– avoid plagiarism – 1500 words
Whether you’re a Chief Risk Officer with strategic risk within your scope, or
whether you’re a CFO, CEO or General Counsel, you have more overall
responsibility for your organization’s risk strategy. Understanding and
mitigating risks at the strategic level will be a priority. In today’s highly
interconnected world, risks evolve faster than companies are able to develop
strategies to deal with them. Recognizing the different strategic risks can
also contribute to identifying the types/varieties of strategic risks your
organization faces and the actions you can take to protect against them.
As an expert:
1) How can strategic risks be classified?
2) What are the best practices and methods used to identify strategic risks?
3) What are the nine examples of strategic risk? With explanation?
(Examples: operational risk, change risk, etc.)
4) How do you deal with the different types of strategic risk? (Develop a
detailed risk management plan for each type of strategic risk)
Students can work in groups of two or individually to complete the project.
Submit only soft copy by Moodle.
Please fill and attach the cover sheet before submission.
Plagiarized projects will be given 0 marks.
If the project is submitted late, marks will be deducted.
Due Date: JULY 7 , 2024
Thank you
S1, S2
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