ntroduction Paragraph 5/5Thesis statement 2/4Topic Sentences (3) 9/10Evidence/quote selection 10/15Tone, diction, syntax, vocabulary,transitions8/10Grammar/Sentence Structure 9/10Analysis supporting thesis & answering analysis questions28/40Conclusion paragraph 6/6Deductions: -5 no Works Cited pageFinal Grade: 72%. This is for extra credit my grade was 72% . The weakness area was Analysis supporting thesis answeir analyis questions score 28/40. attach below is my essay that need extra credit.
A Mission Statement serves as a guiding framework for your ethnographic/field notes study. It clarifies your research focus, defines the subculture and field site, and outlines your approach to data c
A Mission Statement serves as a guiding framework for your ethnographic/field notes study. It clarifies your research focus, defines the subculture and field site, and outlines your approach to data collection. Essentially, it answers what, why, and howyou are studying your chosen subculture. In 4-6 sentences, respond to the following Introduce your subculture