IS 373 Book Chapter Review Project
Each student will be assigned one chapter from the following eBook by the instructor. The student should study the chapter carefully and in depth and do extra research to ensure his/her dominance on all of the concepts in the chapter. The student should prepare a video presentation for the chapter..
Dumas, Marlon. et al. (2018). Fundamentals of Business Process Management. 2nd ed. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN (eBook): 978-3-662-56509-4. (The book can be freely downloaded via DePaul Library, Just search for e-Books on DePaul Library website.)
Deliverables & Grading:
1. Video Presentation
Each student must record a 15-minute video presentation and post it online (For example, on Youtube).
2. A final report (Due one day before Week #10’s class)
The final report should include the following two items: a) A direct link to your video presentation, and b) Your presentation slides.
3. Peer reviews of other Book Chapter Review Presentations (Due Final Week)
All students must conduct an individual peer review of 11 other presentations covering 11 distinct chapters in the book that were not reviewed by themselves in Week #10. Links to the presentation videos will be posted on D2L before Week #10’s class time.They must leave insightful comments. The grade will be determined based on the thoroughness and quality of these comments. The grades of presentations to be reviewed will not be impacted by the peer reviews. The peer views must clearly mark each reviewed presentation with its presenter and chapter information. Please compile all reviews into one document (Word or PDF) and submit it on D2L.