation: Rates of post-traumatic stress disorder in trauma-exposed children and adolescents: Meta-analysis. British Journal of Psychiatry, 204(5), 335–340.
Summary: This meta-analysis provides an overview of PTSD prevalence in children and adolescents exposed to trauma. It highlights risk factors, including the type and timing of trauma, and underscores the importance of early interventions.
Evaluation: The present study crystallizes several studies’ findings into concrete conclusions in the light of methodological rigor. Highly relevant: though focused on PTSD, other psychiatric outcomes, including depression and anxiety disorders, were not addressed.
5. Bryant, R. A., & Deane, F. P. (2022).
Citation: Cognitive-behavioral interventions for trauma-related disorders in children and adolescents: A review of efficacy and implementation. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 63(2), 134–147.
Summary: This review stipulates the effectiveness of CBT among traumatized children and adolescents; further, it outlines various barriers in implementing CBT through schools and local communities.
Evaluation: The authors give an extensive review of the efficiency of the CBT, hence being a good source in designing the intervention. On critical analysis, this article has failed to address another approach method, for example, mindfulness and family-based interventions.
Analysis of Sources
Each source adds to different information that contributes to the research topic:
· Felitti et al. on the lifetime effect of trauma,
· building resilience and engagement in school by Bethell et al.
· to fit the educational approach of the research, trauma-informed practices which can be explicitly implemented into schools by Brunzell et al.
· Alisic et al. provide solid data regarding PTSD prevalence to back up the importance of early intervention.
· Bryant & Deane discuss the debate evidence-based interventions informing practical strategies in developing resilience.
These will add cumulatively to the knowledge base on early trauma effects and go a long way in helping to inform interventions for adolescents. The three resources above, therefore, provide evidence to inform the inclusion of strategies in resilience building, trauma-informed education, and cognitive behavioral approach. Synthesizing the findings, this proposed research is aimed at addressing the gaps in current practice and actionable solutions to support traumatized adolescents.
Alisic, E., Zalta, A. K., van Wesel, F., et al. (2014). Rates of post-traumatic stress disorder in trauma-exposed children and adolescents: Meta-analysis. British Journal of Psychiatry, 204(5), 335–340.
Bethell, C. D., Newacheck, P., Hawes, E., & Halfon, N. (2014).
Adverse childhood experiences: Assessing the impact on health and school engagement and the mitigating role of resilience.
Health Affairs, 33(12), 2106–2115.
Brunzell, T., Stokes, H., & Waters, L. (2016).
Trauma-informed positive education: Using positive psychology to strengthen vulnerable students.
Contemporary School Psychology, 20(1), 63–83.
Bryant, R. A., & Deane, F. P. (2022).
Cognitive-behavioral interventions for trauma-related disorders in children and adolescents: A review of efficacy and implementation.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 63(2), 134–147.
Felitti, V. J., Anda, R. F., Nordenberg, D., et al. (1998).
Relationship of childhood abuse and household dysfunction to many of the leading causes of death in adults: The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 14(4), 245–258.