Case Study 3 Instructions
This assignment focuses on vignette analysis and direct application of course concepts to the persons and situations presented in the vignette for each question. All discussions must take into account the legal and ethical considerations, as well as issues of culture and human diversity that may pertain to the situation presented below.
Cultural information is in both the course text and DSM 5. You may use alternative cultural resources to enhance your work.
You are also encouraged to familiarize yourself with and apply the laws and ethics of mental health professionals in your state or country.
Use the reading assignments thoroughly in an integrative discussion. Remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text author. You should be doing this often in your responses.
You are encouraged to use the DSM-5 Level I Assessment Measure(s) to formulate your diagnosis:
(You may need to copy and paste this link into your browser.)
Please keep your responses focused on what is presented in the vignette. Do not add information but use your creativity to support what you see in the vignette as written. Avoid elaborations and assumptions. This assignment MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, and must be written at graduate-level English.
Assignment should be 5-6 pages
total plus a title and reference page
Case Scenario: Juan and Bianca are a middle aged couple of Latino descent. The couple has 2 children, both away at college. Juan and Bianca were referred by their priest for counseling, due to Bianca’s history of depression and suicidal ideation. Bianca tells you, “life has always been a struggle for me. I was raised by my grandmother who tried to protect me, but I was molested many times as a little girl. I’ve often wanted to end my life, but my religious beliefs don’t allow me to”. Bianca does report periods of joy and happiness in her life, especially regarding her children. She admits that during the last 5 years, she has had a few periods where she has actually felt euphoric, energized and elated with life. These times are brief and infrequent and, “I return to that suffocating place of despair.” She describes her husband as, “a good man. I don’t know why he has stayed with me all these years.” Juan is very supportive of his wife, but his worry about her has resulted in exhaustion, missing work and obsessively checking that all the kitchen knives are accounted for. He tells you that, “sometimes Bianca cries out in her sleep and I don’t know how to help her. I worry that she will do something to end her life during one of these night terrors. Even though she’s never tried, what if it happens and I’m not able to stop her.”
Directions: Consider Mood, Anxiety, OCD, and Trauma Related Disorders
1. Taking into account the genetic, neurobiological, sociocultural, familial and environmental factors of assessment and diagnosis, what are your diagnostic thoughts for Bianca? What about Juan? Use the
DSM-5 criteria to formulate your diagnostic impressions for Bianca and Juan, supporting what you see in the vignette that supports your diagnostic impressions.
2. Using the psychotherapeutic and pharmacological interventions discussed in the text, describe an initial treatment plan for Bianca and Juan. Remember to treat the
persons in the vignette, and not the diagnosis. Also remember to consider culture and legal/ethical issues.
3. Given the diagnosis you have made, describe your medication treatment strategies. Discuss not only initial choices of medications but also your next-step strategy and why you’ve chosen it. (In doing so, be sure to provide a rationale for your choices.) What questions should be addressed about the class of medications that is chosen (e.g., mood stabilizers)?
· This assignment is worth 100 points.
· All assignments should be written in APA format. Please include a title page, the body of your paper, and a reference page. All papers should include an introduction and conclusion.
· Submit the assignment by 11:59 CST on Day 7 of the week.
Week Three Case Study Rubric
Criteria |
Exemplary |
Well Developed |
In Development |
Needs development |
Question 1
30 points |
26-30 points Question is accurately and thoroughly answered. Provides clear information about all factors with a proposed diagnosis for Juan and Bianca. Cites DSM V criteria to support diagnoses and correlates with vignette. |
19-25 points Question is partially accurate. Provides information about most factors with a proposed diagnosis for Juan and Bianca. Cites some DSM V criteria to support diagnoses with vignette correlation. |
12-19 points Question is partially accurate for diagnosis but uses minimal criteria from the DSM V. Provides only basic information or correlation from the vignette. |
0-11 points Question is not thoroughly addressed, is inaccurate, or missing. Information about the diagnosis is minimal, has errors, or is missing. Sparse or missing DSM V criteria or correlation with vignette. |
Question 2 25 points Using the psychotherapeutic and pharmacological interventions discussed in the text, describe an initial treatment plan for Bianca and Juan. Treat the |
21-25 points Initial treatment plans follow text psychotherapeutic and pharmacological interventions for both Juan and Bianca. Their cultural background, legal, and ethical issues are thoroughly examined and considered in plan developments. |
16-20 points Initial treatment plans provide some psychotherapeutic and pharmacological interventions for both Juan and Bianca. Their cultural background, legal, and ethical issues are partially examined and considered in plan developments. |
10-15 points Initial treatment plans provide limited psychotherapeutic and pharmacological interventions for Juan and Bianca. Their cultural background, legal, and ethical issues are partially considered. |
0-9 points Initial treatment plans may provide psychotherapeutic or pharmacological interventions for Juan and/or Bianca. Their cultural background, legal, and ethical issues may be mentioned or are missing. |
Question 3
30 points |
26-30 points Medication treatment strategies directly address the diagnosis. Medications choices are thoroughly addressed, next-step strategy and rationale are fully examined and discussed. At least four questions are posed and discussed regarding the chosen medication class. |
21-25 points Medication treatment strategies address the diagnosis. Medications choices are partially addressed. Next-step strategy and rationale are partially examined and discussed. One or two questions are posed and discussed regarding the chosen medication class. |
14-20 points Medication treatment strategies address the diagnosis but might be incorrect. Medications choices are incompletely addressed, next-step strategy and rationale are inadequate or missing. Questions regarding the chosen medication class are incompletely discussed. |
0-14 points Medication treatment strategies are mentioned but may not accurately address the diagnosis or may be incorrect. Medications choices are incorrectly addressed or are not discussed. Little strategy or rationale for diagnosis and medication choices are discussed. If a question is posed it is inadequately addressed. |
Writing Mechanics and APA Grammar and Format: 10 points. Papers are written using APA 6th edition formatting |
9-10 points No more than three grammatical, spelling, punctuation, and/or APA errors. Clarity of paper was not influenced by the errors. |
7-8 points More than three grammatical, spelling, punctuation, or APA errors. Clarity of paper was not strongly influenced by the errors. |
4-6 points More than three grammatical, spelling, punctuation, or APA errors that had a negative influence on the clarity of the paper. |
1-3 points More than three grammatical, spelling, punctuation, or APA errors that had a strong negative influence on the clarity of the paper. |
Sources: 5 points Two professional sources are used to support points |
5 points 2 professional sources or more (e.g., journal article, textbook) used to thoroughly support ideas, and documented in the references list. |
4 points 2 professional sources were used to adequately support ideas and was documented in the reference list. |
3 points 1-2 sources/not a professional source was used to support ideas and is documented in the reference list. |
1-2 points 0-1 sources were used. Ideas were insufficiently supported. |
Total: 100 points |