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Microsoft Word Graded Project

Your project must be submitted as a Word document (.docx, .doc). Your project will be individually graded by your instructor and therefore may take up to seven days to grade.

To submit your graded project, proceed to the Graded Assignment page in the course. Follow the instructions provided to upload the file and submit it for grading.

Be sure to keep a backup copy of any files you submit to the school!

After your assignment has been graded, feedback will be available on the Graded Assignment page within the course. It will have an option to download the feedback from the instructor.


This project involves a case study based on a fictional company, Healthy Home Care, Inc. You’ll assume the role of office manager, who is responsible for creating the literature for a Welcome Package. The promotional documents will be printed and placed in a folder to be mailed to the director of a senior center. For this project, you’ll complete four documents for the package:

  1. A cover letter discussing your partnership with a senior center
  2. A fact sheet highlighting the services and amenities you offer
  3. A flier promoting the next wellness clinic
  4. A pre-registration form


Create the following documents. Your score will be based on the rubric found in the scoring guidelines.

Create and Edit a Cover Letter

The Welcome Package includes a letter to the director of a senior center.

  1. Start Word and create a new document.
  2. Change the style of the blank paragraph to No Spacing.
  3. Type the text shown below, pressing Enter to place one blank line where indicated, four blank lines in the closing, and four more blank lines before the word Enclosures, and beginning new paragraphs where indicated.


Ms. Alex Davis¶

Palms Senior Center¶

577 Palm Trail¶

Any Town, FL 12345¶

Dear Ms. Davis:¶

We are excited about the opportunity to partner with Palms Senior Center to offer your clients in-home services that complement the services you provide. Healthy Home Care, Inc., services include visiting nurses, personalized nutrition counseling, physical therapy, light housekeeping and cooking, and companionship through card games, board games, and letter writing.¶

As discussed, our partnership with Palms Senior Center will include sponsorship of the Healthy Home Care, Inc., Club Room at your facility. Our updated brochure includes the amenities the Club Room will offer and we already have seen an overwhelming response to the weekly therapy dogs.¶

Enclosed are 20 copies of the Healthy Home Care, Inc., fact sheet for you to distribute. Also enclosed are fliers about our next wellness clinic to take place in the Club Room. The wellness clinic is free to anyone who completes a no-obligation pre-registration form, also enclosed.¶

Please feel free to call me at (123) 456-7890 with any questions or concerns.¶

In good health,¶

Malik Wyatt¶

Office Manager¶

Healthy Home Care, Inc.¶

456 Olive Ave.¶

Any Town, FL 12345¶


Your document should now look similar to that shown below.

  1. Replace the word Date with a timestamp displaying a date that updates automatically in the format “Month, Date, Year.”
  2. Edit the first paragraph to display the Healthy Home Care, Inc., services as a bulleted list with each item starting with an uppercase letter, as shown below.

We are excited about the opportunity to partner with Palms Senior Center to offer your clients in-home services that complement the services you provide. Healthy Home Care, Inc., services include:

  • Visiting nurses
  • Personalized nutrition counseling
  • Physical therapy
  • Light housekeeping and cooking
  • Companionship through card games, board games, and letter writing.
  1. Bold the three occurrences of Healthy Home Care, Inc., within the body of the letter.
  2. Save the document, naming it “Healthy Home Care letter.”

Create a Fact Sheet

The Fact Sheet needs to display the Healthy Home Care, Inc., services in large print.

  1. Start Word and create a new document.
  2. Change the style of the blank paragraph to No Spacing.
  3. Type the text shown below, pressing Enter to start new paragraphs where shown.

Healthy Home Care, Inc. ¶

We Provide Services with Heart¶

Who is Healthy Home Care, Inc.? A network of qualified personnel to meet your in-home health care needs. ¶

Where is Healthy Home Care, Inc., located? We are your hometown provider with a Club Room at Palms Senior Center for group interaction. ¶

What services does Healthy Home Care, Inc. provide? ¶

Visiting nurses¶

Personalized nutrition counseling¶

Physical therapy¶

Light housekeeping and cooking¶

Companionship through card games, board games, and letter writing

Your document should now look similar to that shown below.

  1. Change the margins to 2 inches on the left and right and 1 inch on top and bottom.
  2. Replace the first two lines of text with appropriately formatted WordArt that has a Wrap Text format of Square and is centered above the rest of the text, similar to that shown below.
  1. Format the remaining text as Georgia 16 point.
  2. Bold the three questions only.
  3. Press Enter after the last question and then format the answers as a bulleted list, using a character other than the • symbol.
  4. Format the bulleted list with 12-point spacing after each paragraph.
  5. Save the document, naming it “Healthy Home Care Fact Sheet.”

Create a Flier

The flier will promote the Wellness Clinic at Palms Senior Center.

  1. Start Word and create a new document.
  2. Change the document orientation to Landscape.
  3. Type the text shown below.

Wellness Clinic*

Where: Club Room at Palms Senior Center

When: Wednesday, 10:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M

Complimentary healthy lunch provided

*Please see Director for no-obligation Healthy Home Care, Inc., pre-registration form, which must be turned in for admission to Wellness Clinic.

  1. Change the margins to 0.3 inch on all sides.
  2. Your document should look similar to that shown below. 
  1. Format the title in Comic Sans MS 72 point, bold, dark green.
  2. Select the next three lines of text and apply the Heading 1 style.
  3. Modify the Heading 1 style with the following formats:
    1. Arial 26 point bold
    2. Dark gray color
    3. Center alignment
  4. Format the last line of text with 2-inch right and left indents and then change the font to Arial 9 point.
  5. In the blank paragraph after Complimentary, insert an appropriate clip art image of fruit.
  6. Size the clip art so all the text is on one page, and then center the image.
  7. Save the document, naming it “Healthy Home Care flier.”

Create a Pre-Registration Form

The pre-registration form will be used to compile names of prospective clients.

  1. Start Word and create a new document.
  2. Insert a 5 by 11 table.
  3. Merge the cells in the top row.
  4. Select only Header Row in Table Style Options and then select a table style with blue shading in the first row.
  5. Type the text shown below.

Healthy Home Care, Inc. ¶

Pre-registration form¶

Name: ¶

Address: ¶

City:  State:  Zip:  Phone: ¶

Circle services you would like to know more about: ¶

Visiting Nurse:  Nutrition Counseling:  Shopping:  Cooking:  Light Cleaning: ¶

Organization:  Physical Therapy:  Activities:  Other: ¶

Please use this space to write your questions:

  1. Format the first line of the form title text as Arial 20 point, bold, and the second line as Arial 16 point, regular, as shown below.
  1. Merge cells so the Name and Address fields are full width, City and Phone are larger than State and Zip, and the instruction lines are also full width.
  2. After merging cells in the last (blank) row, change the row height to 4.5 inches. Change the row heights of the cells containing text to 0.3 inch. Your form should look similar to the figure below.
  1. Save the document, naming it “Healthy Home Care Pre-Registration Form.”

Scoring Guidelines


Skill/Grading Criteria Exemplary
Apply a Word Style Appropriate paragraphs are in the indicated Word style. Most paragraphs are in the indicated Word style. Some paragraphs are in the indicated Word style. Few paragraphs are in the indicated Word style.
Insert a timestamp A timestamp set to update automatically is displayed in the format Month, Date, Year. A timestamp set to update automatically is displayed in any format. A timestamp not set to update is displayed in any format. A date has been typed.
Edit text and format as a bulleted list All of the indicated paragraphs have been edited and formatted as a bulleted list. Most of the indicated paragraphs have been edited and formatted as a bulleted list. Some of the indicated paragraphs have been edited and formatted as a bulleted list. An attempt has been made to format the indicated text in a list style.
Apply the bold character format All of the indicated text has been formatted as bold. Most of the indicated text has been formatted as bold. Some of the indicated text has been formatted as bold. The wrong text has been formatted as bold.
Change margins All margins have been changed to the measurements indicated. Most of the margins have been changed to the measurements indicated. Some of the margins have been changed to the measurements indicated. The margins have been changed to the wrong measurements.
Create WordArt and change wrap Appropriate WordArt has been created, sized, formatted, and given the appropriate wrap. Appropriate WordArt has been created, sized, and formatted. Appropriate WordArt has been created and sized. WordArt has been created but is neither appropriate nor formatted.
Format text in a different font All of the text has been formatted with the correct typeface, size, and style where indicated. Most of the text has been formatted with the correct typeface, size, and style where indicated. Some of the text has been formatted with the correct typeface, size, and style where indicated. None of the text has been formatted with the correct combination of typeface, size, and style where indicated.
Change the bullet style of a list All of the indicated paragraphs have been edited and formatted as a bulleted list with an appropriate bullet character. Most of the indicated paragraphs have been edited and formatted as a bulleted list with an appropriate bullet character. Some of the indicated paragraphs have been edited and formatted as a bulleted list with an appropriate bullet character. An attempt has been made to format the indicated text in a list style.
Change paragraph spacing All of the indicated paragraphs have the appropriate paragraph style. Most of the indicated paragraphs have the appropriate paragraph style. Some of the indicated paragraphs have the appropriate paragraph style. An attempt has been made to add spacing between paragraphs without changing the paragraph style.
Change page orientation The document orientation is Landscape. NA NA The document orientation is Portrait.
Create indents The indicated paragraph has right and left indents of the appropriate measurements. The indicated paragraph has either a right or left indent of the appropriate measurement. The indicated paragraph has right and left indents, but of the wrong measurements. Spaces, tabs, or some other character was used in an attempt to change indents.
Apply color to text All of the indicated text has been formatted in the appropriate color. Most of the indicated text has been formatted in the appropriate color. Some of the indicated text has been formatted in the appropriate color. The wrong text has been formatted in a color.
Modify a built-in style All of the indicated changes have been made to the Word style. Most of the indicated changes have been made to the Word style. Some of the indicated changes have been made to the Word style. Few of the indicated changes have been made to the Word style.
Insert clip art An appropriate clip art image has been inserted, sized, and formatted. An appropriate clip art image has been inserted and sized. An appropriate clip art image has been inserted. A clip art image has been inserted but is neither related to the content nor has it been formatted.
Insert a table A table of the specified size has been inserted. A table of the wrong size has been inserted. Tabs have been used to create rows and columns of data. Text has been typed with no attempt to organize it.
Merge table cells All of the indicated table cells have been merged. Most of the indicated table cells have been merged. Some of the indicated table cells have been merged. Few of the indicated table cells have been merged.
Apply a table style A Word table style with the appropriate options has been applied. A Word table style with the appropriate options has been applied without top row shading. A Word table style with the wrong options has been applied. An attempt has been made to format the table by applying separate cell formats.
Format table row height All of the indicated rows have the appropriate height. Most of the indicated rows have the appropriate height. Some of the indicated rows have the appropriate height. The indicated rows have been changed to the wrong height.

Submission Checklist

Before submitting your project, make sure you’ve correctly completed the following:

  • Create, save, and name a file.
  • Type text.
  • Edit text.
  • Change page orientation.
  • Apply character formats, including typeface, point size, bold, and color.
  • Apply Word styles.
  • Modify a Word style.
  • Insert an automatically updating timestamp.
  • Apply paragraph formats, including alignment, spacing, and indents.
  • Create WordArt.
  • Insert clip art.
  • Change the wrap and size of an image.
  • Use bulleted lists, including changing the default bullet.
  • Insert a table.
  • Change table formats using Table Styles.
  • Change cell formats using Text and Paragraph Styles.
  • Change table structure, including merging cells and row heights.
  • Type data into a table.


/** Bootstrap 4.3.1 **/

@import ‘/shared/HTML-Template-Library/PennFoster/_assets/thirdpartylib/bootstrap-4.3.1/css/bootstrap.min.css’;

/** Font Awesome 5.9.0 **/

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/** D2L Course Styles **/

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/** D2L Custom Styles **/

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/** Legacy Migration Styles **/

@import ‘/shared/HTML-Template-Library/PennFoster/_assets/css/legacy.css’;







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