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It231 ass1



College of Computing and Informatics

Assignment 1
Deadline: Day 18/02/2025 @ 23:59
[Total Mark for this Assignment is 8]
Student Details:
Name: ###

ID: ###

CRN: ###

• You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on
Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format.

• It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files.
• Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between
words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English
or any kind of manipulation).

• Email submission will not be accepted.
• You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover

• You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
• You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by
the question.

• Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
• The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
• Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.
Restricted – ‫مقيد‬

Question One

Pg. 01
Explain the
significance of
technology and its
applications in
professional life.

Restricted – ‫مقيد‬

Question One

2 Marks

Explain how a “library” operates as an information system, detailing its components
such as input, processing, output, storage, control, and feedback.

Question Two

Pg. 02

Question Two

Illustrate how

How can Internet technologies help a business form strategic alliances with its
customers, suppliers, and others?

drive the
information and
knowledge needs
of an organization
for competitive

Restricted – ‫مقيد‬

2 Marks

Question Three

Pg. 03

Question Three

2 Marks

Illustrate how
drive the
information and
knowledge needs
of an organization
for competitive

Restricted – ‫مقيد‬

How could a business use Internet technologies to form a virtual company or become
an agile competitor?

Question Four

Pg. 04

Question Four

Classify the

Why is there a trend toward cross-functional integrated enterprise systems in business?

business areas to

Explain in detail.

which computers
may be applied.

Restricted – ‫مقيد‬

2 Marks

Purchase answer to see full

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