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1. Complete one of the following prompts: (20 points)

1. Recall the myth of the “Ring of Gyges.” What would you do if you found a magical ring like Gyges and why?

2. Recall the short story “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas.” Would you have walked away? Why or why not?

2. Fully complete the following question: (20 points)

1. What are two objections to relativism, as discussed in class? Fully explain your responses. 

3. Fully complete the following question: (20 points)

1. What are your thoughts on Moral Relativism? Is it tolerant or intolerant? Fully explain your thoughts using facts from the class discussion.

4. Complete one of the following prompts: (20 points)

1. What is the difference between ethical egoism and psychological egoism? Completely explain the difference and give examples for each, explaining how these examples exemplify each type of egoism.

2. What is the difference between Act Utilitarianism and Rule Utilitarianism? Completely explain the difference and give examples for each, explaining how these examples exemplify each type of egoism.

Fully complete the following question: (20 points)

1. What are the four attractions of Utilitarianism as discussed in class? List them and give a brief explanation of each.

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